endpoint, accepting germline or somatic json submissions and supporting validation against the official schema
- Improve README and endpoint descriptions specifying that
endpoints support only conversion for germline submission files - PR template to be more compact and user friendly
- GitHub action to use poetry v.1.7.1
- Replace the CMD step of the Dockerfile with an ENTRYPOINT that uses
/bin/sh -c
to evaluates the shell commands and expand environment variables.
- Delete submission endpoint, with json example (under demo files) and test
- Updated API submission schema to the latest available on
GitHub pages - Modified the json submission example to use one from the ClinVar GitHib repo (
) - Removed the example of an old json submission (before 2022-11-21)
- Updated actions using the latest base images and to run using Python 3.9
- Docker image uses Python 3.11 instead of 3.8
- Replaced deprecated app "on event" with app lifespan
- Updated issue templates
- Updated a number of libraries to address all current security advisories
- Warnings in the Dockerfile
- An endpoint
that returns a response containing the status of a test submission, with link to the eventual json file with the submissions data errors - An endpoint
that returns a response containing the status of a submission (submitted, processing, processed, error), with eventual error details
- Renamed
endpoint to/apitest
- Upload to Codecov step in
action - Fix
to be lowercase
- Avoid "/bin/sh: 1: gunicorn: not found" error by using poetry <1.8 in Dockerfile
- Updated submission schema to the latest API schema (01-03-2024)
- Switched from Draft3Validator to Draft7Validator in
- Updated fastapi lib to fix security vulnerability
- Parse
value fromExplanation for multiple conditions
column of variants file
- Updated version of external images in GitHub actions
- Updated API submission schema to the latest
- Demo variant to take care of "Somatic mutation" no longer available among Mode of inheritance choices
value extracted fromClinical significance
orGermline classification
values extracted fromComment on clinical significance
orComment on classification
- Bump certifi from 2022.12.7 to 2023.7.22
- Description of the response returned by dry run endpoint in README file
- Migrate from deprecated
lib toimportlib_resources
- Updated python-multipart from 0.0.5 to 0.0.7 to address security alert by dependabot
- Combine
Reference sequence
fields from Variant file to create the hgvs field in json submission object
- Fix uppercase/lowercase letters when parsing clinsig terms from files
- Provide the URL to the prod service running on the Clinical Genomics server instead of the stage one on README page
- Do not parse dbSNP IDs as
- Parsing of
fields from CSV/TSV files - Genome assembly can be passed as an optional param to tsv_2_json and csv_to_json to create submission containing chromosome coordinates
- Link to demo service instance at clinical genomics
- Parsing of multiple condition IDs from csv/tsv files
- Parsing of
Condition ID type
- Do not include HGVS field in submission if it is null
- A new tsv_2_json endpoint to convert TSV files in json submission objects
Keep a Changelog
GitHub actionBlack
GitHub actionFlake8 Lint
GitHub actionVulture
GitHub actionWoke
GitHub action- Badges showing the status of GitHub actions on README page
- File conversion endpoints accept optional parameters to set the following key/values:
submissionName, clinvarSubmissionReleaseStatus, assertionCriteria
- New API schema introduced on 2022-11-21
- Modified file parsing code to create submission jsons compliant with the new API
- Renamed the old demo CSV files to FILENAME_before_221121.csv
- Demo json submission file to include
- Do not crash when parsing Variant CSV files with no assertion criteria
- Simplify and fix CSV and TSV files parsing
- Prevent CSV file parsing StopIteration error when provided files are empty
- Fixed Dockerfile building error resulting in prod image release failed to be pushed to Docker Hub
- Poetry install
- file with first functions
- .gitignore and CHANGELOG files
- json submission_schema and demo submission object
- tests folder
- Basic howto on
- submission_from_csv endpoint and function to read csv files
- Add custom logging formatting
- Tests and coverage GitHub workflow
- Proxy endpoint to interrogate the submission dry run endpoint of ClinVar API
- Proxy endpoint to interrogate the submission validate endpoint of ClinVar API
- Dockerfile
- Docker-compose file
- GitHub actions to build Docker images (prod and stage) and push them to Docker Hub
- Codecov coverage badge
- Updated submission schema in resources following new release of schema by ClinVar (draft-07)
- Improved README files with description of endpoints and how to test it
- Increased test coverage
- Pass ClinVar API KEY as a form field and not a query argument
- Parsing of CaseData csv with more than one individuals associated to the same variant
- dry-run enpoint, to return success when ClinVar returns a 204 successful response
- Dockerfile returning
__call__() missing 1 required positional argument: 'send' error