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CI CD dependencies when working on a PR in Broker library

Hieu Nguyen edited this page Sep 4, 2020 · 1 revision

When working on a PR in [Broker], there is a chance you also need to update code in submodules (MSAL/Common core). Below are sample steps to work on that:

CI/CD dependencies:

MSAL > Common core > Broker. That means if your PR in MSAL makes changes to common core lib, make sure that change will not break Broker (dev branch) build. If it does, you need a PR in broker to fix that then merge to broker/dev.


You are working on a new feature in Broker library and have a PR in broker/workX. That also needs code change in MSAL/common core:

  1. After code complete, go to broker/MSAl/common core, create a branch in commoncore/workX push it into the remote repository.
  2. Do similar steps for broker/MSAL to create a branch MSAL/workX in the remote repository.
  3. Add these 2 changes into broker/workX commit list. Merge broker/workX into broker/dev.
  4. Now commoncore/workX is able to merge into /dev. Merge commoncore/workX into commoncore/dev (if any failure, check this link for help)
  5. Now MSAL/workX is able to merge into /dev. Merge MSAL/workX into MSAL/dev.
  6. (This step is for broker release only) When releasing broker, all the submodules should point to dev. So the release person will create a PR to adjust all the submodules in broker if need.
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