File tree
1,320 files changed
lines changed- csharp
- device
- Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client
- Common
- Amqp
- Api
- Client
- Data
- Exceptions
- Extensions
- Interop
- Security
- Tracing
- WebApi
- Properties
- Transport
- Mqtt
- devdoc
- test/Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Api.Test
- ConnectionString
- Mqtt
- Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client.NetMF
- HttpClient_43
- Common
- Extensions
- Properties
- HttpClient_44
- Properties
- Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client.PCL
- Properties
- Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client.WinRT
- Properties
- NuGet
- build
- devdoc/requirements
- doc
- external_modules
- samples
- CppUWPSample
- Assets
- DeviceClientAmqpSample
- Properties
- DeviceClientFileUploadSample
- Properties
- DeviceClientHttpSample
- Properties
- DeviceClientMethodMqttSample
- Properties
- DeviceClientMqttSample
- Properties
- DeviceClientSampleAndroid
- Assets
- Properties
- Resources
- drawable
- layout
- values
- DeviceClientSampleiOS
- Properties
- Resources
- JSSample
- WinJS
- css
- fonts
- js
- en-US
- css
- images
- js
- NetMFDeviceClientHttpSample_43
- Properties
- NetMFDeviceClientHttpSample_44
- Properties
- UWPSample
- Assets
- en-US
- Properties
- tests
- Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client.Tests.PCLTests
- Assets
- Properties
- Resources
- drawable
- values
- Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Client.Tests.UWPTests
- Assets
- Properties
- UWPTests
- .vs/config
- Assets
- Properties
- service
- Microsoft.Azure.Devices
- Common
- Amqp
- Client
- Data
- Exceptions
- Extensions
- Interop
- Security
- Tracing
- WebApi
- Converters
- JobClient
- Properties
- test/Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Api.Test
- ConnectionString
- JobClient
- Microsoft.Azure.Devices.Uwp
- Properties
- NuGet
- Samples
- ConsoleSample
- Properties
- UWPSample
- Assets
- Properties
- build
- java
- device
- build/windows
- iothub-java-client
- devdoc/requirement_docs/com/microsoft/azure/iothub
- auth
- net
- transport
- amqps
- https
- mqtt
- src
- main/java/com/microsoft/azure/iothub
- auth
- net
- transport
- amqps
- https
- mqtt
- test/java/tests
- integration/com/microsoft/azure/iothub
- longhaul
- net
- transport
- https
- unit/com/microsoft/azure/iothub
- auth
- net
- transport
- amqps
- https
- mqtt
- samples
- android-sample
- app
- src/main
- java/com/iothub/azure/microsoft/com/androidsample
- res
- layout
- mipmap-hdpi
- mipmap-mdpi
- mipmap-xhdpi
- mipmap-xxhdpi
- mipmap-xxxhdpi
- values
- values-w820dp
- gradle/wrapper
- handle-messages
- src/main/java/samples/com/microsoft/azure/iothub
- send-event
- src/main/java/samples/com/microsoft/azure/iothub
- send-receive-sample
- src/main/java/samples/com/microsoft/azure/iothub
- send-serialized-event
- src/main/java/samples/com/microsoft/azure/iothub
- service
- iothub-service-sdk
- devdoc/requirement_docs/com/microsoft/azure/iot/service
- auth
- exceptions
- sdk
- transport
- amqps
- http
- src
- main/java/com/microsoft/azure/iot/service
- auth
- exceptions
- sdk
- transport
- amqps
- http
- test/java/tests
- integration/com/microsoft/azure/iot/service/sdk
- unit/com/microsoft/azure/iot/service
- auth
- exceptions
- sdk
- transport
- amqps
- http
- samples
- device-manager-sample
- src/main/java/samples/com/microsoft/azure/iot/service/sdk
- service-client-sample
- src/main/java/samples/com/microsoft/azure/iot/service/sdk
- websocket-transport-layer
- src
- main/java/com/microsoft/azure/iothub/ws
- impl
- test/java/com/microsoft/azure/iothub/ws/impl
- javawrapper
- build_all
- linux
- windows
- device
- iothub_client_javawrapper
- windows
- samples
- direct_call_of_wrapped_functions
- src/main/java/javaWrapper
- file-upload-sample
- src/main/java
- send-event-sample
- src/main/java
- send-receive-sample
- src/main/java/javaWrapper
- send-receive-sample-x509
- src/main/java/javaWrapper
- send-serialized-event
- src/main/java/javaWrapper
- test
- src/test/java/javaWrapper
- node
- build
- tools
- common
- core
- devdoc
- lib
- test
- transport
- amqp
- devdoc
- lib
- test
- http
- devdoc
- lib
- test
- mqtt/devdoc
- device
- core
- devdoc
- blob_upload
- device_method
- lib
- blob_upload
- device_method
- test
- blob_upload
- device_method
- node-red
- azureiothub
- icons
- samples
- transport
- amqp
- devdoc
- lib
- test
- http
- devdoc
- lib
- test
- mqtt
- devdoc
- lib
- test
- e2etests
- test
- service
- devdoc
- lib
- samples
- typescript_sample
- test
- tools
- iothub-diagnostics
- config
- iothubtests
- lib
- networktests
- iothub-explorer
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
1,320 files changed
lines changedOriginal file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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214 | 214 |
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215 | 215 |
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216 | 216 |
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217 |
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218 |
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219 |
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220 | 217 |
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221 | 218 |
| |
222 | 219 |
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223 | 220 |
| |
224 | 221 |
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225 | 222 |
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226 |
| - | |
227 | 223 |
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228 | 224 |
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229 | 225 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
| |||
12 | 12 |
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13 | 13 |
| |
14 | 14 |
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15 |
| - | |
16 |
| - | |
17 |
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18 |
| - | |
19 | 15 |
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20 | 16 |
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21 | 17 |
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22 | 18 |
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23 | 19 |
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24 | 20 |
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25 | 21 |
| |
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