No registered resource provider for API version '2022-06-01-preview' in az sentinel v2.0 #31034
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Azure CLI Team
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Describe the bug
The api version 2022-06-01-preview with sentinel extension 2.0 is no longer supported or maintained when using the latest az sentinel extension
I cannot downgrade to version 0.1.2 as automation rules are not supported
Related command
az sentinel automation-rule update
│ --automation-rule-name /subscriptions/1234-5678-90123/resourceGroups/{name}/providers/Microsoft.OperationalInsights/workspaces/{name}/Microsoft.SecurityInsights/$automationRuleId
│ --resource-group {name}
│ --workspace-name {name}
│ --add "property.actions $jsonPlaybook"
exit status 1. Output: WARNING: This command is experimental and under
│ development. Reference and support levels:
│ ERROR: (NoRegisteredProviderFound) No registered resource provider found
│ for location 'australiaeast' and API version '2022-06-01-preview' for type
│ australiaeast, francecentral, koreacentral, northeurope, centralus,
│ eastasia, eastus2, southcentralus, northcentralus, westus, ukwest,
│ southafricanorth, brazilsouth, switzerlandnorth, switzerlandwest,
│ germanywestcentral, australiacentral2, uaecentral, uaenorth, japanwest,
│ brazilsoutheast, norwayeast, norwaywest, francesouth, southindia,
│ koreasouth, jioindiacentral, jioindiawest, qatarcentral, canadaeast,
│ westus3, swedencentral, southafricawest, germanynorth, polandcentral,
│ israelcentral, italynorth, mexicocentral, spaincentral'.
│ Code: NoRegisteredProviderFound
│ Message: No registered resource provider found for location 'australiaeast'
│ and API version '2022-06-01-preview' for type 'workspaces'. The supported
│ api-versions are '2015-03-20, 2015-11-01-preview, 2017-01-01-preview,
│ 2017-03-03-preview, 2017-03-15-preview, 2017-04-26-preview,
│ 2020-03-01-preview, 2020-08-01, 2020-10-01, 2021-03-01-privatepreview,
│ 2021-06-01, 2021-12-01-preview, 2022-10-01, 2023-01-01-preview,
│ 2023-09-01'. The supported locations are 'eastus, westeurope,
│ southeastasia, australiasoutheast, westcentralus, japaneast, uksouth,
│ centralindia, canadacentral, westus2, australiacentral, australiaeast,
│ francecentral, koreacentral, northeurope, centralus, eastasia, eastus2,
│ southcentralus, northcentralus, westus, ukwest, southafricanorth,
│ brazilsouth, switzerlandnorth, switzerlandwest, germanywestcentral,
│ australiacentral2, uaecentral, uaenorth, japanwest, brazilsoutheast,
│ norwayeast, norwaywest, francesouth, southindia, koreasouth,
│ jioindiacentral, jioindiawest, qatarcentral, canadaeast, westus3,
│ swedencentral, southafricawest, germanynorth, polandcentral, israelcentral,
│ italynorth, mexicocentral, spaincentral'.
Issue script & Debug output
Unable to provide
Expected behavior
Update to automation rule performed in line with rest api specs
Environment Summary
azure-cli 2.70.0 *
core 2.70.0 *
telemetry 1.1.0
azure-devops 0.26.0
sentinel 0.2.0
msal 1.24.0b1
azure-mgmt-resource 23.1.0b2
Python location '/opt/az/bin/python3'
Extensions directory '/opt/az/azcliextensions'
Python (Linux) 3.10.10 (main, Jul 27 2023, 07:11:10) [GCC 9.4.0]
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