File tree
3,320 files changed
lines changed- .github
- automation
- k8s
- scripts
- github_branch_autosync
- docs/res
- github_autosync
- gcloud_entrypoint
- lib
- tests
- services
- buildkite/prometheus-exporter
- echo
- faucet
- mina-bp-stats/sidecar
- watchdog
- check_libp2p
- scripts
- terraform
- buildkite
- buildkite-ci
- buildkite-experimental
- modules
- google-cloud
- cloud-postgres
- coda-seed-node
- kubernetes
- buildkite-agent
- testnet
- o1-integration
- o1-testnet
- services
- daemon
- faucet
- testnet-alerts
- templates
- testworld-logging
- templates
- docker-mounts
- monitoring
- testnets
- berkeley
- berkeley-qa
- ci-net
- gossipqa
- nightly
- test-snapps
- testworld-2-0
- buildkite
- scripts
- old_integration_tests
- src
- Command
- Docker
- Constants
- External
- Jobs
- Lint
- Release
- Test
- Lib
- Pipeline
- bzl
- dockerfiles
- auxiliary_entrypoints
- puppeteer-context
- scripts
- stages
- docs
- res
- specs
- consensus
- signatures
- types_and_structures
- verification
- frontend
- block-timings
- src
- bot
- helm
- templates
- src
- ci-build-me
- src
- client_sdk
- src
- test
- leaderboard
- helm/templates
- src
- mina-signer
- src
- tests
- points-hack-april20
- wallet
- __tests__
- fastlane
- public
- build
- fonts
- translations
- scripts
- src
- common
- main
- render
- components
- contexts
- views
- onboarding
- settings
- sidebar
- transactions
- genesis_ledgers
- helm
- archive-node
- charts
- templates
- block-producer
- charts
- templates
- common
- templates
- cron_jobs
- itn-orchestrator
- charts
- templates
- leaderboard/templates
- plain-node
- charts
- templates
- seed-node
- charts
- templates
- snark-worker
- charts
- templates
- watchdog
- templates
- zkapps-dashboard
- _img
- charts
- templates
- nix
- modules
- vend
- rfcs
- res
- taskforce
- scripts
- archive
- ocaml
- zkapp_duplicated_precondition
- git_hooks
- mina-local-network
- thread-timing
- src
- app
- archive
- archive_lib
- graphql_query
- cli
- lib
- archive_blocks
- batch_txn_tool
- benchmarks
- berkeley_account_tables
- berkeley_migration
- best_tip_merger
- cli/src
- cli_entrypoint
- init
- tests
- client_sdk
- src
- tests
- decoder
- delegation_backend
- scripts
- src
- cmd/delegation_backend
- delegation_backend
- test/data
- delegation_compliance
- dhall_types
- disk_caching_stats
- display_public_key
- dump_blocks
- extract_blocks
- generate_keypair
- genesis_ledger_from_tsv
- graphql_schema_dump
- heap_usage
- itn_orchestrator
- json_types
- src
- generator
- itn_orchestrator
- last_vrf_output_to_b64
- ledger_export_bench
- libp2p_helper
- src
- libp2p_helper
- logproc
- migrate-balances-table
- missing_blocks_auditor
- patch_archive_test
- print_blockchain_snark_vk
- proposer_simulation
- receipt_chain_hash_to_b58
- reformat
- replayer
- test
- rosetta
- lib
- ocaml-signer
- rosetta-cli-config
- test-curl
- runtime_genesis_ledger
- snapp_test_transaction
- lib
- snark_work_debugger
- swap_bad_balances
- test_executive
- trace-tool
- validate_keypair
- validation
- config
- lib
- architecture
- cloud
- google
- coda
- providers
- resources
- statistics
- validations
- test
- architecture_tests
- zkapp_limits
- zkapp_test_transaction
- lib
- res
- zkapps_examples
- actions
- add_events
- big_circuit
- calls
- empty_update
- initialize_state
- test
- actions
- add_events
- big_circuit
- calls
- empty_update
- initialize_state
- optional_custom_gates
- tokens
- tokens
- config
- consensus
- features
- ledger_depth
- protocol_version
- supercharged_coinbase_factor
- external
- ocaml-rocksdb
- ocaml-sodium
- lib_test
- lib
- allocation_functor
- base58_check
- tests
- best_tip_prover
- bignum_bigint
- blake2
- block_producer
- block_storage
- block_time
- unix
- blockchain_snark
- bootstrap_controller
- bounded_types
- bowe_gabizon_hash
- cache_dir
- fake
- native
- cache_lib
- child_processes
- cli_lib
- coda_plugins/examples/toplevel
- codable
- command_line_tests
- consensus
- vrf
- crypto
- kimchi_backend
- common
- tests
- gadgets
- runner
- example
- pasta
- basic
- constraint_system
- caml
- kimchi_bindings
- js
- node_js
- test
- nodejs
- web
- web
- pasta_fp_poseidon
- pasta_fq_poseidon
- stubs
- binding_generation
- src
- pasta_bindings_backend
- none
- src
- arkworks
- wasm
- .cargo
- src
- arkworks
- wasm_ocaml_serde
- snarky_tests
- examples
- crypto_params
- gen
- cstubs_applicative
- currency
- unix
- daemon_rpcs
- data_hash_lib
- unix
- direction
- distributed_dsl
- downloader
- dummy_values
- gen_values
- empty_hashes
- error_json
- exit_handlers
- fake_network
- fields_derivers
- fields_derivers_graphql
- fields_derivers_json
- fields_derivers_zkapps
- file_system
- filtered_external_transition
- unix
- generated_graphql_queries
- gen
- genesis_constants
- genesis_ledger
- genesis_ledger_helper
- lib
- genesis_proof
- global_signer_private_key
- gossip_net
- graph_algorithms
- graphql_basic_scalars
- graphql_lib
- graphql_wrapper
- ocaml_graphql_server_tests
- hash_prefix_states
- hash_prefix_create
- js
- native
- hash_prefixes
- hex
- inline_test_quiet_logs
- integers_stubs_js
- integration_test_cloud_engine
- integration_test_lib
- integration_test_local_engine
- internal_tracing
- context_call
- context_logger
- interruptible
- itn_crypto
- itn_logger
- key_cache
- async
- sync
- key_gen
- gen
- key_value_database
- ledger_catchup
- ledger_proof
- linked_tree
- logger
- fake
- file_system
- native
- test
- logproc_lib
- memory_stats
- merkle_address
- merkle_ledger
- merkle_ledger_tests
- merkle_list_prover
- merkle_list_verifier
- merkle_mask
- mina_base
- import
- test
- account
- fee_excess
- helpers
- unix
- util
- mina_block
- unix
- mina_caqti
- mina_commands
- mina_compile_config
- mina_generators
- mina_graphql
- mina_incremental
- mina_intf
- mina_ledger
- test/helpers
- mina_lib
- tests
- mina_metrics
- js_test
- no_metrics
- prometheus_metrics
- mina_net2
- tests
- mina_networking
- mina_numbers
- unix
- mina_plugins
- examples/do_nothing
- mina_state
- mina_stdlib
- mina_transition
- mina_user_error
- mina_version
- dummy
- normal
- runtime
- mina_wire_types
- consensus
- mina_base
- mina_block
- mina_state
- mina_transaction_logic
- network_pool
- one_or_two
- pickles
- staged_ledger_diff
- test
- monad_lib
- network_peer
- network_pool
- test
- node_addrs_and_ports
- node_error_service
- node_status
- node_status_service
- non_empty_list
- non_zero_curve_point
- o1js_stub
- o1trace
- webkit_event
- one_or_two
- otp_lib
- parallel
- parallel_scan
- participating_state
- perf_histograms
- pickles
- backend
- composition_types
- limb_vector
- test
- one_hot_vector
- plonk_checks
- gen_scalars
- precomputed
- gen_values
- pseudo
- test
- chunked_circuits
- optional_custom_gates
- test_gadgets
- tests
- unix
- test
- pickles_base
- test
- pickles_types
- test
- pipe_lib
- pokolog
- ppx_annot
- tests
- ppx_coda
- ppx_representatives
- ppx_to_enum
- tests
- ppx_dhall_type
- ppx_mina
- ppx_representatives
- runtime
- ppx_to_enum
- tests
- ppx_register_event
- ppx_util
- ppx_version
- runtime
- test
- precomputed_values
- gen_values
- promise
- js
- js_helpers
- native
- proof_carrying_data
- protocol_version
- prover
- quickcheck_lib
- random_oracle
- permutation
- external
- ocaml
- random_oracle_input
- rc_pool
- rfc3339_time
- rocksdb
- rose_tree
- rosetta_coding
- rosetta_lib
- test
- rosetta_models
- run_in_thread/native
- runtime_config
- secrets
- sgn
- sgn_type
- sha256_lib
- signature_kind
- compile_config
- mainnet
- testnet
- signature_lib
- find_address
- test
- unix
- snark_bits
- snark_keys
- gen_keys
- remove_snark_keys_trigger
- clear_keys
- snark_keys_header
- snark_params
- unix
- snark_profiler_lib
- snark_work_lib
- snark_worker
- standalone
- snarky_blake2
- test
- snarky_curves
- snarky_field_extensions
- snarky_group_map
- snarky_log
- examples/election
- snarky_pairing
- snarky_taylor
- tests
- snarky_verifier
- sparse_ledger_lib
- staged_ledger
- test
- staged_ledger_diff
- state_or_error
- storage
- string_sign
- structured_log_events
- examples
- sync_handler
- sync_status
- syncable_ledger
- test_genesis_ledger
- test_util
- timeout_lib
- transaction
- unix
- transaction_consistency_tests
- transaction_inclusion_status
- transaction_logic
- test
- transaction_logic
- transaction_protocol_state
- transaction_snark
- test
- access_permission
- account_timing
- account_update_network_id
- app_state
- delegate
- fee_payer
- multisig_account
- permissions
- token_symbol
- transaction_union
- verification_key
- verification_key_permission
- verify-simple-test
- voting_for
- zkapp_deploy
- zkapp_fuzzy
- zkapp_payments
- zkapp_preconditions
- zkapp_tokens
- zkapp_uri
- transaction_snark_scan_state
- transaction_snark_work
- transaction_witness
- transition_chain_prover
- transition_chain_verifier
- transition_frontier
- extensions
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
3,320 files changed
lines changed-32
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2 | 2 |
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35 | 35 |
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36 | 36 |
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43 | 44 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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36 | 36 |
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37 | 37 |
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38 | 38 |
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39 |
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40 | 41 |
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41 | 42 |
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42 | 43 |
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54 | 55 |
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55 | 56 |
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56 | 57 |
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57 | 59 |
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58 | 60 |
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59 | 61 |
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80 | 82 |
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32 | 10 |
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33 | 11 |
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34 | 12 |
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35 | 13 |
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36 | 14 |
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6 | 6 |
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7 | 7 |
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6 | 6 |
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7 | 7 |
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8 | 8 |
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13 | 13 |
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17 |
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51 | 53 |
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52 | 54 |
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53 |
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54 | 55 |
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55 | 56 |
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56 | 57 |
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54 | 54 |
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55 | 55 |
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56 | 56 |
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57 |
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58 | 58 |
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59 | 59 |
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60 | 60 |
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68 | 68 |
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69 | 69 |
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70 | 70 |
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71 |
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72 | 72 |
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73 | 73 |
0 commit comments