Level - Easy
I've returned to my earlier days and have decided to start creating and using Roblox hacks. However, to make sure I don't get caught, I've put a login page on my server so that only I can access my data. Can you get the admin credentials?
nc byuctf.xyz 40000
This problem is a variant of SQL injection, except it's code injection. You can either take the boolean-based approach where you use a password payload like "+users[0]["password"][:1] == "a") and (user["password"]+"
and brute force it letter by letter, or you can take the more intuitive approach and just insert your own code that you know will be executed - "+print(user)+"
Flag - byuctf{th1s_1s_th3_cous1n_of_sql1}
This challenge should be a Docker container that runs the python script roblox.py
every time someone connects on port 40000. All the proper files are included in here. The command to build the docker container is (when located inside of this directory):
sudo docker build -t roblox .
The command to start the challenge is:
sudo docker run -p 40000:40000 --detach --name roblox roblox:latest
The command to stop the challenge (since CTRL+C won't work) is:
sudo docker stop roblox