Maven repository that proxy artifact request to one of know project-based maven repositories
- JetBrains Space 10 GB of total storage, 50 GB of total data transfer per month
AWS S3 $0.0245 per GB storage,
per month. - JitPack: Always free for OSS, more pricing options on their site.
- GitHub Packages: free for public repositories. Private repositories: 500MB of storage, 1GB of data transfer per month for free, more pricing options on their site. Users have to issue personal token, and use it in credentatials section to consume github packages. – Doesn't work with
- Please submit more options
repositories {
maven {
url = uri("")
} is great for quick experiments, and collaboration of couple independent projects under single repository url. I suggest you to use it in home projects, or in environment where you can cache dependencies in case if original dependency not longer available. But for enterprise level softwate you may like to use only maven central. Here some projects that may help to upload your artifacts to maven central:
- gradle-nexus/publish-plugin - Gradle Plugin covering the whole releasing process to Maven Central
- vanniktech/gradle-maven-publish-plugin - Gradle Plugin that tries to simplify setup process
- saket/startship - CLI tool for publishing
- No-bullshit guide on publishing your Gradle projects to Maven Central
Create PR with changes to index.yml:
"": # repository url
- "io.heapy.komodo" # list of allowed groups
# Run
docker run --detach --name --restart=always -p
docker pull
docker stop
docker rm
docker run --detach --name --restart=always -p