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311 lines (205 loc) · 9.88 KB

File metadata and controls

311 lines (205 loc) · 9.88 KB

Change log

Changes in 0.10.0

  • Changed SourceControl.ImportProjectComponents - no longer updates existing project's components in VBProject.

  • Added SourceControl.UpdateProjectComponents - updates only existing project components in VBProject.

Changes in 0.9.0

  • Added following methods to StringExt:

    • Compare - Compares two specified Strings, ignoring or honoring their case, and returns an integer that indicates their relative position in the sort order.

    • Concat - Concatenates the members of a constructed Variant ParamArray of type String.

    • IsEmpty - Indicates whether the specified string is null or an empty string (vbNullString).

    • IsEmptyOrWhiteSpace - Indicates whether a specified string is empty, or consists only of white-space characters.

    • PadLeft - Returns a new string that right-aligns the characters in this instance by padding them on the left with a specified Unicode character, for a specified total length.

    • PadRight - Returns a new string that left-aligns the characters in this string by padding them on the right with a specified Unicode character, for a specified total length.

    • Replace - Returns a new string in which all occurrences of a specified string in the current instance are replaced with another specified string, using the provided comparison type.

    • Substring - Retrieves a substring from this instance. The substring starts at a specified character position and has a specified length. If length is not specified, selection continues to the end of the string.

    • ToLower - Returns a copy of this string converted to lowercase.

    • ToUpper - The uppercase equivalent of the current string.

    • Trim - Removes all leading and trailing occurrences of a set of characters specified in an array from the current string.

    • TrimEnd - Removes all the trailing occurrences of a set of characters specified in an array from the current string.

    • TrimStart - Removes all the leading occurrences of a set of characters specified in an array from the current string.

  • Changed signature of StringExt.IndexOf method. Count argument is no longer accepted.

  • Methods are now listed in alphabetical order. This should allow easier navigation though module documentation.

  • Fixed casing for boolean literals in documentation.

  • Fixed a bug where StringExt.StartsWith would not pickup symbols like # and *.

Changes in 0.8.0

  • Updated or created entries in CollectionExt documentation.

  • Added following method to CollectionExt:

    • Convert
  • Removed following methods from CollectionExt:

    • ToString

    • ToStringByProperty

    • DistinctValues

  • Fixed a bug in MergeSort algorithm which would not allow to sort items which aren't reference type items.

Changes in 0.7.0

  • ExUnit, instead of displaying error numbers when test fails, now shows name of the error. This applies for both, custom defined exceptions in Exception class as well as for VBA's error numbers.
Option Explicit
Private Sub RemoveThrowsArgumentOutOfRangeWhenStartIndexIsNegetiveTest()

    On Error GoTo ErrHandler
    Const MethodName = "RemoveThrowsArgumentOutOfRangeWhenStartIndexIsNegetiveTest"
    ExUnit.AreEqual "foo", StringExt.Remove("foo-bar", -1), "StringHelperTests." & MethodName

    ExUnit.IsException ExceptionCode.ArgumentOutOfRange, Err.Number, "StringHelperTests." & MethodName

End Sub

' This example produces the following results:
' FAILED; Expected exception [ArgumentOutOfRange], Actual exception [ArgumentNull]; StringHelperTests.RemoveThrowsArgumentOutOfRangeWhenStartIndexIsNegetiveTest
  • Added ExceptionCodeEnum.ToString and ExceptionCodeEnum.TryToString to retrieve custom exception names.

  • Added ErrorNumber enumerator which lists error numbers for every built-in VBA error.

  • Added ErrorNumberEnum.ToString and ErrorNumberEnum.TryToString to retrieve error names for built-in VBA errors.

  • TODO: Tests which do fail assertion should have more better descriptions.

  • Instead of displaying each assertion result separately, ExUnit now groups test results based on the source. Each test method is represented by one TestResult object.

Remarks: This behavior is expected only when ExUnit is setup like in following example.

Option Explicit
Public Sub TestRunner()

    ExUnit.ShowPassingTest = True


    ExUnit.PrintTestResults New TestResultImmediatePrinter

End Sub

Private Sub TestMethod()

    On Error GoTo ErrHandler
    Const MethodName = "TestMethod"
    ExUnit.AreEqual 1, 1, "TestModule." & MethodName
    ExUnit.AreEqual 2, 2, "TestModule." & MethodName

    Exit Sub
    ExUnit.TestFailRunTime "TestModule." & MethodName

End Sub

' This example produces the following results:
' PASSED; TestModule.TestMethod
  • Users can now have access to the test results by calling ExUnit.TestResults at the end of each test run.

  • ExUnit can now print test results into any place which is handled by ITestResultPrinter interface. At moment there is only one class which impelemnts mentioned interface, it's TestResultImmediatePrinter.

Changes in 0.6.0

  • Exposed ExUnit.TestPass and ExUnit.TestFail methods to better express some test's intentions.
  • Added StringExt.Remove which returns new string in which a specified number of characters from the current string are deleted.
Public Sub Start()
    Debug.Print StringExt.Remove("foo-bar", 3)
End Sub

' This example produces the following results:
' foo
  • Added StringExt.RemoveRange which returns a new string in which a specified number of characters in the current instance beginning at a specified position have been deleted.
Option Explicit
Public Sub Start()
    Debug.Print StringExt.RemoveRange("foo-bar", 3, 1)
End Sub

' This example produces the following results:
' foobar
  • Added StringExt.Concat which concatenates elements of a specified string array.
Option Explicit
Public Sub Start()
    Debug.Print StringExt.Concat("A", "bbb", "c", "12#")
End Sub

' This example produces the following results:
' Abbbc12#
  • Added StringExt.StartsWith which determines whether the beginning of this string instance matches a specified string.
Option Explicit
Public Sub Start()

    Test("John", "J", VbCompareMethod.vbTextCompare)
    Test("John", "J", VbCompareMethod.vbBinaryCompare)

End Sub

Private Sub Test(ByVal x as String, ByVal y as String, ByVal CompareMethod as vbCompareMethod)

    If CompareMethod = vbTextCompare Then
        Debug.Print "vbCompareMethod.vbTextCompare"

    ElseIf CompareMethod = vbBinaryCompare Then
        Debug.Print "vbCompareMethod.vbBinaryCompare"
    End if

    If StringExt.StartsWith(x, y, CompareMethod) Then
        Debug.Print x & " ends with " & y
        Debug.Print x & " does not ends with " & y
    End if

    Debug.Print vbNewLine

End Sub

' This example produces the following results:
' vbCompareMethod.vbTextCompare
' John starts with J
' vbCompareMethod.vbBinaryCompare
' John does not starts with J
  • Added StringExt.EndsWith which determines whether the end of this string instance matches the specified string when compared using the specified comparison option.
Option Explicit
Public Sub Start()

    Test("John", "N", VbCompareMethod.vbTextCompare)
    Test("John", "N", VbCompareMethod.vbBinaryCompare)

End Sub

Private Sub Test(ByVal x as String, ByVal y as String, ByVal CompareMethod as vbCompareMethod)

    If CompareMethod = vbTextCompare Then
        Debug.Print "vbCompareMethod.vbTextCompare"

    ElseIf CompareMethod = vbBinaryCompare Then
        Debug.Print "vbCompareMethod.vbBinaryCompare"
    End if

    If StringExt.EndsWith(x, y, CompareMethod) Then
        Debug.Print x & " ends with " & y
        Debug.Print x & " does not ends with " & y
    End if
    Debug.Print vbNewLine

End Sub

' This example produces the following results:
' vbCompareMethod.vbTextCompare
' John ends with N
' vbCompareMethod.vbBinaryCompare
' John does not ends with N
  • Added StringExt.Insert which returns a new string in which a specified string is inserted at a specified index position in the instance.
Option Explicit
Public Sub Start()

    Dim Original as String: Original = "aaabbb"
    Dim Modified as String
    Modified = StringExt.Insert(Original, 3, " ")
    Debug.Print "This is original string: " & Original
    Debug.Print "This is modified string: " & Modified

End Sub

' This example produces the following results:
' This is original string: aaabbb
' This is modified string: aaa bbb
  • Added StringExt.LastIndexOf which reports the zero-based index position of the last occurrence of a specified string within this instance.
Option Explicit
Public Sub Start()

    Debug.Print "Comparison: vbTextCompare. Location: " & StringExt.LastIndexOf(Text, "b", 0, Len(Text), vbCompareMethod.vbTextCompare
    Debug.Print "Comparison: vbBinaryCompare. Location:  " & StringExt.LastIndexOf(Text, "B", 0, Len(Text), vbCompareMethod.vbBinaryCompare)

End Sub

' This example produces the following results:
' Comparison: vbTextCompare. Location: 3
' Comparison: vbBinaryCompare. Location: -1
  • Added StringExt.LastIndexOfAny which reports the zero-based index position of the last occurrence in this instance of one or more characters.
Option Explicit
Public Sub Start()

    Debug.Print "The last character occurrence location: " & StringExt.LastIndexOfAny("abcd", StringArray("a", "d"))
    Debug.Print "The last character occurrence location: " & StringExt.LastIndexOfAny("abcd", StringArray("d", "a"))
    Debug.Print "The last character occurrence location: " & StringExt.LastIndexOfAny("abcd", StringArray("b", "c"))

End Sub

' This example produces the following results:
' The last character occurrence location: 0
' The last character occurrence location: 3
' The last character occurrence location: 1