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Building Your Docker Image

This page is about how to build a Docker Container Image containing your payload code to run in a DockerTask.


First write a Dockerfile in your project directory. Example:

# The Docker Image to start from.
# The ARG lets you pick another base Image but DON'T USE AN ALPINE base since
# its floating point library produces different results; also
# see
ARG from=python:3.8.16
FROM ${from}

# Install Linux packages.
# Be sure to run `apt-get update` and `apt-get install` in the same Docker layer
# so the first step can't come from an old Docker cache.
RUN apt-get update \
    && apt-get install -y swig gfortran llvm cmake nano

# Install all the pips in one Docker layer. Don't cache the downloads.
COPY requirements.txt /
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir --upgrade pip setuptools wheel \
    && pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt

# Copy in the application.
COPY . /app

CMD ["/bin/bash"]

It's a good idea to add a .dockerignore file that, like your .gitignore file, filters out files from COPYing into the Docker build:


Build locally

If Docker Desktop is running, you can locally build an Image tagged, say application101, like this:

docker build --tag application101 .

You can base it on a different "FROM" Image like this:

docker build --build-arg from=python:3.11.3 --tag application101 .

but don't use an Alpine base image because its floating point library produces different results. See Using Alpine can make Python Docker builds 50× slower for more reasons.

[These instructions use Python examples but your workflow tasks don't have to be written in Python.]

Build on Google Cloud Build and upload to Google Container Registry

Add a .gcloudignore file to avoid unneeded files. The easiest way is to include the .dockerignore file by reference:


Now run:

PROJECT="$(gcloud config get-value core/project)"
gcloud builds submit --timeout=1h \
    --tag "${PROJECT}/${IMAGE}" \

Here we put the USER name into the IMAGE name so each developer in the project will have their own Images.

The timeout needs to be long enough for all the build steps in your .Dockerfile. That can take a while if your .Dockerfile installs scipy from source.


Consider storing metadata in the Image's environment variables and labels to keep track of the Image's contents. The docker inspect application101 command will show this information for the Image application101. Environment variables are also accessible to programs in the container so they can log it.

Example Dockerfile lines:

ARG git_hash=""
ARG git_branch=""
ARG timestamp=""
ENV IMAGE_GIT_HASH="$git_hash" \
	IMAGE_GIT_BRANCH="$git_branch" \

LABEL application="The application name" \
    email="[email protected]" \
    license="" \
    organization="our organization" \

Generally we don't put the git repo into the Image so we have to get the git metadata outside the container and pass it in to docker build --build-arg:

GIT_HASH=$(git rev-parse HEAD)
GIT_BRANCH=$(git symbolic-ref --short HEAD)
TIMESTAMP=$(date '+%Y%m%d.%H%M%S')

docker build --tag application101 \
  --build-arg git_hash="${GIT_HASH}" \
  --build-arg git_branch="${GIT_BRANCH}" \
  --build-arg timestamp="${TIMESTAMP}" .

Splitting the Image into "runtime" and "application" layers

The application payload code changes much more often than its runtime environment, so you can speed up your development iterations by splitting out a base Image containing the runtime.

The runtime environment Image contains software such as Python and libraries. When building this Image, pretty much the only files to upload are a Dockerfile and requirements.txt (listing Python pips to install). That build will take a while installing apts and pips.

You could use build automation to trigger building a new runtime environment Image. Preloading this Image onto your Fireworker GCE Disk Image will save startup time. This image could also be shared by the whole team, with some added complexity so someone can make an experimental runtime Image without impacting the rest of the team.

Building the application Image will upload all the application-specific and developer-specific code such as Python sources, then generate an Image that's a small layer "FROM" the runtime environment Image. It's quick -- like a few minutes.

The two Dockerfiles have to be in different directories. You'll probably need a Cloud Build config file.


  • Best practices for writing Dockerfiles

  • Production-ready Docker packaging

  • Beware that to Docker, :latest is merely the default tag. It does not mean the latest image! If you pull python:latest or python:3.8 or python:oldest, Docker will pull the most recent Image which has that specific name and tag, if there is one. If you pull python, it will pull python:latest, if there is one, because that's the default tag. It will not pull a newer Image that isn't tagged latest.

  • If you use the Theano library, you'll need a Dockerfile step like the following to avoid a file permissions problem:

    # Since this build runs as root, set permissions so running the container
    # as some other user with no home dir will work: Theano needs to write into
    # its data dir.
    RUN (umask 000 && mkdir -p /.theano)

    This is needed because the Docker build steps run as root but DockerTask runs the process inside the Container with whatever user ID and group ID numbers it has as the user outside the Container so DockerTask can read and delete the files created in the container.