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+# GitHub Audit QRadar Universal Cloud REST API
+QRadar Univseral Cloud Rest API log source that ingests GitHub audit logs.
+* **Author Name:** Liam Mahoney
+* **Maintainer Name:** [lmahoney1](https://github.com/lmahoney1)
+* **Version Number:** 1.0.0
+* **Endpoint Documentation:**
+ * **Choose the appropriate version of GitHub being used in the top left corner of the page**
+ * [Enterprise Audit Logs](https://docs.github.com/en/enterprise-cloud@latest/rest/enterprise-admin/audit-log?apiVersion=2022-11-28#get-the-audit-log-for-an-enterprise)
+ * [Organization Audit Logs](https://docs.github.com/en/enterprise-cloud@latest/rest/orgs/orgs?apiVersion=2022-11-28#get-the-audit-log-for-an-organization)
+* **Event Types Supported by Workflow:** All
+## Workflow Parameters
+| Name | Description | Required | Example |
+| ---- | ----------- | -------- | ------- |
+| host | GitHub API to connect to | yes | api.github.com |
+| app_id | ID of the application installed on the organization. Required if using app authentication to retrieve organization audit logs. | no | 123456 |
+| app_private_key | Base64 encoded app private key **PCKS#8 certificate**. Required if using app authentication to retrieve organization audit logs. | no | LS0.... |
+| app_installation_id | Installation ID of the application installed on the organization. Required if using app authentication to retrieve organization audit logs. | no | 7891011 |
+| personal_access_token | GitHub personal access token that has permission to view audit logs on the organization / enterprise. Required if retrieving enterprise audit logs, or using personal access token authentication to retrieve organization audit logs. | no | xxxxxxx |
+| organization | GitHub Organization to gather audit logs from. Required when retrieving organization audit logs. | no | example-org |
+| enterprise | GitHub Enterprise to gather audit logs from. Required when retrieving enterprise audit logs. | no | example-enterprise |
+## Configuration
+This workflow can be configured to pull audit logs from either a GitHub Organization or an Enterprise.
+### Configuring For Enterprise
+To configure the workflow to pull audit logs for teh whole enterprise you must supply values for the following workflow parameters:
+* `host`
+* `personal_access_token`
+* `enterprise`
+#### Generating a Personal Access Token
+You must generate a personal access token from a GitHub account that is a Site Owner. See [This page](https://docs.github.com/en/enterprise-cloud@latest/rest/enterprise-admin/audit-log?apiVersion=2022-11-28) for more details about the proper roles required for the Personal Access token. **Verify you are looking at the proper verison of GitHub in the top left corner**.
+#### Finding Enterprise Name
+You need to specify the name of the enterprise to retrieve audit logs from as the value for the workflow paramter `enterprise`. The enterprise name can be found by clicking the top right icon -> 'Your Enterprise' -> copy the end of the URL from the URL bar in your web browser.
+### Configuring For Organization
+To configure the workflow to pull audit logs from an organization you must supply values for the following workflow parameters:
+* `host`
+* `organization`
+You must also supply values for one of the two authenticatio methods that are supported:
+* GitHub App
+ * `app_id`
+ * `app_private_key`
+ * `app_installation_id`
+* Personal Access Token
+ * `personal_access_token`
+#### Finding Organization Name
+Navigate to your organization's page. Copy the name of the organization from the web browser URL bar. Provide this as the value for the workflow parameter `organization`.
+#### Configuring App Authentication
+##### Create GitHub App
+You must be an administrator on the organization you wish to install the app on. Navigate to the organization page and click on 'Developer Settings'.
+Make sure the 'GitHub Apps' page is selected, and click the 'New GitHub App' button.
+Make the following changes:
+* name
+ * recommend something related to QRadar / QRadar Universal Cloud REST API
+* description
+ * more detail that this app is for authenticating the QRadar Universal Cloud REST API log source
+* homepage URL
+ * copy + paste the URL to this README.md file
+* webhook
+ * unselect the 'active' checkbox
+* permissions
+ * see [this](https://docs.github.com/en/enterprise-server@3.7/rest/orgs/orgs#get-the-audit-log-for-an-organization) link for more details about the proper permissions to grant the app. **Verify you are looking at the correct version of GitHub in the top left corner of the page**
+Determine what you would like for whether or not the app can only be installed by the user account or anyone.
+Once the app is created you should be able to see the ID of the app by navigating the the `About` section of the app. Provide this ID as the value for the `app_id` workflow parameter.
+##### Get GitHub App Installation ID
+Navigate to your organization page (top right icon -> settings -> organization -> 'settings' button on the organization)
+In the left tool bar, scroll down to the 'Integrations' section and click on 'GitHub Apps'.
+Click on the app, the installation ID should be avaiable in the web browser URL bar. Provide this installation ID as the value for the `app_installation_id` workflow parameter.
+##### Generate GitHub App Private Key
+Naviagate to the GitHub application you have created. Scroll to the bottom of the page until you see "Private keys".
+Generate a private key, note that it downloads the key for you automatically. This key is the in `PKCS#1 RSAPrivateKey` format, and QRadar Universal Cloud REST API requires that the file be in the format `PKCS#8`. Use the following command on linux to convert the key to `PKCS#8` and base64 encode it. Not sure how to do it on other OSes, apologies.
+`openssl pkcs8 -topk8 -inform PEM -outform PEM -nocrypt -in /path/to/key/downloaded/key-name.pem | openssl base64 -A`
+Replace `/path/to/key/downloaded/key-name.pem` with the path to the private key you downloaded.
+Provide this base64 encoded string as the `app_private_key` workflow parameter value.
+#### Configuring Personal Access Token Authentication
+Generate a Personal Access Token and specify the token as the value for the `personal_access_token` workflow paramter. See [this](https://docs.github.com/en/enterprise-server@3.7/rest/orgs/orgs#get-the-audit-log-for-an-organization) link for more details about the roles required to be granted to the personal access token. **Validate you are looking at the correct version of GitHub in the top left corner of the page**.
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