The python library that facilitates
- Parsing and validation of USFM files using
- Conversion of USFM files to other formats (USX, dict, list etc)
- Extraction of specific contents from USFM files like scripture alone(clean verses), notes (footnotes, cross-refs) etc
Built on python 3.10
pip install usfm-grammar
This requires a C compiler. On Windows, Microsoft Visual C++ 14.0 or above is required.
It is recommended that you update pip
, setuptools
and wheel
from usfm_grammar import USFMParser, Filter
# input_usfm_str = open("sample.usfm","r", encoding='utf8').read()
input_usfm_str = '''
\\id GEN
\\c 1
\\v 1 test verse
my_parser = USFMParser(input_usfm_str)
errors = my_parser.errors
from lxml import etree
usx_elem = my_parser.to_usx() # default filter=ALL
print(etree.tostring(usx_elem, encoding="unicode", pretty_print=True))
output = my_parser.to_usj() # default all markers
# filters out specified markers from output
# output = my_parser.to_usj(exclude_markers=['s1','h', 'toc1','toc2','mt'])
# retains only specified contents from output
# output = my_parser.to_usj(include_markers=['id', 'c', 'v'])
# use predefined marker groups instead of listing them one by one
# output = my_parser.to_usj(include_markers=Filter.BCV+Filter.TEXT)
# for a flattened JSON removing nesting brought in by paragraphs, lists, quotes, tables and character level markups
# output = my_parser.to_usj(exclude_markers=Filter.PARAGRAPHS+Filter.CHARACTERS)
# To NOT concatinate text extracted from different markers
# output = my_parser.to_usj(exclude_markers=Filter.PARAGRAPHS+Filter.CHARACTERS, combine_texts=False)
To understand more about how exclude_markers
, include_markers
, combine_texts
and Filter
works refer the section on filtering on USJ
import json
dict_output = my_parser.to_usj()
with open("file_path.json", "w", encoding='utf-8') as fp:
json.dump(dict_output, fp)
list_output = my_parser.to_list()
#list_output = my_parser.to_list([Filter.SCRIPTURE_TEXT])
table_output = "\n".join(["\t".join(row) for row in list_output])
The BibleNLP format consists of two txt
files: the first, with verse texts, one per line and the second, with corresponding references.
dict_output = my_parser.to_biblenlp_format()
#dict_output = my_parser.to_biblenlp_format(ignore_errors=True)
with open("bibleNLP.txt", "w", encoding='utf-8') as out_file1:
out_file1.writelines(f"{verse}\n" for verse in dict_output['text'])
with open("vref.txt", "w", encoding='utf-8') as out_file2:
out_file2.writelines(f"{ref}\n" for ref in dict_output['vref'])
Biblenlp format data can also be used to initialize the parser and generate other formats like USFM, USX, USJ, List etc from it.
from usfm_grammar import USFMParser, ORIGINAL_VREF
bible_nlp_obj = {'vref': ["GEN 1:1", "GEN 1:2"], 'text':["In the begining ...", "The earth was formless ..."]}
my_parser = USFMParser(from_biblenlp=bible_nlp_obj)
# To use the default versification supported by BibleNLP
bible_nlp_obj = {'vref':ORIGINAL_VREF, 'text':["In the begining ...", "The earth was formless ...", ...]} # Full text of a book or the whole Bible as per BibleNLP format (23213, 31170 or 41899 lines)
my_parser2 = USFMParser(from_biblenlp=bible_nlp_obj, book_code="GEN")
⚠️ USFM and its sister formats are designed to contain only one book per file. In contrast, the BibleNLP format can store an entire Bible with multiple books in a single file. When converting BibleNLP to USFM, if multiple books are present, the resulting USFM file will contain multiple books. This deviates from the expected structure of a valid USFM file, causing further conversions to other formats to fail. To ensure successful parsing, the generated USFM file must be split into separate files, each containing a single book.
from usfm_grammar import USFMParser, Filter
my_parser = USFMParser(input_usfm_str)
usj_obj = my_parser.to_usj()
my_parser2 = USFMParser(from_usj=usj_obj)
from usfm_grammar import USFMParser, Filter
my_parser = USFMParser(input_usfm_str)
usj_obj = my_parser.to_usj(include_markers=Filter.BCV+Filter.TEXT)
my_parser2 = USFMParser(from_usj=usj_obj)
from usfm_grammar import USFMParser, Filter
my_parser = USFMParser(input_usfm_str)
usj_obj = my_parser.to_usj()
my_parser2 = USFMParser(from_usj=usj_obj)
# print(my_parser2.usfm)
# print(my_parser2.to_list())
# print(my_parser2.to_biblenlp_format())
from usfm_grammar import USFMParser, Filter
from lxml import etree
test_xml_file = "sample_usx.xml"
with open(test_xml_file, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as usx_file:
usx_str =
usx_obj = etree.fromstring(usx_str)
my_parser = USFMParser(from_usx=usx_obj)
# print(my_parser.to_usj())
# print(my_parser.to_list())
# print(my_parser.to_biblenlp_format())
For USJ:
from usfm_grammar import Validator
wrong_USFM="\\id GEN\n\\c 1\n\\v 1 test verse"
checker = Validator();
resp = checker.is_valid_usfm(wrong_USFM); # true or false
print(checker.message) # List of errors if present
edited_USFM = checker.auto_fix_usfm(wrong_USFM);
print(checker.message); # Report on autofix attempt
usage: usfm-grammar [-h] [--in_format {usfm,usj,usx}] [--out_format {usj,table,syntax-tree,usx,markdown,usfm,bible-nlp}]
[--include_markers {book_headers,titles,comments,paragraphs,characters,notes,study_bible,bcv,text,ide,usfm,h,toc,toca,imt,is,ip,ipi,im,imi,ipq,imq,ipr,iq,ib,ili,iot,io,iex,imte,ie,mt,mte,cl,cd,ms,mr,s,sr,r,d,sp,sd,sts,rem,lit,restore,p,m,po,pr,cls,pmo,pm,pmc,pmr,pi,mi,nb,pc,ph,q,qr,qc,qa,qm,qd,lh,li,lf,lim,litl,tr,tc,th,tcr,thr,table,b,add,bk,dc,ior,iqt,k,litl,nd,ord,pn,png,qac,qs,qt,rq,sig,sls,tl,wj,em,bd,bdit,it,no,sc,sup,rb,pro,w,wh,wa,wg,lik,liv,jmp,f,fe,ef,efe,x,ex,fr,ft,fk,fq,fqa,fl,fw,fp,fv,fdc,xo,xop,xt,xta,xk,xq,xot,xnt,xdc,esb,cat,id,c,v,text-in-excluded-parent}]
[--exclude_markers {book_headers,titles,comments,paragraphs,characters,notes,study_bible,bcv,text,ide,usfm,h,toc,toca,imt,is,ip,ipi,im,imi,ipq,imq,ipr,iq,ib,ili,iot,io,iex,imte,ie,mt,mte,cl,cd,ms,mr,s,sr,r,d,sp,sd,sts,rem,lit,restore,p,m,po,pr,cls,pmo,pm,pmc,pmr,pi,mi,nb,pc,ph,q,qr,qc,qa,qm,qd,lh,li,lf,lim,litl,tr,tc,th,tcr,thr,table,b,add,bk,dc,ior,iqt,k,litl,nd,ord,pn,png,qac,qs,qt,rq,sig,sls,tl,wj,em,bd,bdit,it,no,sc,sup,rb,pro,w,wh,wa,wg,lik,liv,jmp,f,fe,ef,efe,x,ex,fr,ft,fk,fq,fqa,fl,fw,fp,fv,fdc,xo,xop,xt,xta,xk,xq,xot,xnt,xdc,esb,cat,id,c,v,text-in-excluded-parent}]
[--csv_col_sep CSV_COL_SEP] [--csv_row_sep CSV_ROW_SEP] [--ignore_errors] [--combine_text]
Uses the tree-sitter-usfm grammar to parse and convert USFM to Syntax-tree, JSON, CSV, USX etc.
positional arguments:
infile input usfm or usj file
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--in_format {usfm,usj,usx,biblenlp}
input file format
--out_format {usj,table,syntax-tree,usx,markdown,usfm,bible-nlp}
output format
--include_markers {book_headers,titles,comments,paragraphs,characters,notes,study_bible,bcv,text,ide,usfm,h,toc,toca,imt,is,ip,ipi,im,imi,ipq,imq,ipr,iq,ib,ili,iot,io,iex,imte,ie,mt,mte,cl,cd,ms,mr,s,sr,r,d,sp,sd,sts,rem,lit,restore,p,m,po,pr,cls,pmo,pm,pmc,pmr,pi,mi,nb,pc,ph,q,qr,qc,qa,qm,qd,lh,li,lf,lim,litl,tr,tc,th,tcr,thr,table,b,add,bk,dc,ior,iqt,k,litl,nd,ord,pn,png,qac,qs,qt,rq,sig,sls,tl,wj,em,bd,bdit,it,no,sc,sup,rb,pro,w,wh,wa,wg,lik,liv,jmp,f,fe,ef,efe,x,ex,fr,ft,fk,fq,fqa,fl,fw,fp,fv,fdc,xo,xop,xt,xta,xk,xq,xot,xnt,xdc,esb,cat,id,c,v,text-in-excluded-parent}
the list of of contents to be included
--exclude_markers {book_headers,titles,comments,paragraphs,characters,notes,study_bible,bcv,text,ide,usfm,h,toc,toca,imt,is,ip,ipi,im,imi,ipq,imq,ipr,iq,ib,ili,iot,io,iex,imte,ie,mt,mte,cl,cd,ms,mr,s,sr,r,d,sp,sd,sts,rem,lit,restore,p,m,po,pr,cls,pmo,pm,pmc,pmr,pi,mi,nb,pc,ph,q,qr,qc,qa,qm,qd,lh,li,lf,lim,litl,tr,tc,th,tcr,thr,table,b,add,bk,dc,ior,iqt,k,litl,nd,ord,pn,png,qac,qs,qt,rq,sig,sls,tl,wj,em,bd,bdit,it,no,sc,sup,rb,pro,w,wh,wa,wg,lik,liv,jmp,f,fe,ef,efe,x,ex,fr,ft,fk,fq,fqa,fl,fw,fp,fv,fdc,xo,xop,xt,xta,xk,xq,xot,xnt,xdc,esb,cat,id,c,v,text-in-excluded-parent}
the list of of contents to be included
--csv_col_sep CSV_COL_SEP
column separator or delimiter. Only useful with format=table.
--csv_row_sep CSV_ROW_SEP
row separator or delimiter. Only useful with format=table.
--ignore_errors to get some output from successfully parsed portions
--combine_text to be used along with exclude_markers or include_markers, to concatinate the consecutive text snippets, from different components, or not
--vref VREF path to the vref file containing line by line verse reference for biblenlp input file
>>> python3 -m usfm_grammar sample.usfm --out_format usx
>>> usfm-grammar sample.usfm
>>> usfm-grammar sample.usfm --out_format usx
>>> usfm-grammar sample.usfm --include_markers bcv --include_markers text --include_markers s
>>> usfm-grammar sample-usj.json --out_format usfm
For the biblenlp
out_format option, two files will be generated: <name>_biblenlp.txt
and <name>_biblenlp_vref.txt
. For all other out_format
options, the output is displayed directly in the console (standard output). If needed, it can be redirected to a file using the following approach:
>>> usfm-grammar sample.usfm --out_format usx > converted_usx.xml
The filtering on USJ, the JSON output, is a feature incorporated to allow data extraction, markup cleaning etc. The arguments exclude_markers
and include_markers
in the methods USFMParser.to_usj()
makes this possible. Also the USFMParser.to_list()
, can accept these inputs and perform similar operations. There is CLI versions also for these arguments to replicate the filtering feature there.
Optional input parameter to
in python library and also in CLI whenformat=json
. Defaults toNone
.When proivded, only those markers listed will be included in the output.include_markers
is applied before applyingexclude_markers
. -
Optional input parameter to
in python library and also in CLI whenformat=json
. Defaults toNone
. When proivded, all markers except those listed will be included in the output. -
Optional input parameter to
in python library and also in CLI whenformat=json
. Defaults toTrue
. After filtering out makers like paragraphs and characters, we are left with texts from within them, if 'text-in-excluded-parent' is also not excluded. These text snippets may come as separate components in the contents list. When this option isTrue
, the consequetive text snippets will be concatinated together. The text concatination is done in a puctuation and space aware manner. If users need more control over the space handling or for any other reason, would prefer the texts snippets as different components in the output, this can be set toFalse
. -
This Class provides a set of enums that would be useful in providing in the
inputs rather than users listing out individual markers. The class has following optionsBOOK_HEADERS : identification and introduction markers TITLES : section headings and associated markers COMMENTS : comment markers like \rem PARAGRAPHS : paragraph markers like \p, poetry markers, list table markers CHARACTERS : all character level markups like \em, \w, \wj etc and their nested versions with + NOTES : foot note, cross-reference and their content markers STUDY_BIBLE : \esb and \cat BCV : \id, \c and \v TEXT : 'text-in-excluded-parent'
To inspect which are the markers in each of these options, it could be just printed out,
. These could be used individually or concatinated to get the desired filtering of markers and data:output = my_parser.to_usj(include_markers=Filter.BCV) output = my_parser.to_usj(include_markers=Filter.BCV+Filter.TEXT) output = my_parser.to_usj(exclude_markers=Filter.PARAGRAPHS+Filter.CHARACTERS)
Inner contents of excluded markers
For markers like
etc, by excluding them, we only remove them from the heirachy and retain the inner contents like\v
, text etc that would be coming inside it. But for certain other markers like\f
etc, if they are excluded their inner contents are also excluded. Following is the set of all markers, who inner contents are discarded if they are mentioned inexclude_markers
or not included ininclude_markers
⚠️ Generally, it is recommended to NOT use bothexclude_markers
together as it could lead to unexpected behavours and data loss. For instance ifinclude_makers
, the output will not contain\fk
as all inner contents of\f
will be discarded.