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File metadata and controls

301 lines (180 loc) · 13.9 KB


cg stands for Clinical Genomics; a clinical sequencing platform under SciLifeLab.

This is our main package for interacting with data and samples that flow through our workflows. We rely on a set of specialized "apps" to deal with a lot of complexity like:

  • Trailblazer: Python wrapper around MIP, a rare disease genomics workflow
  • Housekeeper: storage, retrieval, and archival of files
  • Genotype: managing genotypes for detecting sample mix-ups

In this context, cg provides the interface between these tools to facilitate automation and other necessary cross-talk. It also exposes some APIs:

This package

This package is a little special. Essentially it should include all the "Clinical"-specific code that has to be integrated across multiple tools such as LIMS, Trailblazer, Scout etc. However, we still aim to structure it in such a way as to make maintainance as smooth as possible!


This part of the package contains connectors to the various tools that we integrate with. An app interface can be a wrapper for an external tool like Trailblazer (tb) or be implemented completely in cg like lims. It's very important that the code stays confined to each individual tool. The Housekeeper connector cannot directly talk to Trailblazer for example - such communication has to go through a meta module.

We also try to group all app-related imports and functionality in these interfaces. You shouldn't import e.g. a function from Scout from any other place than its app interface. This way, it's easier to overview if an update to an external package will affect the rest of the system.


Interface to Chanjo. It's used to load coverage information from Sambamba output.


Internal app for working with invoices of groups of samples or pools.


Internal app for interfacing with the Clarity LIMS API. We use the genologics Python API as far as possible. Some actions are not supported, however, and then we fall back to using the official XML-based REST API directly.

We convert all the info that we get from LIMS/genologics to dictionaries before passing it along to other tools. We don't pass around objects that have some implicit connection to update things in LIMS - such actions needs to go through the lims app interface explicitly.


Interface to Trailblazer.

  • One responsibility is to define the set of files from MIP to store (in Housekeeper)
  • Also used to interact with the workflow for starting it


Interface to Genotype. For uploading results from the workflow about genotypes to compare and validate that we are clear of sample mix-ups.


Interface to Housekeeper. For storing files from analysis runs and FASTQ files from demultiplexing.


Interface to LoqusDB. For loading observation counts from the analysis output.


Internal app for opening tickets in SupportSystems. We use this mainly to link a ticket with the opening of an order for new samples/analyses.


Interface to Scout. For uploading analysis results to Scout. It's also used to access the generation of gene panels files used in the analysis workflow.


The command line code is written in the Click framework.


This set of commands let's you quite easily add things to the status database. For example when a new customer is signed you could run:

cg add customer cust101 "Massachusetts Institute of Technology"

You can also accomplish simliar tasks through the admin interface of the REST server.


The MIP workflow is accessed through Trailblazer but cg provides additional conventions and hooks into the status database that makes managing analyses simpler.

You can start the analysis of a single family "raredragon" by just running:

cg analysis --family raredragon

This command will create the MIP config in the correct location, link and rename FASTQ files from Housekeeper, and write an aggregated gene panel file. Then it will start the workflow. All these 4 actions can be issued individually as well:

cg analysis [config|link|panel|start] raredragon

The final command is intended to run in a crontab and will continously check for families where all samples have been sequenced and start them automatically.

cg analysis auto


The main interface for getting an overview of data in the system is provided through the web interface, however, it's possible to use the same database APIs to get an idea of the status of things from the command line.

To get a list of families that are waiting in the analysis queue e.g. you can run:

cg status analysis

To get a general overview of samples or a sample in particular:

cg status samples ADM4565A1
ADM4565A1 (17101-1-1A) [SEQUENCED: 2017-09-02]


This group of commands facilitate the Housekeeper integration. For example, when an analysis finishes and you want to store important files and update the status database accordingly, you run:

cg store analysis /path/to/families/raredragon/analysis/raredragon_config.yaml

... or just wait for the crontab process to pick up the analysis automatically:

cg store completed


Some information will always exist across multiple database and requires some continous syncing to keep up-to-date. This is the case for information primarily entered through LIMS. To automatically fill-in the date of sample reception for all samples that are waiting in the queue:

cg transfer lims --status received

And similarly for filling in the delivery date:

cg transfer lims --status delivered

Another common task is to transfer data and FASTQ files from the demultiplexed-runs folder when a demultiplexing task completes. This is as easy as determining the flowcell of interest and running:

cg demultiplex finish flow-cell <flow-cell-demultiplexed-runs-dir-name>

The command will update the total read counts of each sample and check against the application for the sample if it has been fully sequenced. It will also make sure to link the related FASTQ files to Housekeeper. You can run the command over and over - only additional information will be updated.


Much like the group of analysis subcommands you can perform an upload of analysis results (stored in Housekeeper) all at once by running:

cg upload --case raredragon

All analyses that are marked as completed will be uploaded this way automatically:

cg upload auto

You can of course specify which upload you want to do yourself as well:

cg upload [coverage|genotypes|observations|scout] raredragon

You can force a reupload of sequencing genotypes:

cg upload genotypes --re-upload raredragon


This is the interfaces that bridge various apps. An example would be the "orders" module. When placing orders we need to coordinate information/actions between the apps: lims, status, and osticket. It also provides some additional functionality such as setting up the basis for the orders API and which fields are required for different order types.


Includes: lims, status, osticket

The API exposes a single endpoint for submitting a batch of new samples/external samples for analysis. It handles a mix of updates to existing samples with entierly new ones. The API is designed to work well in a REST API context.

The interface supports:

  • samples for sequencing + analysis (scout)
  • samples for sequencing only (fastq)
  • sequencing of ready-made libraries (rml)
  • analysis of externally sequenced samples (external)
  • sequencing and analysis of microbial whole genomes (microbial)

It opens a ticket using the osticket API for each order which it links with the ticket number. It stores information in both LIMS and status for samples and pools linked by LIMS id. It stores only a minimum of information about each sample in LIMS. Most of the critial information is stored in status and this is also the primary place to go if we need to update e.g. application tag for a sample.


This interface has a few related roles:


Includes: status, lims

Some info if primarily stored in LIMS and needs to be syncronized over to status. This is the case for both the date when a samples was received and when it was finally delivered. This interface is intended to run continously as part of a crontab job.



Includes: status, hk, coverage

The API will fetch information about an analysis like name and id of the family and related samples from status. It will get the Sambamba output from hk and use the coverage app interface to upload the data to Chanjo for each individual sample.


Includes: status, hk, tb, gt

Given an analysis, the API will fetch information about the family. It will fetch the gBCF + qcmetrics files from hk. It will parse the qcmetrics file using tb to find out the predicted sex of each sample. It will then upload the results to Genotype. Subsequent upload of the same samples will overwrite existing information while logging the event.


Includes: status, hk, loqus

Given an analysis record, it will fetch required files from hk and upload the variants to the observation cound database using loqus. This only works for families with at least one affected individual.


Includes: status, hk, scoutapi

Given the analysis record it will generate a Scout config file using information from status. It will use the "meta/analysis" API to convert the default panels for the family to the corresponding set of panels used to run the analysis. It will fetch all related VCF files and others from hk. Finally it will use the config to upload the resuls to Scout. The scoutapi interface will figure out if there's an existing analysis that needs to be replaced.


Includes: status, tb, hk, scoutapi, lims

Starting an analysis requires complex interactions of many individual tools:

  • the config/pedigree is almost entirely generated from info in status
  • the only exception is the bait kit for targetted sequencing samples which is fetched using lims
  • the gene panel file that determines the "clinical" variants is generated from the panels assigned to the family in status by using scoutapi
  • the FASTQ files are fetched for each sample in the family from hk and renamed and placed in the correct location using tb
  • the analysis is finally started using tb

We need to keep track of running analyses so we don't start the same family twice. This status is maintained by the "action" field in status which can be used to control when to start runs:

  • [EMPTY]: the empty state will trigger an automatic start of the analysis when all related samples have been sequenced AND no previous analysis of the family has occured
  • analyze: to re-run an analysis of a family you just need to set the field to "analyze" and it will start regardless if a previous analysis has completed
  • running: this state will be maintained after a successful start of a family until it has completed. If the analysis fails you need to manually make sure to restart it OR set the field to "analyze".
  • hold: this state will make sure that the family is excluded from any automated starts, however, it will not affect/warn when you start an analysis of the family manually

You update the status via the admin interface of the server.


Includes: status, lims

The creation of an invoice is initiated in LIMS. You then use the process id to parse out which samples should be part of the invoice. This process is setup to be run when a button is clicked in LIMS but can be run externally from any server with access to LIMS.

The invoice itself will be stored in an intermediate state in status while links will be created in LIMS to be able to keep track of which samples was part of which invoice.


The REST API server handles a number of actions. It's written in Flask and exposes an admin interface for quickly editing information in the backend MySQL database. The admin interface is served under a hidden route but the plan is to move it to Google OAuth.

The API is protected by JSON Web Tokens generated by Google OAuth. It authorizes access using the user table in the database.

Order endpoint

The /order/<type> endpoint accepts orders for new samples. If you supply a JSON document on the expected format, a new order is opened in status and LIMS.


This really is the status app more or less. It's the interface to the central database that keeps track of samples and it which state they are currently in. All records that enters the database go through this API. Simple updates to properies on records are handled directly on the model instances followed by a manual commit.


There's one file for storing all constants like how priority levels are translated between the database representation and the human readable equivalent.

Another module / contains the custom Exception classes that are used across the package.