- Short description: Lets you set the parent of any accessories to any bone, enables attaching accessories to each other (AAAPK alternate)
- Author(s): Starstorm
- More information: https://github.com/starstormhun/StarPlugins
- Short description: Revamps the Transfer tab of the accessories panel, letting you copy, move, or compact accessories
- Author(s): Starstorm
- More information: https://github.com/starstormhun/StarPlugins
- Short description: Makes normal character accessories available as items
- Author(s): DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: Necessary to load some accessories
- Author(s): DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: Quickly remove accessories by pressing the delete key
- Author(s): DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: Turn accessories on or off based on clothing states(Alternative to AccStateSync)
- Author(s): jalil49
- More information: https://github.com/jalil49/Maker_Tools/tree/main/Accessory%20States
- Short description: Adds mobs in story mode
- Author(s): ManlyMarco
- More information: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/KoikatuGameplayMods
- Short description: Adds more poses to maker, but the pose list will become slow to load
- Author(s): moderchan
- More information: ???
- Short description: May cause scenes to load with slightly incorrect character positions, adds more FK nodes for toes and the fun stick of BP uncensors
- Author(s): Animal42069
- More information: https://www.patreon.com/Animal42069
- Short description: Effects for sweating, crying, bukkake and deflowering
- Author(s): ManlyMarco
- More information: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/KK_SkinEffects
- Short description: Tool for editing and creating ADV scenes, check the repo readme
- Author(s): ManlyMarco
- More information: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/ADV_Editor
- Short description: Adds shoulder controls to IK in Studio
- Author(s): OrangeSpork
- More information: https://github.com/OrangeSpork/AdvIKPlugin
- Short description: Climax 3 times for ahegao
- Author(s): Mostly essu
- More information: ???
- Short description: An alternative to madevil's AccessoryStateSync
- Author(s): Njaecha
- More information: https://github.com/Njaecha/ANAL
- Short description: Animation Controller for Koikatsu
- Author(s): DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: A plugin for loading animations from Sideloader zipmods
- Author(s): AnimationLoader.Koikatu
- More information: https://github.com/IllusionMods/AnimationLoader
- Short description: Unlock animation speed in studio, type in the text box
- Author(s): DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: Scripting resource that provides a visual spline editor for Unity AnimationCurves
- Author(s): Njaecha
- More information: https://github.com/Njaecha/UnityAnimationCurveEditor
- Short description: Autosaves studio scenes and maker cards periodically
- Author(s): DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: Skip game startup screens or directly start character maker
- Author(s): IllusionMods
- More information: https://github.com/IllusionMods/IntroBegone
- Short description: Makes the manipulation axis speed and size slider's minimum and maximum values configurable
- Author(s): Starstorm
- More information: https://github.com/starstormhun/StarPlugins
- Short description: Expands liquid textures during H onto arms and some gloves
- Author(s): ymgpt
- More information: ???
- Short description: Plugin framework
- Author(s): https://github.com/BepInEx
- More information: https://github.com/BepInEx/BepInEx
- Short description: A loading screen on game startup with information about patchers and plugins being currently loaded
- Author(s): BepInEx
- More information: https://github.com/BepInEx/BepInEx.SplashScreen
- Short description: Collection of essential plugins
- Author(s): bbepis
- More information: https://github.com/bbepis/BepisPlugins
- Short description: Grab color from anywhere on screen, e.g. a reference image
- Author(s): ManlyMarco
- More information: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/KK_BetterColorPicker
- Short description: Allows you to scale folders and to scale everything on a logarithmic scale when using the guide objects in studio
- Author(s): Starstorm
- More information: https://github.com/starstormhun/StarPlugins
- Short description: An alternative scene loader for Studio.
- Author(s): Keelhauled
- More information: https://github.com/IllusionMods/KeelPlugins
- Short description: Adds shadow related settings as plugin settings
- Author(s): Augh
- More information: Discord
- Short description: Improves and allows customization of squirting
- Author(s): MayouKurayami
- More information: https://github.com/MayouKurayami/KK_BetterSquirt
- Short description: It improves how outlines look around cleavage and pubic areas
- Author(s): stinger722
- More information: ???
- Short description: Make 'em bounce
- Author(s): DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: Enables control of DynamicBone's some parameters for breasts
- Author(s): DeathWeasel
- More information: https://github.com/IllusionMods/BreastPhysicsController
- Short description: Adds bulges to characters that pack a shlong
- Author(s): ManlyMarco
- More information: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/KoikatuGameplayMods
- Short description: Runs user scripts from scripts folder
- Author(s): denikson
- More information: https://github.com/denikson/BepInEx.ScriptLoader
- Short description: Make loading characters look less glitchy
- Author(s): Keelhauled
- More information: https://github.com/Keelhauled/KeelPlugins
- Short description: Prevents some bugs in plugins from affecting other plugins
- Author(s): BepInEx
- More information: https://github.com/BepInEx/BepInEx.Utility
- Short description: Lets a mod have different alpha masks for different undress states
- Author(s): nakay
- More information: ???
- Short description: Export all currently loaded character cards
- Author(s): DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: Makes a sound when maker loads
- Author(s): DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: Can change the janitor to any character, requires Darkness
- Author(s): IllusionMods
- More information: https://github.com/IllusionMods/CharacterReplacer
- Short description: Can edit state of multiple charas in studio at once
- Author(s): Keelhauled
- More information: https://github.com/Keelhauled/KeelPlugins
- Short description: Trainer, press F12 to open, it's in the bottom left corner
- Author(s): ManlyMarco
- More information: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/IllusionCheatTools
- Short description: Allows zipmods to easily add cloth physics to clothes
- Author(s): ManlyMarco
- More information: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/Illusion_ClothColliders
- Short description: Allows using normal clothes and hair as accessories
- Author(s): DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: Adds the option to adjust the amount of squeeze for certain modded items
- Author(s): Nakay
- More information: https://twitter.com/nkt6Ilkk900/status/1429792799134609409
- Short description: Can undress in chara maker and in H scenes
- Author(s): ManlyMarco
- More information: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/Illusion_ClothingStateMenu
- Short description: Can use female clothes in male maker and vice versa
- Author(s): DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: Add physics to characters
- Author(s): DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: Can change plugin settings. Press F1 to open, not visible inside HMD
- Author(s): BepInEx
- More information: https://github.com/BepInEx/BepInEx.ConfigurationManager
- Short description: Can load only specific parts of outfits
- Author(s): jim60105
- More information: https://blog.maki0419.com/2019/03/koikatu-coordinate-load-option.html
- Short description: Copies the body material unto clothing that have part of the body mesh with them
- Author(s): Nakay
- More information: ???
- Short description: Randomizes outfits for characters using folders based on how lewd they are
- Author(s): jalil49
- More information: https://github.com/jalil49/Cosplay-Academy
- Short description: Fake 3D mode by crossing your eyes
- Author(s): 2155X
- More information: https://github.com/Mantas-2155X
- Short description: Replaces fades between animations with animated transitions
- Author(s): MaouKurayami
- More information: https://github.com/MayouKurayami/KK_CrossFader
- Short description: What the fuck is that
- Author(s): ManlyMarco
- More information: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SZBQ4lQFqvw
- Short description: Can use all personalities in the darkness event and make the event 'consensual'
- Author(s): picolet21
- More information: ???
- Short description: Dark theme for the game interface, English only (not very pretty)
- Author(s): ScrewThisNoise
- More information: ???
- Short description: Set custom default studio settings
- Author(s): Keelhauled
- More information: https://github.com/Keelhauled/KeelPlugins
- Short description: Demosaic for Koikatsu
- Author(s): DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: Lets some zipmods turn off dynamic hip bones
- Author(s): Unknown
- More information: ???
- Short description: Drag cards and scenes from explorer into game window
- Author(s): IllusionMods
- More information: https://github.com/IllusionMods/DragAndDrop
- Short description: Auto adjust player clothes to match current event
- Author(s): GeBo1
- More information: https://github.com/GeBo1/GeBoPlugins
- Short description: Editing for accessory DynamicBones in the character maker
- Author(s): DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: Editor for Dynamic Bones offering some completely new features
- Author(s): Njaecha
- More information: https://github.com/Njaecha/DynamicBoneDistributionEditor
- Short description: Allows adjusting the length and position of the vanilla fangs
- Author(s): Njaecha
- More information: ???
- Short description: Toggle full screen with alt+enter
- Author(s): BepInEx
- More information: https://github.com/BepInEx/BepInEx.Utility
- Short description: Allows resizing the game window, can mess with the UI, turn on in plugin settings
- Author(s): BepInEx
- More information: https://github.com/BepInEx/BepInEx.Utility
- Short description: Expands the options in the male character creator
- Author(s): Esu
- More information: https://github.com/Kokaiinum/ExpandMaleMaker
- Short description: Allows altering expressions in-game(Hotkey L)
- Author(s): Starstorm
- More information: https://github.com/starstormhun/StarPlugins
- Short description: Adds extra move gizmo in bottom right corner for studio
- Author(s): ManlyMarco
- More information: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/StudioExtraMoveAxis
- Short description: Allows making of closed eyed/not blinking charas
- Author(s): DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: Adds excited eyes effect to H scenes
- Author(s): DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: Change color of loading screens and fade in/out speed
- Author(s): https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: Adds slight twitching and moving to the eyes
- Author(s): Sabakan
- More information: ???
- Short description: Adds FK & IK mode in studio
- Author(s): DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: Makes it easier to create proper FK poses and animations by correctly height compensating
- Author(s): OrangeSpork
- More information: https://github.com/OrangeSpork/FKHeightAdjustUI
- Short description: Full-quality characters in school, enable in plugin settings
- Author(s): DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: Useful for performance testing
- Author(s): ManlyMarco
- More information: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/FPSCounter
- Short description: Keeps free H selection screen settings
- Author(s): Keelhauled
- More information: https://github.com/IllusionMods/KeelPlugins
- Short description: Adds Random Character buttons to FreeH
- Author(s): DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: Free H Studio Scene Loader for Koikatsu
- Author(s): DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: Highlights correct dialog choices
- Author(s): GeBo1
- More information: https://github.com/GeBo1/GeBoPlugins
- Short description: Adds UI support for xinput gamepads and keyboard arrow keys to main game
- Author(s): ManlyMarco
- More information: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/KK_GamepadSupport
- Short description: Modding API necessary for plugins by GeBo
- Author(s): GeBo
- More information: https://github.com/GeBo1/GeBoPlugins
- Short description: More game settings, allows better/worse quality
- Author(s): BepInEx
- More information: https://github.com/BepInEx/BepInEx.GraphicsSettings
- Short description: Tweak character positions in H scenes, check settings for keybinds
- Author(s): DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: Adds advanced controls for hair accessories
- Author(s): DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: Convenient controls for changing the shadow color of character hair in maker.
- Author(s): IllusionMods
- More information: https://github.com/IllusionMods/KK_Plugins/
- Short description: Can measure character height in centimeters
- Author(s): ManlyMarco
- More information: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/KK_HeightBar
- Short description: Press space to hide interface
- Author(s): IllusionMods
- More information: https://github.com/IllusionMods/HideAllUI
- Short description: Gives better control of lighting in H scenes
- Author(s): Mantas-2155X aka 2155X
- More information: https://www.patreon.com/2155X
- Short description: Additional options and keyboard shortcuts for H in Koikatsu
- Author(s): MayouKurayami
- More information: https://github.com/MayouKurayami/KK_HSceneOptions
- Short description: A collection of important fixes
- Author(s): IllusionMods
- More information: https://github.com/IllusionMods/IllusionFixes
- Short description: Custom game launcher
- Author(s): https://github.com/IllusionMods
- More information: https://github.com/IllusionMods/IllusionLaunchers
- Short description: Custom game launcher
- Author(s): https://github.com/IllusionMods
- More information: https://github.com/IllusionMods/IllusionLaunchers
- Short description: Embeds custom images in scene files so others can load them
- Author(s): DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: Blocks plugin keybinds while typing
- Author(s): BepInEx
- More information: https://github.com/BepInEx/BepInEx.Utility
- Short description: Speeds up game startup by skipping the intro screen
- Author(s): IllusionMods
- More information: https://github.com/IllusionMods/IntroBegone
- Short description: Hide character body in studio
- Author(s): DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: Backwards compatibility with IPA plugins
- Author(s): https://github.com/BepInEx
- More information: https://github.com/BepInEx/IPALoaderX
- Short description: Allows hiding items from maker lists, right click on item thumbnails for options
- Author(s): DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: Switch objects between chara and map layers
- Author(s): Keelhauled
- More information: https://github.com/Keelhauled/KeelPlugins
- Short description: Improves how penetration looks in H scenes
- Author(s): Animal42069
- More information: https://www.patreon.com/Animal42069
- Short description: Allows editing of details of main story charas
- Author(s): Sabakan
- More information: ???
- Short description: Adds pregnancy to gameplay, maker and studio
- Author(s): ManlyMarco
- More information: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/KoikatuGameplayMods
- Short description: Adds additional belly sliders in Studio and Maker
- Author(s): thomjr
- More information: https://github.com/thojmr/KK_PregnancyPlus/releases
- Short description: H scene auto mode and other tweaks(Only on in VR by default)
- Author(s): lotsofbears
- More information: https://github.com/lotsofbears/KK_SensibleH
- Short description: Adds family-friendly/streamer mode with all lewd content disabled
- Author(s): ManlyMarco
- More information: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/IllusionSFW
- Short description: Allows you to play both the main game and studio in VR
- Author(s): IllusionMods
- More information: https://github.com/IllusionMods/KKS_VR
- Short description: Convert WhateverTheFuck data to ClothingToAccessories
- Author(s): Hanaaa
- More information: Discord
- Short description: More sliders in maker
- Author(s): ManlyMarco
- More information: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/KKABMX
- Short description: Manage and update mods, browse cards
- Author(s): https://github.com/IllusionMods
- More information: https://github.com/IllusionMods/KKManager
- Short description: Advanced studio controls
- Author(s): joan6694
- More information: https://www.patreon.com/joan6694
- Short description: Search boxes, studio and maker improvements
- Author(s): joan6694
- More information: https://www.patreon.com/joan6694
- Short description: Fixes tesselation effects of KKUTS shader inside maker
- Author(s): Unknown
- More information: ???
- Short description: Fixes the weird normal map behaviour of the KKUSS / KKUTS shaders when used in Sunshine
- Author(s): Starstorm
- More information: https://github.com/starstormhun/StarPlugins
- Short description: Can mark a male as a trap in maker, changes gameplay
- Author(s): ManlyMarco
- More information: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/IllusionTrapMods
- Short description: Gameplay tweaks; Load 99 characters in school
- Author(s): ManlyMarco
- More information: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/KoikatuGameplayMods
- Short description: Give characters lewd crests
- Author(s): ManlyMarco
- More information: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/KoikatuGameplayMods
- Short description: Studio spotlights can track characters
- Author(s): Keelhauled
- More information: https://github.com/Keelhauled/KeelPlugins
- Short description: Allows changing more properties of lights than available by default
- Author(s): Starstorm
- More information: https://github.com/starstormhun/StarPlugins
- Short description: Automatically toggles on/off lights when a parent folder or object is toggled on/off
- Author(s): Starstorm
- More information: https://github.com/starstormhun/StarPlugins
- Short description: Volumetric Light Shafts for the KK/KKS studio, requires Component Util.
- Author(s): RSkoi
- More information: https://github.com/RSkoi/LightShafts
- Short description: List Override for Koikatsu
- Author(s): DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: Hotkey to make camera keep focus on character
- Author(s): Keelhauled
- More information: https://github.com/Keelhauled/KeelPlugins
- Short description: Adds support for buttplug.io compatible strokers and vibrators
- Author(s): Sauceke
- More information: https://github.com/Sauceke/LoveMachine
- Short description: Set custom default character maker settings
- Author(s): DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: Folder support in chara/scene select screens
- Author(s): ManlyMarco
- More information: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/Illusion_BrowserFolders
- Short description: Adds the according slot number infront of the accessory name
- Author(s): Njaecha
- More information: ???
- Short description: Extra features for the character maker
- Author(s): Mantas-2155X aka 2155X
- More information: https://www.patreon.com/2155X
- Short description: Adds a checkbox at the bottom of the right sidebar in maker
- Author(s): Njaecha
- More information: ???
- Short description: Allows you to create a set of camera presets in Maker
- Author(s): Njaecha
- More information: ???
- Short description: Adds a Random button to every category in Character Maker
- Author(s): Mantas-2155X aka 2155X
- More information: https://www.patreon.com/2155X
- Short description: Search boxes in character maker item lists
- Author(s): Mantas-2155X aka 2155X
- More information: https://www.patreon.com/2155X
- Short description: Enables liquid textures on males
- Author(s): DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: Lets you edit the properties of multiple shaders at once, based on item selection
- Author(s): Starstorm
- More information: https://github.com/starstormhun/StarPlugins/
- Short description: Adds advanced material controls to maker and studio
- Author(s): DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: Allows plugins to show messages in top left corner of the game
- Author(s): BepInEx
- More information: https://github.com/BepInEx/BepInEx.Utility
- Short description: Quieter breathing in H scenes, automatically gets louder as excitement increases
- Author(s): ManlyMarco
- More information: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/KoikatuGameplayMods
- Short description: Allows adding more than 10 cameras in studio
- Author(s): OrangeSpork
- More information: https://github.com/OrangeSpork/MoarCamz
- Short description: Needed by some clothing mods to add dynamic bones
- Author(s): IllusionMods
- More information: https://github.com/IllusionMods/ModBoneImplantor
- Short description: API needed by many plugins
- Author(s): ManlyMarco
- More information: https://github.com/IllusionMods/IllusionModdingAPI
- Short description: More parent options for accessories
- Author(s): ManlyMarco
- More information: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/KK_MoreAccessoryParents
- Short description: Allows characters to have more than the default number of outfit slots
- Author(s): DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: Unlocks accessory limit
- Author(s): jalil49
- More information: https://github.com/jalil49/MoreAccessories
- Short description: This plugin makes moving, rotating of objects in the CharaStudio easier
- Author(s): Mikke
- More information: https://github.com/Mantas-2155X/MikkePlugins
- Short description: Mute the game when it's not in focus, turn on in plugin settings
- Author(s): BepInEx
- More information: https://github.com/BepInEx/BepInEx.Utility
- Short description: Makes H scenes at night much darker
- Author(s): ManlyMarco
- More information: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/KoikatuGameplayMods
- Short description: Create custom animations in studio
- Author(s): joan6694
- More information: https://www.patreon.com/joan6694
- Short description: Allows editing of studio maps as normal objects
- Author(s): krypto4863
- More information: https://github.com/krypto5863/Illusion.ObjectMap
- Short description: Import external .obj files directly into Studio
- Author(s): Njaecha
- More information: ???
- Short description: Slight perf improvement of plugin UIs
- Author(s): BepInEx
- More information: https://github.com/BepInEx/BepInEx.Utility
- Short description: Adds a new camera hotkey to game and studio
- Author(s): ManlyMarco
- More information: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/KoikatuGameplayMods
- Short description: A custom side quest for Koikatsu with some new gameplay features
- Author(s): IllusionMods
- More information: https://github.com/IllusionMods/KK_PantyRobber
- Short description: Optimises some studio elements to improve performance
- Author(s): Starstorm
- More information: https://github.com/starstormhun/StarPlugins
- Short description: Adds small windows to the game that can display an Image or render a preview of a camera (Studio only)
- Author(s): Njaecha
- More information: https://github.com/NiggoJaecha/PictureInPicture/releases
- Short description: Removes the gender restriction on saved Studio poses
- Author(s): DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: Load poses in studio by only selecting, turn on in plugin settings
- Author(s): DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: Important for loading new poses with previews
- Author(s): DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: Adds additional post processing options in the F1 Plugins menu
- Author(s): RikkiBalboa
- More information: https://github.com/RikkiBalboa/Koikatsu-Plugins
- Short description: A textbox in maker to write a character description
- Author(s): DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: Projector support for ME
- Author(s): RikkiBalboa
- More information: https://github.com/RikkiBalboa/Rikki-Koi-Plugins
- Short description: Bras affect breast shape, replaces Kiyase
- Author(s): DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: Search all studio items, LeftCtrl+Space
- Author(s): ManlyMarco
- More information: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/QuickAccessBox
- Short description: First person camera for H
- Author(s): RealPOV.Koikatu
- More information: ???
- Short description: Prevents accidentally losing cards by overwriting them
- Author(s): ManlyMarco
- More information: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/Illusion_RemoveToRecycleBin
- Short description: Can disable rim light for a flat game look
- Author(s): IllusionMods
- More information: https://github.com/IllusionMods/RimRemover
- Short description: Allows for inspection and editing of primitive types on components within a scene. KK version.
- Author(s): RSkoi
- More information: https://github.com/RSkoi/ComponentUtil
- Short description: Debugging and development tool
- Author(s): ManlyMarco
- More information: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/RuntimeUnityEditor
- Short description: A simple plugin to save PostProcessingEffects data in the Scene
- Author(s): Shallty
- More information: ???
- Short description: Saves FoV values to placed camera objects
- Author(s): RikkiBalboa
- More information: https://github.com/RikkiBalboa/Koikatsu-Plugins
- Short description: Adds the ability to set custom facial expressions to be displayed during H scenes
- Author(s): Sauceke
- More information: https://github.com/Sauceke/SexFaces/releases/tag/v1.3.0
- Short description: Swap all shaders to the equivalent Vanilla Plus shader in maker (ctrl + P)
- Author(s): DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: Allows you to change shaders all at once and save presets
- Author(s): Haruka
- More information: https://ux.getuploader.com/nHaruka_KK/
- Short description: Swap shadow colors to a configured value at the press of a keybind
- Author(s): RikkiBalboa
- More information: https://github.com/RikkiBalboa/Rikki-Koi-Plugins
- Short description: A utility plugin focused on enhancing Timeline to improve animator's workflows (may cause issues)
- Author(s): Shallty
- More information: ???
- Short description: Custom body, clothes and eye textures
- Author(s): ManlyMarco
- More information: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/Illusion-Overlay-Mods
- Short description: Plugin that highlights the area affected by sliders in character maker
- Author(s): ManlyMarco
- More information: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/IL_SliderHighlight
- Short description: Better-looking ahegao eyes
- Author(s): ???
- More information: ???
- Short description: Support for high heels
- Author(s): essu
- More information: https://github.com/IllusionMods/Stiletto/releases
- Short description: Automatically close scene select window
- Author(s): jim60105
- More information: https://github.com/jim60105/KK
- Short description: Tweaks to camera items in studio
- Author(s): ManlyMarco
- More information: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/KoikatuGameplayMods
- Short description: Option for Studio chara light to act like in main game
- Author(s): jim60105
- More information: https://github.com/jim60105/KK
- Short description: Option to keep clothes when replacing charas
- Author(s): jim60105
- More information: https://github.com/jim60105/KK
- Short description: Change default sort order of cards in studio
- Author(s): https://github.com/kkykkykky/
- More information: https://github.com/kkykkykky/StudioCharaSort
- Short description: Can mark studio items to not block camera view
- Author(s): DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: If you select a character in studio and press the hotkey, all other instances will also be selected
- Author(s): GeBo1
- More information: https://github.com/GeBo1/GeBoPlugins
- Short description: Adds T/Y/U/I hotkeys for manipulating items in studio
- Author(s): DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: Allows you to manage the overlay textures of character's skin and clothing inside Studio
- Author(s): Shallty
- More information: ???
- Short description: Fix neck issues with IK->FK conversion
- Author(s): jim60105
- More information: https://github.com/jim60105/KK
- Short description: Makes a sound when a scene loads
- Author(s): DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: Provides hotkeys for loading the next/previous scene from the scenes folder
- Author(s): GeBo1
- More information: https://github.com/GeBo1/GeBoPlugins
- Short description: Allows writing text as studio objects
- Author(s): jim60105
- More information: https://github.com/jim60105/KK
- Short description: Toggle between World and Local transform orientations in Studio
- Author(s): kkykkykky
- More information: https://github.com/kkykkykky/StudioTransformOrientation
- Short description: Shows the acc names in studio
- Author(s): Mantas-2155X aka 2155X
- More information: https://www.patreon.com/2155X
- Short description: Adds lines between the FK nodes of selected Studio Items similar to characters
- Author(s): Njaecha
- More information: ???
- Short description: Allows you to change (almost) all default keybinds in Studio
- Author(s): Njaecha
- More information: ???
- Short description: Adds search bars to various Studio lists
- Author(s): Mantas-2155X aka 2155X
- More information: https://www.patreon.com/2155X
- Short description: First person view for studio
- Author(s): Mantas-2155X aka 2155X
- More information: https://www.patreon.com/2155X
- Short description: Adds more effect settings for scenes
- Author(s): DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: Allows controlling skin/suntan/hair color, bust softness/weight
- Author(s): RikkiBalboa
- More information: Discord
- Short description: Control character voices in studio using timeline
- Author(s): RikkiBalboa
- More information: https://github.com/RikkiBalboa/Rikki-Koi-Plugins
- Short description: Makes studio selection windows larger so more items are visible
- Author(s): DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: Maker and H-scene subtitles. Warning: Most of the subs are machine-translated and can be pretty bad in H-scenes
- Author(s): DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: More H locations on some maps
- Author(s): ???
- More information: ???
- Short description: This plugin allows you to have a free camera view in Talk Scenes
- Author(s): Mantas-2155X aka 2155X
- More information: https://www.patreon.com/2155X
- Short description: Test Plugin for Koikatsu
- Author(s): DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: Needed for many translations to load
- Author(s): IllusionMods
- More information: https://github.com/IllusionMods/TranslationTools
- Short description: Advanced animation editor for Studio (Ctrl+T, read the Help)
- Author(s): Joan6694
- More information: https://www.patreon.com/posts/37188531
- Short description: Adds simple logic to Timeline that allows for controlling playback, mostly to create limited animation loops.
- Author(s): IllusionMods
- More information: https://github.com/IllusionMods/KK_Plugins/
- Short description: Hotkeys in main menu; can automatically start maker
- Author(s): Keelhauled
- More information: https://github.com/Keelhauled/KeelPlugins
- Short description: Only affects base body, not uncensors
- Author(s): moderchan
- More information: ???
- Short description: Hotkey to clean stale translations from cache
- Author(s): GeBo
- More information: https://github.com/GeBo1/GeBoPlugins
- Short description: Extension for AT, needed for some translations
- Author(s): GeBo
- More information: https://github.com/GeBo1/GeBoPlugins
- Short description: Allows the renaming of nodes in studio treeview
- Author(s): Njaecha
- More information: ???
- Short description: Allows you to freely mix two studio shades (luts)
- Author(s): DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: Allows widescreen and UI scaling
- Author(s): Hijack Hornet
- More information: https://github.com/HijackHornet/IllusionMods
- Short description: NEEDS Koikatsu Overlay Mods!
- Author(s): DeathWeasel1337
- More information: https://github.com/DeathWeasel1337/KK_Plugins
- Short description: Allows easily changing uniforms for the entire class, like in AA2
- Author(s): CptGrey
- More information: https://github.com/CptGrey/KK_Archetypes
- Short description: Video and gif recorder, press Ctrl+E
- Author(s): joan6694
- More information: https://www.patreon.com/joan6694
- Short description: It's like an image plate but for videos
- Author(s): Njaecha
- More information: ???
- Short description: Support for MMD animations in Studio, press Ctrl+Shift+V
- Author(s): ???
- More information: ???
- Short description: Easily warp to characters from roster in roaming mode
- Author(s): ManlyMarco
- More information: https://github.com/ManlyMarco/KoikatuGameplayMods
- Short description: Accessory for x-ray effect in studio
- Author(s): GFanon
- More information: ???
- Short description: Translation loader
- Author(s): bbepis and others
- More information: https://github.com/bbepis/XUnity.AutoTranslator
- Short description: Modding API
- Author(s): bbepis and others
- More information: https://github.com/bbepis/XUnity.AutoTranslator