diff --git a/IBM Spectrum Protect Plus Auditlog/README.md b/IBM Spectrum Protect Plus Auditlog/README.md
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+# Workflow basic information:
+* Author: Daniel Wendler
+* Maintainer: dwendler, dwendler(at)de(dot)ibm(dot)com
+* Workflow Version Number: 1.0
+* [Endpoint Documentation of Spectrum Protect Plus REST API](https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/SSNQFQ_10.1.10/pdf/restapi.pdf)
+* [SPP landing page](https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/spp/10.1.10)
+* supported endpoints: Audit Logs via api/endeavour/log/audit
+# Workflow parameters
+* #host# (required): IP_Address or Hostname, no protocol prefix, e.g. "mySppHost.myCompany.com" will be assebled to https://mySppHost.myCompany.com:443
+* #port# (not required, default is 443): 443
+* #username# (required): e.g. monitorUser, this user needs the correct RBAC within SPP to query the SPP audit logs
+* #password# (required): password of above user
+* #pageSize# (not required, leave default): number of audit log entries to retrieve with a single REST API get operation, the workflow will use pagination until no new events exist in the audit log queue. default = 100 is suggested by the API for this endpoint
+# tested REST API of IBM Spectrum Protect Plus versions:
+This Workflow has been tested with SPP version 10.1.9 and 10.1.10.
+The SPP REST API in versions 10.1.8 and earlier do not provide the required
+information and functionalities required by this workflow.
+# QRadar Log Source Configuration
+If you want to ingest data from an endpoint using Universal Rest API Protocol, configure a log source on the QRadarĀ® Console using the Workflow field so that the defined endpoint can communicate with QRadar by using the Universal Rest API protocol.
+1. Log in to QRadar.
+2. Click the _Admin_ tab.
+3. To open the app, click the _Log Sources_ app icon and _launch_ the app to select _Log Sources - Manage Log Sources_
+4. Click _New Log Source_ > _Single Log Source_.
+5. On the _Select a Log Source Type_ page, Select the Log Source Type _Universal DSM_ and click _Select Protocol Type_ > _Universal Cloud REST API_.
+6. *Important:* disable the function _Coalescing Events_, otherwise, similar Audit Logs may be interpreted as a single event.
+7. On the Select a Protocol Type page, select a protocol and click _Configure Log Source Parameters_.
+8. On the Configure the Log Source parameters page, configure the log source parameters and click _Configure Protocol
+9. On the Configure the Protocol Parameters page, configure the protocol-specific parameters (Workflow and Workflow
+Parameter Values).
+10. In the Test protocol parameters window, click _Start Test_.
+11. To fix any errors, click _Configure Protocol Parameters_. Configure the parameters and click Test Protocol Parameters.
+12. Click _Finish_
+# sample API response of an audit log entry
+ "accessTime": 1648475990938,
+ "serverTime": 1648475990938,
+ "user": "monitorUser",
+ "groups": "",
+ "operation": "Login",
+ "description": "Login failed for user monitorUser.",
+ "requesterIp": "AAA.BBB.CCC.100",
+ "sppserver": "AAA.BBB.CCC.120"
+# conversion from epoch time to date and vice versa
+**Note:** SPP utilizes epoch timestamp in milliseconds -> multiply / devide with 1000 may be required
+date +%s # converts local time to epoch time in seconds (not MS)
+date -d @1648466798 # convert epoch timestamp in seconds (not MS) to local date
+# sample test tool execution and debug logs - sanitized
+> time /opt/qradar/bin/test-workflow.sh -u -w /tmp/spp/spp-Workflow.xml -wp /tmp/spp/spp-Workflow-Parameter-Values.xml
+SLF4J: Actual binding is of type [org.slf4j.impl.Log4jLoggerFactory]
+2022-03-28 16:30:59 [INFO ][LogAction] [NOT:0000006000][QRadarInstance1/- -] [-/- -]SPP IQUCRA> debug: true
+2022-03-28 16:30:59 [INFO ][LogAction] [NOT:0000006000][QRadarInstance1/- -] [-/- -]SPP IQUCRA> bookmark (start): 1648461176749
+2022-03-28 16:30:59 [INFO ][LogAction] [NOT:0000006000][QRadarInstance1/- -] [-/- -]SPP IQUCRA> counter (start): 0
+2022-03-28 16:30:59 [INFO ][LogAction] [NOT:0000006000][QRadarInstance1/- -] [-/- -]SPP IQUCRA> URL: https://AAA.BBB.CCC.100:443/api/endeavour/log/audit
+2022-03-28 16:30:59 [INFO ][UniversalCloudRESTAPITest] Received 1 events from AAA.BBB.CCC.100
+2022-03-28 16:30:59 [INFO ][UniversalCloudRESTAPITest] {"accessTime":1648461176749,"serverTime":1648461176749,"user":"restapiuser","groups":"","operation":"Login","description":"Login failed for user restapiuser (request originated from IP address: AAA.BBB.CCC.120).","requesterIp":"AAA.BBB.CCC.120","sppserver":"AAA.BBB.CCC.100"}
+2022-03-28 16:31:01 [INFO ][LogAction] [NOT:0000006000][QRadarInstance1/- -] [-/- -]SPP IQUCRA> bookmark (queryPage): 1648475895751
+2022-03-28 16:31:01 [INFO ][LogAction] [NOT:0000006000][QRadarInstance1/- -] [-/- -]SPP IQUCRA> URL: https://AAA.BBB.CCC.100/api/endeavour/log/audit?sort=%5B%7B%22property%22%3A+%22accessTime%22%2C+%22direction%22%3A+%22ASC%22%7D%5D&filter=%5B%7B%22property%22%3A+%22accessTime%22%2C+%22op%22%3A+%22%3E%3D%22%2C+%22value%22%3A+%221648461176749%22%7D%5D&pageSize=100&pageStartIndex=100
+2022-03-28 16:31:01 [INFO ][UniversalCloudRESTAPITest] Received 1 events from AAA.BBB.CCC.100
+2022-03-28 16:31:01 [INFO ][UniversalCloudRESTAPITest] {"accessTime":1648477857858,"serverTime":1648477857858,"user":"monitorUser","groups":"","operation":"Login","description":"Login successful for user monitorUser.","requesterIp":"QRadarInstance1","sppserver":"AAA.BBB.CCC.100"}
+2022-03-28 16:31:01 [INFO ][LogAction] [NOT:0000006000][QRadarInstance1/- -] [-/- -]SPP IQUCRA> bookmark (queryPage): 1648477857858
+2022-03-28 16:31:01 [INFO ][LogAction] [NOT:0000006000][QRadarInstance1/- -] [-/- -]SPP IQUCRA> bookmark (final): 1648477857858
+2022-03-28 16:31:01 [INFO ][LogAction] [NOT:0000006000][QRadarInstance1/- -] [-/- -]SPP IQUCRA> collected events: 114
+# sample QRadar log output
+>tail -f /var/log/qradar.log | grep SPP
+Mar 28 16:13:19 ::ffff:QRadarInstance1 [ecs-ec-ingress.ecs-ec-ingress] [Thread-7638764] com.q1labs.semsources.sources.universalcloudrestapi.v1.workflow.action.LogAction: [INFO] [NOT:0000006000][QRadarInstance1/- -] [-/- -]SPP IQUCRA> debug: true
+Mar 28 16:13:19 ::ffff:QRadarInstance1 [ecs-ec-ingress.ecs-ec-ingress] [Thread-7638764] com.q1labs.semsources.sources.universalcloudrestapi.v1.workflow.action.LogAction: [INFO] [NOT:0000006000][QRadarInstance1/- -] [-/- -]SPP IQUCRA> bookmark (start): 1648461176749
+Mar 28 16:13:19 ::ffff:QRadarInstance1 [ecs-ec-ingress.ecs-ec-ingress] [Thread-7638764] com.q1labs.semsources.sources.universalcloudrestapi.v1.workflow.action.LogAction: [INFO] [NOT:0000006000][QRadarInstance1/- -] [-/- -]SPP IQUCRA> counter (start): 0
+Mar 28 16:13:19 ::ffff:QRadarInstance1 [ecs-ec-ingress.ecs-ec-ingress] [Thread-7638764] com.q1labs.semsources.sources.universalcloudrestapi.v1.workflow.action.LogAction: [INFO] [NOT:0000006000][QRadarInstance1/- -] [-/- -]SPP IQUCRA> URL: https://AAA.BBB.CCC.100:443/api/endeavour/log/audit
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