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722eebd · Jun 19, 2023




Level - Medium


You'll have to make your own shellcode for this one!

`nc 40017`

[shellcode] [shellcode.c]


This C file takes in 40 bytes (4 segments of 10 bytes) and runs the ASM built by it, allowing you to put in your own shellcode. I split it up into 4 segments so they couldn't just copy and paste some shellcode somewhere, but had to come up with their own. It may be possible with only 30 bytes too, but I just wanted it to be medium difficulty so they have some bytes to spare.

My solve script compiles ASM commands into 9 bytes, 9 bytes, 9 bytes, and 4 bytes, sends them, and gets a shell back. It relies on putting "/bin/sh" into $rdi, setting $rax = 0x3b, and $rdi and $rsi to 0.

Flag - byuctf{1m_als0_pretty_new_t0_pwn_s0_h0p3_it_was_g00d}


shellcode was compiled with gcc -o shellcode -fstack-protector-all shellcode.c.

This challenge should be a Docker container that runs the executable shellcode every time someone connects on port 40017. All the proper files are included in here. The command to build the docker container is (when located inside of this directory):

sudo docker build -t shellcode .
sudo docker network create -d bridge shellcode

The command to start the challenge is:

sudo docker run -p 40017:40000 --detach --name shellcode --network shellcode shellcode:latest

The command to stop the challenge (since CTRL+C won't work) is:

sudo docker stop shellcode