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cg commands

This is documentation for cg commands.

Recurring nomenclature:

  • sample_id = internal sampleID, provided by LIMS: ADM..
  • ext_sample_id = external sampleID, provided by customer: customer's sample_id
  • customer_id = custxxx
  • ticket_id = 898988
  • family_id = cuddlygull

cg add

Add new things to statusDB.

cg add customer

Add a new customer with a unique INTERNAL_ID and NAME.


where CUSTOMER_ID our internal customer ID, e.g. cust000, and CUSTOMER_NAME is the customer name, e.g. institute or P.I.

cg add family

Add a family to CUSTOMER_ID with a NAME.


where FAMILY_NAME is the customer's familyID.

It is required to supply a panel.

$ cg add family --panel PANEL CUSTOMER_ID FAMILY_NAME

where PANEL are the gene panels. To add multiple panels simply provide --panel PANEL again with another gene panel.

When adding a family, set the priority by using

$ cg add family --priority PRIORITY CUSTOMER_ID FAMILY_NAME

where PRIORITY could be low, normal, or high.

cg add relationship

Create a link between a FAMILY_ID and a SAMPLE_ID.

$ cg add relationship FAMILY_ID SAMPLE_ID

where FAMILY_ID is our internal family ID, e.g. cuddlygull.

It is required to set the status.

cg add relationship --status STATUS FAMILY_ID SAMPLE_ID

where STATUS can be affected, unaffected, or unknown.

Add relationship between parents using the --mother and --father flags. Example:

$ cg add relationship --mother MOTHER_ID FAMILY_ID SAMPLE_ID

where MOTHER_ID is the sampleID for the mother of the child sample.

cg add sample

Add a sample for CUSTOMER_ID with a SAMPLE_NAME.


where SAMPLE_NAME is the customer's sampleID.

It is required to set the gender of the sample.

$ cg add sample --sex SEX CUSTOMER_ID SAMPLE_NAME

where SEXcan be male, female, or unknown.

It is also required to set the application tag.

$ cg add sample --application APP_TAG CUSTOMER_ID SAMPLE_NAME

where APP_TAG is the application tag.

Add a LIMS id by using the ´--lims´ flag.

$ cg add sample --lims LIMS_ID CUSTOMER_ID SAMPLE_NAME

Add the order the sample belongs to by using the --order flag.

$ cg add sample --order TICKET_ID CUSTOMER_ID SAMPLE_NAME

Add the priority of the sample by using the --priority flag.

$ cg add sample --priority PRIORITY CUSTOMER_ID SAMPLE_NAME

where PRIORITY can be research, standard, priority, or express.

In case that the sample has been downsampled, provide how many reads it has been downsampled to.

$ cg add sample --downsampled INTEGER CUSTOMER_ID SAMPLE_NAME

cg add user

Add a new user with an EMAIL (login) and a NAME (full). $ cg add user EMAIL NAME

It is required to connect the user to a customer. $ cg add user --customer CUSTOMER_ID EMAIL NAME

To give a user admin rights, use the --admin flag. $ cg add user --admin EMAIL NAME

cg analysis

Prepare and start a MIP analysis for a case. To do this use

$ cg analysis --family FAMILY_ID

where FAMILY_ID is the case name, e.g. cuddlygull.

Using this option will overwrite any configuration files, so if changes has been made to these that should be kept, use instead cg analysis start.

To change the quality of service for an analysis use

$ cg analysis --family FAMILY_ID --priority PRIORITY

where PRIORITY could be low, normal, or high. The default is set in statusDB.

Notification of errors will by default be sent to the email of the user who started the analysis. To change the email use

$ cg analysis --family FAMILY_ID --email TEXT

where TEXT is the email address.

cg analysis auto

Start all analyses that are ready for analysis.

cg analysis config

Generate a configuration file (pedigree.yaml) for an analysis.

$ cg analysis config FAMILY_ID

To print the config to console, rather then creating the pedigree.yaml, use the --dry flag:

$ cg analysis config --dry FAMILY_ID

cg analysis link

Link FASTQ files for a sample.

$ cg analysis SAMPLE_ID

To link files for an entire case, use the --family flag:

$ cg analysis link --family FAMILY_ID

cg analysis panel

Write aggregated gene panel file.

$ cg analysis panel FAMILY_ID

To only print the panel to console, rather than saving it to a file, use the --print flag:

$ cg analysis panel --print FAMILY_ID

cg analysis start

Start the analysis pipeline for a family.

$ cg analysis start FAMILY_ID

To change the quality of servive for an analysis use

$ cg analysis start --priority PRIORITY FAMILY_ID

where PRIORITY could be low, normal, or high. The default is set in statusDB.

cg backup

Backup utilities.

cg backup fetch-flowcell

Fetch the first flowcell in the requested queue from backup.

$ cg backup fetch-flowcell --flowcell FLOWCELL_ID

cg clean

Remove stuff. Use caution.

cg clean mip

Remove analysis output. Removes the family directory (as defined in the cg config).

$ cg clean mip SAMPLE_INFO

where SAMPLE_INFO is the path to the familyID_qc_sample_info.yaml file

There is an option to skip confirmation: --yes

cg clean mipauto

Automatically clean up "old" analyses. Removes all the family directories before the date defined by the user.

$ cg clean mipauto BEFORE_STR

where BEFORE_STR is a date in string format, e.g. 2018-04-19

There is an option to skip confirmation: --yes

cg clean scout

Cleans the bam and bai files of selected bundle in housekeeper.

$ cg clean scout BUNDLE

There is an option to skip confirmation: --yes

cg clean scoutauto

Automatically clean up solved and archived scout cases. Cleans the bam and bai files in housekeeper.

cg clean scoutauto

cg deliver

Deliver stuff.

cg deliver inbox

Link files from HK to customer inbox.

$ cg deliver inbox FAMILY_ID

where FAMILY_ID is the case name, e.g. cuddlygull.

--dry flag has not been implemented yet.

To just deliver a specific analysis version, use the --version flag, example:

$ cg deliver inbox --version 2018-04-19 FAMILY_ID

To only link specific types of files from HK, tags can be employed:

$ cg deliver inbox --tag TAG FAMILY_ID where TAG are the housekeeper tag(s)

If you want to deliver to another customer inbox than stated in statusDB, use

$ cg deliver inbox --inbox CUSTOMER_ID FAMILY_ID

where CUSTOMER_ID is the customerID.

cg get

Get information about records in the database.

The option -i makes a guess what type you are looking for.

$ cg get -i TEXT

where TEXT is a familyID, flowcellID, or sampleID.

cg get family

Get information about a family.

$ cg get family FAMILY_ID

where FAMILY_ID is the familyID, e.g. cuddlygull.

The same information can be reached using options --customer and --name, instead of the familyID. Example:

$ cg get family --name FAMILY_NAME --customer CUSTOMER_ID

where FAMILY_NAME is the customer's internal familyID.

It is possible to toggle if related samples should be shown or not, using --samples or --no-samples. Example:

$ cg get family --no-samples FAMILY_ID

By default the related samples are shown.

cg get flowcell

Get information about a flowcell and the samples on it.

$ cg get flowcell FLOWCELL_ID

It is possible to toggle if related samples should be shown or not , using --samples or --no-samples. Example:

$ cg get flowcell --no-samples FLOWCELL_ID

By default the related samples are shown.

cg get sample

Get information about a sample.

$ cg get sample SAMPLE_ID

It is possible to toggle if related families should be shown or not , using --families or --no-families. Example:

$ cg get sample --no-families SAMPLE_ID

By default the related families are shown.

It is also possible to display related flowcells with the --flowcells option.

$ cg get sample --flowcells SAMPLE_ID

cg init

Do not touch this, please.

Setup the database.

$ cg init

Options for resetting database before setting up tables (--reset) and for bypassing manual confirmation (--force).

cg set

Update information in statusDB.

cg set family

Update information about a family.

$ cg set family FAMILY_ID

where FAMILY_ID is the case name, e.g. cuddlygull.

To update the analysis action for the family, use

$ cg set family --action ACTION FAMILY_ID

where ACTION can be analyze, running, or hold.

To update the priority of the analysis, use

$ cg set family --priority PRIORITY FAMILY_ID

where PRIORITY can be research, standard, priority, or express.

To update the gene panel for an analysis, use

$ cg set family --panel PANEL FAMILY_ID

where PANEL are the gene panels. To add multiple panels simply provide --panel PANEL again with another gene panel.

cg set sample

Update information about a sample.

$ cg set sample SAMPLE_ID

To update the gender of a sample, use

$ cg set sample --sex SEX

where SEXcan be male, female, or unknown.

Update the customer, input format custXXX with XXX the customer number. -c, --customer CUSTOMER_ID

To append a note/comment to a sample, put text between quotation marks! This will not overwrite the current comment. -n, --note TEXT

Set number of downsampled total reads. Enter 0 to reset. -d, --downsampled-to INTEGER

Set the application tag. Validation of the tag will be performed. -a, --application-tag APPLICATION_TAG

Set the capture kit. NO validation of the kit will be performed. -k, --capture-kit CAPTURE_KIT

cg status

View status of things.

cg status analysis

Shows which families will be analyzed.

$ cg status analysis

cg status families

View status of families.

$ cg status families

There is an option to skip initial records:

$ cg status families --skip INTEGER

where INTEGER is the number of lines that should be skipped (shows by default the 30 first entries).

cg status samples

View status of samples.

$ cg status samples --skip INTEGER

where INTEGER is the number of lines that should be skipped (shows by default the 30 first entries).

cg store

Store results from MIP in housekeeper.

cg store analysis

Store a finished analysis in Housekeeper.

$ cg store analysis CONFIG_STREAM

where CONFIG_STREAM is the path to the configuration file.

cg store completed

Store all completed analyses.

$ cg store completed

cg transfer

Transfer results to the status interface.

cg transfer flowcell

Populate results from a flowcell.

$ cg transfer flowcell FLOWCELL_ID

cg transfer lims

Check if samples have been updated in LIMS.

$ cg transfer lims --status STATUS

where STATUS can be received, prepared, or delivered.

cg upload

Upload results from analyses.

To upload analysis results to all the apps, use the flag --family. Example:

$ cg upload --family FAMILY_ID

where FAMILY_ID is our internal familyID, e.g. cuddlygull.

cg upload auto

Upload all completed analyses to all the apps.

$ cg upload auto

cg upload coverage

Upload coverage from an analysis to Chanjo.

$ cg upload coverage FAMILY_ID

To re-upload an already existing analysis, use:

$ cg upload coverage --re-upload FAMILY_ID

cg upload genotypes

Upload genotypes from an analysis to Genotype.

$ cg upload genotypes FAMILY_ID

cg upload observations

Upload observations from an analysis to LoqusDB.

$ cg upload observations FAMILY_ID

cg upload scout

Upload variants from analysis to Scout.

$ cg upload scout FAMILY_ID

To re-upload already existing analysis to scout, use:

$ cg upload scout --re-upload FAMILY_ID

It is possible to get the config values printed to the console:

$ cg upload scout --print FAMILY_ID

cg upload validate

Validate a family of samples.

$ cg upload validate FAMILY_ID