- Distance measurement analysis - Measure distances between two points in 3D.
- Line of sight (geoelement) - Show a line of sight between two moving objects.
- Line of sight (location) - Perform a line of sight analysis between two points in real time.
- Query feature count and extent - Zoom to features matching a query and count the features in the current visible extent.
- Viewshed (location) - Perform a viewshed analysis from a defined vantage point.
- Viewshed for GeoElement - Analyze the viewshed for an object (GeoElement) in a scene.
- Viewshed for camera - Analyze the viewshed for a camera. A viewshed shows the visible and obstructed areas from an observer's vantage point.
- Add features with contingent values - Create and add features whose attribute values satisfy a predefined set of contingencies.
- Create KML multi-track - Create, save and preview a KML multi-track, captured from a location data source.
- Create mobile geodatabase - Create and share a mobile geodatabase.
- Edit and sync features - Synchronize offline edits with a feature service.
- Edit feature attachments - Add, delete, and download attachments for features from a service.
- Edit features using feature forms - Display and edit feature attributes using feature forms.
- Edit features with feature-linked annotation - Edit feature attributes which are linked to annotation through an expression.
- Edit with branch versioning - Create, query and edit a specific server version using service geodatabase.
- Feature layer query - Find features in a feature table which match an SQL query.
- Generate geodatabase replica from feature service - Generate a local geodatabase from an online feature service.
- Geodatabase transactions - Use transactions to manage how changes are committed to a geodatabase.
- List related features - List features related to the selected feature.
- Manage features - Create, update, and delete features to manage a feature layer.
- Query features with Arcade expression - Query features on a map using an Arcade expression.
- Raster layer (GeoPackage) - Display a raster contained in a GeoPackage.
- Read GeoPackage - Add rasters and feature tables from a GeoPackage to a map.
- Read shapefile metadata - Read a shapefile and display its metadata.
- Statistical query - Query a table to get aggregated statistics back for a specific field.
- Statistical query group and sort - Query a feature table for statistics, grouping and sorting by different fields.
- Symbolize shapefile - Display a shapefile with custom symbology.
- Toggle between feature request modes - Use different feature request modes to populate the map from a service feature table.
- View point cloud data offline - Display local 3D point cloud data.
- Buffer - Create a buffer around a map point and display the results as a
- Buffer list - Generate multiple individual buffers or a single unioned buffer around multiple points.
- Clip geometry - Clip a geometry with another geometry.
- Convex hull - Create a convex hull for a given set of points. The convex hull is a polygon with shortest perimeter that encloses a set of points. As a visual analogy, consider a set of points as nails in a board. The convex hull of the points would be like a rubber band stretched around the outermost nails.
- Convex hull list - Generate convex hull polygon(s) from multiple input geometries.
- Create and edit geometries - Use the Geometry Editor to create new point, multipoint, polyline, or polygon geometries or to edit existing geometries by interacting with a map view.
- Create geometries - Create simple geometry types.
- Cut geometry - Cut a geometry along a polyline.
- Densify and generalize - A multipart geometry can be densified by adding interpolated points at regular intervals. Generalizing multipart geometry simplifies it while preserving its general shape. Densifying a multipart geometry adds more vertices at regular intervals.
- Format coordinates - Format coordinates in a variety of common notations.
- Geodesic operations - Calculate a geodesic path between two points and measure its distance.
- List transformations by suitability - Get a list of suitable transformations for projecting a geometry between two spatial references with different horizontal datums.
- Nearest vertex - Find the closest vertex and coordinate of a geometry to a point.
- Perform spatial operations - Find the union, intersection, or difference of two geometries.
- Project - Project a point from one spatial reference to another.
- Project with specific transformation - Project a point from one coordinate system to another using a specific transformation step.
- Snap geometry edits - Use the Geometry Editor to edit a geometry and align it to existing geometries on a map.
- Spatial relationships - Determine spatial relationships between two geometries.
- Analyze hotspots - Use a geoprocessing service and a set of features to identify statistically significant hot spots and cold spots.
- Analyze viewshed (geoprocessing) - Calculate a viewshed using a geoprocessing service, in this case showing what parts of a landscape are visible from points on mountainous terrain.
- List geodatabase versions - Connect to a service and list versions of the geodatabase.
- Add graphics with renderer - A renderer allows you to change the style of all graphics in a graphics overlay by referencing a single symbol style. A renderer will only affect graphics that do not specify their own symbol style.
- Add graphics with symbols - Use a symbol style to display a graphic on a graphics overlay.
- Animate 3D graphic - An
follows a graphic while the graphic's position and rotation are animated. - Dictionary renderer with graphics overlay - Create graphics from an XML file with key-value pairs for each graphic, and display the military symbols using a MIL-STD-2525D web style in 2D.
- Identify graphics - Display an alert message when a graphic is clicked.
- Scene properties expressions - Update the orientation of a graphic using expressions based on its attributes.
- Surface placement - Position graphics relative to a surface using different surface placement modes.
- Add 3d tiles layer - Add a layer to visualize 3D tiles data that conforms to the OGC 3D Tiles specification.
- Add a point scene layer - View a point scene layer from a scene service.
- Add custom dynamic entity data source - Create a custom dynamic entity data source and display it using a dynamic entity layer.
- Add dynamic entity layer - Display data from an ArcGIS stream service using a dynamic entity layer.
- Add integrated mesh layer - View an integrated mesh layer from a scene service.
- Add vector tiled layer from custom style - Load ArcGIS vector tiled layers using custom styles.
- Apply mosaic rule to rasters - Apply mosaic rule to a mosaic dataset of rasters.
- Apply raster function to raster from service - Load a raster from a service, then apply a function to it.
- ArcGIS map image layer - Add an ArcGIS Map Image Layer from a URL to a map.
- ArcGIS tiled layer - Load an ArcGIS tiled layer from a URL.
- Blend renderer - Blend a hillshade with a raster by specifying the elevation data. The resulting raster looks similar to the original raster, but with some terrain shading, giving it a textured look.
- Browse OGC API feature service - Browse an OGC API feature service for layers and add them to the map.
- Browse WFS layers - Browse a WFS service for layers and add them to the map.
- Change feature layer renderer - Change the appearance of a feature layer with a renderer.
- Change sublayer renderer - Apply a renderer to a sublayer.
- Colormap renderer - Apply a colormap renderer to a raster.
- Configure clusters - Add client side feature reduction on a point feature layer that is not pre-configured with clustering.
- Configure electronic navigational charts - Display and configure electronic navigational charts per ENC specification.
- Control annotation sublayer visibility - Use annotation sublayers to gain finer control of annotation layer subtypes.
- Create and save KML file - Construct a KML document and save it as a KMZ file.
- Create feature collection layer (Portal item) - Create a feature collection layer from a portal item.
- Dictionary renderer with feature layer - Convert features into graphics to show them with mil2525d symbols.
- Display KML - Display KML from a URL, portal item, or local KML file.
- Display KML network links - Display a file with a KML network link, including displaying any network link control messages at launch.
- Display OGC API collection - Display an OGC API feature collection and query features while navigating the map view.
- Display WFS layer - Display a layer from a WFS service, requesting only features for the current extent.
- Display a scene - Display a scene with a terrain surface and some imagery.
- Display annotation - Display annotation from a feature service URL.
- Display clusters - Display a web map with a point feature layer that has feature reduction enabled to aggregate points into clusters.
- Display dimensions - Display dimension features from a mobile map package.
- Display feature layers - Display feature layers from various data sources.
- Display route layer - Display a route layer and its directions using a feature collection.
- Display subtype feature layer - Displays a composite layer of all the subtype values in a feature class.
- Edit KML ground overlay - Edit the values of a KML ground overlay.
- Export tiles - Download tiles to a local tile cache file stored on the device.
- Export vector tiles - Export tiles from an online vector tile service.
- Feature collection layer - Create a Feature Collection Layer from a Feature Collection Table, and add it to a map.
- Feature collection layer (query) - Create a feature collection layer to show a query result from a service feature table.
- Feature layer (feature service) - Show features from an online feature service.
- Feature layer rendering mode (map) - Render features statically or dynamically by setting the feature layer rendering mode.
- Feature layer rendering mode (scene) - Render features in a scene statically or dynamically by setting the feature layer rendering mode.
- Feature layer selection - Select features in a feature layer.
- Filter by definition expression or display filter - Filter features displayed on a map using a definition expression or a display filter.
- Group layers - Group a collection of layers together and toggle their visibility as a group.
- Hillshade renderer - Apply a hillshade renderer to a raster.
- Identify KML features - Show a callout with formatted content for a KML feature.
- Identify WMS features - Identify features in a WMS layer and display the associated popup content.
- Identify raster cell - Get the cell value of a local raster at the tapped location and display the result in a callout.
- List KML contents - List the contents of a KML file.
- Load WFS with XML query - Load a WFS feature table using an XML query.
- Map image layer sublayer visibility - Change the visibility of sublayers.
- Map image layer tables - Find features in a spatial table related to features in a non-spatial table.
- OpenStreetMap layer - Add OpenStreetMap as a basemap layer.
- Play KML tour - Play tours in KML files.
- Query map image sublayer - Find features in a sublayer based on attributes and location.
- Query with CQL filters - Query data from an OGC API feature service using CQL filters.
- RGB renderer - Apply an RGB renderer to a raster layer to enhance feature visibility.
- Raster layer (file) - Create and use a raster layer made from a local raster file.
- Raster layer (service) - Create a raster layer from a raster image service.
- Raster rendering rule - Display a raster on a map and apply different rendering rules to that raster.
- Scene layer (URL) - Display an ArcGIS scene layer from a URL.
- Scene layer selection - Identify features in a scene to select.
- Show labels on layers - Display custom labels on a feature layer.
- Stretch renderer - Use a stretch renderer to enhance the visual contrast of raster data for analysis.
- Style WMS layers - Change the style of a Web Map Service (WMS) layer.
- Time-based query - Query data using a time extent.
- WMS layer (URL) - Display a WMS layer using a WMS service URL.
- WMS service catalog - Connect to a WMS service and show the available layers and sublayers.
- WMTS layer - Display a layer from a Web Map Tile Service.
- Web tiled layer - Display a tiled web layer.
- Display device location with NMEA data sources - Parse NMEA sentences and use the results to show device location on the map.
- Display device location with autopan modes - Display your current position on the map, as well as switch between different types of auto pan modes.
- Set up location-driven Geotriggers - Create a notification every time a given location data source has entered and/or exited a set of features or graphics.
- Show device location using indoor positioning - Show your device's real-time location while inside a building by using signals from indoor positioning beacons.
- Show location history - Display your location history on the map.
- Apply scheduled updates to preplanned map area - Apply scheduled updates to a downloaded preplanned map area.
- Browse building floors - Display and browse through building floors from a floor-aware web map.
- Change basemap - Change a map's basemap. A basemap is beneath all layers on a
and is used to provide visual reference for the operational layers. - Configure basemap style parameters - Apply basemap style parameters customization for a basemap, such as displaying all labels in a specific language or displaying every label in their corresponding local language.
- Create and save map - Create and save a map as an ArcGIS
(i.e. web map). - Create dynamic basemap gallery - Implement a basemap gallery that automatically retrieves the latest customization options from the basemap styles service.
- Display map - Display a map with an imagery basemap.
- Display overview map - Include an overview or inset map as an additional map view to show the wider context of the primary view.
- Download preplanned map area - Take a map offline using a preplanned map area.
- Generate offline map - Take a web map offline.
- Generate offline map (overrides) - Take a web map offline with additional options for each layer.
- Generate offline map with local basemap - Use the
to take a web map offline, but instead of downloading an online basemap, use one which is already on the device. - Honor mobile map package expiration date - Access the expiration information of an expired mobile map package.
- Manage bookmarks - Access and create bookmarks on a map.
- Manage operational layers - Add, remove, and reorder operational layers in a map.
- Map initial extent - Display the map at an initial viewpoint representing a bounding geometry.
- Map load status - Determine the map's load status which can be:
. - Map reference scale - Set the map's reference scale and which feature layers should honor the reference scale.
- Map spatial reference - Specify a map's spatial reference.
- Mobile map (search and route) - Display maps and use locators to enable search and routing offline using a Mobile Map Package.
- Open map URL - Display a web map.
- Open mobile map package - Display a map from a mobile map package.
- Search for webmap - Find webmap portal items by using a search term.
- Set initial map location - Display a basemap centered at an initial location and scale.
- Set max extent - Limit the view of a map to a particular area.
- Set min & max scale - Restrict zooming between specific scale ranges.
- Change time extent - Filter data in layers by applying a time extent to a MapView.
- Change viewpoint - Set the map view to a new viewpoint.
- Display draw status - Get the draw status of your map view or scene view to know when all layers in the map or scene have finished drawing.
- Display grid - Display and customize coordinate system grids including Latitude/Longitude, MGRS, UTM and USNG on a map view or scene view.
- Display layer view state - Determine if a layer is currently being viewed.
- Feature layer time offset - Display a time-enabled feature layer with a time offset.
- Filter by time extent - The time slider provides controls that allow you to visualize temporal data by applying a specific time extent to a map view.
- Identify layers - Identify features in all layers in a map.
- Map rotation - Rotate a map.
- Show callout - Show a callout with the latitude and longitude of user-tapped points.
- Show magnifier - Tap and hold on a map to show a magnifier.
- Take screenshot - Take a screenshot of the map.
- Find closest facility to an incident (interactive) - Find a route to the closest facility from a location.
- Find closest facility to multiple incidents (service) - Find routes from several locations to the respective closest facility.
- Find route - Display directions for a route between two points.
- Find service area - Find the service area within a network from a given point.
- Find service areas for multiple facilities - Find the service areas of several facilities from a feature service.
- Navigate route - Use a routing service to navigate between points.
- Navigate route with rerouting - Navigate between two points and dynamically recalculate an alternate route when the original route is unavailable.
- Offline routing - Solve a route on-the-fly using offline data.
- Route around barriers - Find a route that reaches all stops without crossing any barriers.
- Change atmosphere effect - Changes the appearance of the atmosphere in a scene.
- Create terrain from local tile package - Set the terrain surface with elevation described by a local tile package.
- Create terrain surface from a local raster - Set the terrain surface with elevation described by a raster file.
- Filter features in scene - Filter 3D scene features out of a given geometry with a polygon filter.
- Get elevation at a point - Get the elevation for a given point on a surface in a scene.
- Open mobile scene package - Opens and displays a scene from a Mobile Scene Package (.mspk).
- Open scene (portal item) - Open a web scene from a portal item.
- Show labels on layer 3D - Display custom labels in a 3D scene.
- Terrain exaggeration - Vertically exaggerate terrain in a scene.
- View content beneath terrain surface - See through terrain in a scene and move the camera underground.
- Animate images with image overlay - Animate a series of images with an image overlay.
- Choose camera controller - Control the behavior of the camera in a scene.
- GeoView viewpoint synchronization - Keep the view points of two views (e.g. MapView and SceneView) synchronized with each other.
- Find address - Find the location for an address.
- Find place - Find places of interest near a location or within a specific area.
- Offline geocode - Geocode addresses to locations and reverse geocode locations to addresses offline.
- Reverse geocode - Use an online service to find the address for a tapped point.
- ArcGIS token challenge - This sample demonstrates how to prompt the user for a username and password to authenticate with ArcGIS Server to access an ArcGIS token-secured service. Accessing secured services requires a login that's been defined on the server.
- Authenticate with OAuth - Authenticate with ArcGIS Online (or your own portal) using OAuth2 to access secured resources (such as private web maps or layers).
- Apply unique values with alternate symbols - Apply a unique value with alternate symbols at different scales.
- Create symbol styles from web styles - Create symbol styles from a style file hosted on a portal.
- Custom dictionary style - Use a custom dictionary created from a web style or style file (.stylx) to symbolize features using a variety of attribute values.
- Distance composite scene symbol - Change a graphic's symbol based on the camera's proximity to it.
- Feature layer extrusion - Extrude features based on their attributes.
- Read symbols from mobile style - Combine multiple symbols from a mobile style file into a single symbol.
- Render multilayer symbols - Show different kinds of multilayer symbols on a map similar to some pre-defined 2D simple symbol styles.
- Scene symbols - Show various kinds of 3D symbols in a scene.
- Simple renderer - Display common symbols for all graphics in a graphics overlay with a renderer.
- Style geometry types with symbols - Use a symbol to display a geometry on a map.
- Unique value renderer - Render features in a layer using a distinct symbol for each unique attribute value.
- Configure subnetwork trace - Get a server-defined trace configuration for a given tier and modify its traversability scope, add new condition barriers and control what is included in the subnetwork trace result.
- Create load report - Demonstrates the creation of a simple electric distribution report. It traces downstream from a given point and adds up the count of customers and total load per phase.
- Display content of utility network container - A utility network container allows a dense collection of features to be represented by a single feature, which can be used to reduce map clutter.
- Display utility associations - Create graphics for utility associations in a utility network.
- Perform valve isolation trace - Run a filtered trace to locate operable features that will isolate an area from the flow of network resources.
- Trace utility network - Discover connected features in a utility network using connected, subnetwork, upstream, and downstream traces.
- Validate utility network topology - Demonstrates the workflow of getting the network state and validating the topology of a utility network.