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Contributor Guide

Table of contents

Setting up your development environment

  1. Install the current LTS version of Node.
    • If you are using NVM (recommended), running nvm install will install the latest version, and running nvm use will automatically choose the right Node version for you.
  2. Run corepack enable to install Yarn via Corepack.
    • If you have Yarn installed globally via Homebrew or NPM, you'll need to uninstall it before running this command.
  3. Run yarn install to install dependencies and run any required post-install scripts.
  4. Run yarn simple-git-hooks to add a Git hook to your local development environment which will ensure that all files pass linting before you push a branch.

Understanding codeowners

Although maintenance of this repository is superintended by the Wallet Framework team, the responsibility of maintenance is expected to be shared among multiple teams at MetaMask. In fact, some teams have codeownership over specific packages. The exact allocation is governed by the CODEOWNERS file.

If your team is listed as a codeowner for a package, you may change, approve pull requests, and create releases without consulting the Wallet Framework team. Alternatively, if you feel that your team should be granted codeownership over a specific package, you can submit a pull request to change CODEOWNERS.

Understanding code guidelines

All code in this repo should not only follow the MetaMask contributor guidelines but also the guidelines contained in this repo:

Writing and running tests

Jest is used to ensure that code is working as expected. Ideally, all packages should have 100% test coverage.

Please follow the MetaMask unit testing guidelines when writing tests.

If you need to customize the behavior of Jest for a package, see jest.config.js within that package.

  • Run yarn workspace <workspaceName> run test to run all tests for a package.
  • Run yarn workspace <workspaceName> run jest --no-coverage <file> to run a test file within the context of a package.
  • Run yarn test to run tests for all packages.


workspaceName in these commands is the name field within a package's package.json, e.g., @metamask/address-book-controller, not the directory where it is located, e.g., packages/address-book-controller.


ESLint v9 (via MetaMask's shared ESLint configurations) is used to check for code quality issues, and Prettier is used to format files.

If you need to customize the behavior of ESLint, see eslint.config.mjs in the root.

  • Run yarn lint to lint all files and show possible violations across the monorepo.
  • Run yarn lint:fix to fix any automatically fixable violations.


ts-bridge is used to publish packages in both CommonJS- and ESM-compatible formats.

Built files show up in the dist/ directory in each package. These are the files which will ultimately be published to NPM.

  • Run yarn build to build all packages in the monorepo.
  • Run yarn workspace <workspaceName> run build to build a single package.

Creating pull requests

When submitting a pull request for this repo, take some a bit of extra time to fill out its description. Use the provided template as a guide, paying particular attention to two sections:

  • Explanation: This section is targeted toward maintainers and is intended for you to explain the purpose and scope of your changes and share knowledge that they might not be able to see from reading the PR alone. Some questions you should seek to answer are:
    • What is the motivator for these changes? What need are the changes satisfying? Is there a ticket you can share or can you provide some more context for people who might not be familiar with the domain?
    • Are there any changes in particular whose purpose might not be obvious or whose implementation might be difficult to decipher? How do they work?
    • If your primary goal was to update one package but you found you had to update another one along the way, why did you do so?
    • If you had to upgrade a dependency, why did you do so?
  • Changelog: This section is targeted toward consumers — internal developers of the extension or mobile app in addition to external dapp developers — and is intended to be a list of your changes from the perspective of each package in the monorepo. Questions you should seek to answer are:
    • Which packages are being updated?
    • What are the exact changes to the API (types, interfaces, functions, methods) that are being changed?
    • What are the anticipated effects to whichever platform might want to make use of these changes?
    • If there are breaking changes to the API, what do consumers need to do in order to adapt to those changes upon upgrading to them?

Testing changes to packages in another project

If you have a project that depends on a package in this monorepo, you may want to load those changes into the project without having to create a whole new monorepo release. How you do this depends on your use case.

Testing changes to packages locally

If you're developing your project locally and want to test changes to a package, you can follow these steps:

  1. First, you must build the monorepo, by running yarn build.

  2. Next, you need to connect the package to your project by overriding the resolution logic in your package manager to replace the published version of the package with the local version.

    1. Open package.json in the project and locate the dependency entry for the package.

    2. Locate the section responsible for resolution overrides (or create it if it doesn't exist). If you're using Yarn, this is resolutions; if you're using NPM or any other package manager, this is overrides.

    3. Add a line to this section that mirrors the dependency entry on the left-hand side and points to the local path on the right-hand side:



      • If your project uses Yarn, @metamask/controller-utils is listed in dependencies at ^1.1.4, and your clone of the core repo is at the same level as your project, add the following to resolutions:

        "@metamask/controller-utils@^1.1.4": "file:../core/packages/controller-utils"
    4. Run yarn install.

  3. Due to the use of Yarn's file: protocol, if you update the package in the monorepo, then you'll need to run yarn install in the project again.

Testing changes to packages with preview builds

If you want to test changes to a package where it would be unwieldy or impossible to use a local version, such as on CI, you can publish a preview build and configure your project to use it.

Publishing preview builds as a MetaMask contributor

If you're a member of the MetaMask organization, you can create preview builds based on a pull request by following these steps:

  1. Post a comment on the pull request with the text @metamaskbot publish-preview. This starts the publish-preview GitHub action, which will create preview builds for all packages in the monorepo.

  2. After a few minutes, the action should complete and you will see a new comment that lists the newly published packages along with their versions.

    Note two things about each package:

    • The name is scoped to @metamask-previews instead of @metamask.
    • The ID of the last commit in the branch is appended to the version, e.g. 1.2.3-preview-e2df9b4 instead of 1.2.3.

Now you can use these preview builds in your project.

If you make more changes to a package, follow step 2 again, making sure to update the reference to the package in your project's package.json to use the newly published preview version.

Publishing preview builds as an independent contributor

If you've forked this repository, you can create preview builds based on a branch by following these steps:

  1. First, since an NPM scope is used to host preview build releases, you'll need access to one. If you do not, you can either create a new organization or convert your existing username into an organization.

  2. Once you've done this, open the package.json for each package that you want to publish and change the scope in the name from @metamask to @<NPM_ORG>, replacing NPM_ORG with your NPM organization.

  3. Next, run the following command to create and publish the preview builds (again, replacing NPM_ORG as appropriate):

    yarn prepare-preview-builds "@<NPM_ORG>" "$(git rev-parse --short HEAD)" && yarn build && yarn publish-previews

    You should be able to see the published version of each package in the output. Note two things:

    • The name is scoped to the NPM organization you entered instead of @metamask.
    • The ID of the last commit in the branch is appended to the version, e.g. 1.2.3-preview-e2df9b4 instead of 1.2.3.

Now you can use these preview builds in your project.

If you make more changes to a package, follow step 3 again, making sure to update the reference to the package in your project's package.json to use the newly published preview version.

Using preview builds

To use a preview build for a package within a project, you need to override the resolution logic for your package manager so that the "production" version of that package is replaced with the preview version. Here's how you do that:

  1. Open package.json in the project and locate the dependency entry for the core package for which you want to use a preview build.

  2. Locate the section responsible for resolution overrides (or create it if it doesn't exist). If you're using Yarn, this is resolutions; if you're using NPM or any other package manager, this is overrides.

  3. Add a line to this section that mirrors the dependency entry on the left-hand side and points to the preview version on the right-hand side:



    • If your project uses Yarn, @metamask/controller-utils is listed in dependencies at ^1.1.4, and you want to use the preview version 1.2.3-preview-e2df9b4, add the following to resolutions:

      "@metamask/controller-utils@^1.1.4": "npm:@metamask-previews/[email protected]"
  4. Run yarn install.

Releasing changes

Have changes that you need to release? There are a few things to understand:

  • The responsibility of maintenance is not the only thing shared among multiple teams at MetaMask; releases are as well. That means if you work on a team that has codeownership over a package, you are free to create a new release without needing the Wallet Framework team to do so.
  • Unlike clients, releases are not issued on a schedule; anyone may create a release at any time. Because of this, you may wish to review the Pull Requests tab on GitHub and ensure that no one else has a release candidate already in progress. If not, then you are free to start the process.
  • The release process is a work in progress. Further improvements to simplify the process are planned, but in the meantime, if you encounter any issues, please reach out to the Wallet Framework team.

Now for the process itself, you have two options: using our interactive UI (recommended for most users) or manual specification.

Option A: Interactive Mode (Recommended)

This option provides a visual interface to streamline the release process:

  1. Start the interactive release tool.

    On the main branch, run:

    yarn create-release-branch -i

    This will start a local web server (default port 3000) and open a browser interface.

  2. Select packages to release.

    The UI will show all packages with changes since their last release. For each package:

    • Choose whether to include it in the release
    • Select an appropriate version bump (patch, minor, or major) following SemVer rules
    • The UI will automatically validate your selections and identify dependencies that need to be included
  3. Review and resolve dependency requirements.

    The UI automatically analyzes your selections and identifies potential dependency issues that need to be addressed before proceeding. You'll need to review and resolve these issues by either:

    • Including the suggested additional packages
    • Confirming that you want to skip certain packages (if you're certain they don't need to be updated)

    Common types of dependency issues you might encounter:

    • Missing dependencies: If you're releasing Package A that depends on Package B, the UI will prompt you to include Package B
    • Breaking change impacts: If you're releasing Package B with breaking changes, the UI will identify packages that have peer dependencies on Package B that need to be updated
    • Version incompatibilities: The UI will flag if your selected version bumps don't follow semantic versioning rules relative to dependent packages

    Unlike the manual workflow where you need to repeatedly edit a YAML file, in the interactive mode you can quickly resolve these issues by checking boxes and selecting version bumps directly in the UI.

  4. Confirm your selections.

    Once you're satisfied with your package selections and version bumps, confirm them in the UI. This will:

    • Create a new branch named release/<new release version>
    • Update the version in each package's package.json
    • Add a new section to each package's for the new version
  5. Review and update changelogs.

    Each selected package will have a new changelog section. Review these entries to ensure they are helpful for consumers:

    • Categorize entries appropriately following the "Keep a Changelog" guidelines. Ensure that no changes are listed under "Uncategorized".
    • Remove changelog entries that don't affect consumers of the package (e.g. lockfile changes or development environment changes). Exceptions may be made for changes that might be of interest despite not having an effect upon the published package (e.g. major test improvements, security improvements, improved documentation, etc.).
    • Reword changelog entries to explain changes in terms that users of the package will understand (e.g., avoid referencing internal variables/concepts).
    • Consolidate related changes into single entries where appropriate.

    Run yarn changelog:validate when you're done to ensure all changelogs are correctly formatted.

  6. Push and submit a pull request.

    Create a PR for the release branch so that it can be reviewed and tested. Release PRs can be approved by codeowners of affected packages, so as long as the above guidelines have been followed, there is no need to reach out to the Wallet Framework team for approval.

  7. Incorporate any new changes from main.

    If you see the "Update branch" button on your release PR, stop and look over the most recent commits made to main. If there are new changes to packages you are releasing, make sure they are reflected in the appropriate changelogs.

  8. Merge the release PR and wait for approval.

    "Squash & Merge" the release PR when it's approved.

    Merging triggers the publish-release GitHub action workflow to tag the final release commit and publish the release on GitHub. Before packages are published to NPM, this action will automatically notify the npm-publishers team in Slack to review and approve the release.

  9. Verify publication.

    Once the npm-publishers team has approved the release, you can click on the link in the Slack message to monitor the remainder of the process.

    After the action has completed, check NPM to verify that all relevant packages have been published.

Tip: You can specify a different port if needed: yarn create-release-branch -i -p 3001

Option B: Manual Release Specification

If you prefer more direct control over the release process:

  1. Start by creating the release branch.

    On the main branch, run yarn create-release-branch. This command creates a branch named release/<new release version> which will represent the new release.

  2. Specify packages to release along with their versions.

    Unless you've made a lot of breaking changes, you probably don't want to publish a new version of every single package in this repo. Fortunately, you can choose a subset of packages to include in the next release. You do this by modifying a YAML file called a "release spec", which the tool has generated and opened it in your editor. Follow the instructions at the top of the file for more information.

    In addition to selecting a list of packages, you'll also want to tell the tool which new versions they ought to receive. Since you'll want to follow SemVer, how you bump a package depends on the nature of the changes. You can understand these changes better by opening the changelog for each package in your editor.

    Once you save and close the release spec, the tool will proceed.

  3. Review and resolve dependency requirements.

    The tool automatically analyzes your selections and identifies potential dependency issues that need to be addressed before proceeding. You'll need to review and resolve these issues by either:

    • Including the suggested additional packages
    • Confirming that you want to skip certain packages (if you're certain they don't need to be updated)

    Common types of dependency issues you might encounter:

    • Missing dependencies: If you're releasing Package A that depends on Package B, the UI will prompt you to include Package B
    • Breaking change impacts: If you're releasing Package B with breaking changes, the UI will identify packages that have peer dependencies on Package B that need to be updated
    • Version incompatibilities: The UI will flag if your selected version bumps don't follow semantic versioning rules relative to dependent packages

    To address these issues, you will need to reopen the YAML file, modify it by either adding more packages to the release or omitting packages from the release you think are safe, and then re-running yarn create-release-branch. You may need to repeat this step multiple times until you don't see any more errors.

  4. Review and update changelogs for relevant packages.

    Once the tool proceeds without issue, you will be on the new release branch. In addition, each package you intend to release has been updated in two ways:

    • The version in package.json has been bumped.
    • A new section has been added at the top of CHANGELOG for the new version.

    At this point, you need to review the changelog entries and ensure that they are helpful for consumers:

    • Categorize entries appropriately following the "Keep a Changelog" guidelines. Ensure that no changes are listed under "Uncategorized".
    • Remove changelog entries that don't affect consumers of the package (e.g. lockfile changes or development environment changes). Exceptions may be made for changes that might be of interest despite not having an effect upon the published package (e.g. major test improvements, security improvements, improved documentation, etc.).
    • Reword changelog entries to explain changes in terms that users of the package will understand (e.g., avoid referencing internal variables/concepts).
    • Consolidate related changes into single entries where appropriate.

    Make sure to run yarn changelog:validate once you're done to ensure all changelogs are correctly formatted.

  5. Push and submit a pull request.

    Create a PR for the release branch so that it can be reviewed and tested. Release PRs can be approved by codeowners of affected packages, so as long as the above guidelines have been followed, there is no need to reach out to the Wallet Framework team for approval.

  6. Incorporate any new changes from main.

    If you see the "Update branch" button on your release PR, stop and look over the most recent commits made to main. If there are new changes to packages you are releasing, make sure they are reflected in the appropriate changelogs.

  7. Merge the release PR and wait for approval.

    "Squash & Merge" the release PR when it's approved.

    Merging triggers the publish-release GitHub action workflow to tag the final release commit and publish the release on GitHub. Before packages are published to NPM, this action will automatically notify the npm-publishers team in Slack to review and approve the release.

  8. Verify publication.

    Once the npm-publishers team has approved the release, you can click on the link in the Slack message to monitor the remainder of the process.

    After the action has completed, check NPM to verify that all relevant packages have been published.

Performing operations across the monorepo

This repository relies on Yarn's workspaces feature to provide a way to work with packages individually and collectively. Refer to the documentation for the following Yarn commands for usage instructions:


  • workspaceName in the Yarn documentation is the name field within a package's package.json, e.g., @metamask/address-book-controller, not the directory where it is located, e.g., packages/address-book-controller.
  • commandName in the Yarn documentation is any sub-command that the yarn executable would usually take. Pay special attention to the difference between run vs exec. If you want to run a package script, you would use run, e.g., yarn workspace @metamask/address-book-controller run changelog:validate; but if you want to run any shell command, you'd use exec, e.g. yarn workspace @metamask/address-book-controller exec cat package.json | jq '.version'.

Adding new packages to the monorepo


If you're migrating an existing package to the monorepo, please see the package migration documentation. You may be able to make use of create-package when migrating your package, but there's a lot more to it.

Manually creating a new monorepo package can be a tedious, even frustrating process. To alleviate that problem, we have created a CLI that automates most of the job for us, creatively titled create-package. To create a new monorepo package, follow these steps:

  1. Create a new package using yarn create-package.
    • Use the --help flag for usage information.
    • Once this is done, you can find a package with your chosen name in /packages.
  2. Make sure your license is correct.
    • By default, create-package gives your package an MIT license.
    • If your desired license is not MIT, then you must update your LICENSE file and the license field of package.json.
  3. Add your dependencies.
    • Do this as normal using yarn.
    • Remember, if you are adding other monorepo packages as dependents, don't forget to add them to the references array in your package's tsconfig.json and

And that's it!

Contributing to create-package

Along with this documentation, create-package is intended to be the source of truth for the process of adding new packages to the monorepo. Consequently, to change that process, you will want to change create-package.

The create-package directory contains a template package. The CLI is not aware of the contents of the template, only that its files have placeholder values. When a new package is created, the template files are read from disk, the placeholder values are replaced with real ones, and the updated files are added to a new directory in /packages. To modify the template package: