git clone
# there is a gulp process to build and run everything
yarn install
yarn run gulp run-dev
- Visit
and load up Function Apps from browse
master: (
This is connected to staging. After all scenarios are validated on staging we swap by running tools\SwapWithStagingSlots.ps1
dev: (
This is the next environment. This is never swapped, instead changes from dev get merged into master.
# make sure you're working on the dev branch
> git checkout dev
# create your own personal branch based on dev
> git checkout -b ahmels-work
# make all your changes in your branch
# commit and push these changes to github
> git push origin ahmels-work -u
# open a pull request.
# once everything is good, merge, rebase and push
> git checkout dev
> git merge ahmels-work
> git pull --rebase
# fix any conflicts
> git push origin dev
The API surface is very limited:
# resource apis
# health pings by traffic manager and monitoring
Language: TypeScript
Framework: angular2
Check out