All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project tries to adhere to Semantic Versioning.
- pandera version updated to v0.22.1
- pandera version fixed to v0.17.2
- default annotations font size
- chart height option at display options
- error message if upload validation fails
- removed MODEX source for uploads
- CSV upload
- databus source to import SEDOS results from databus
- option to filter all groups in groups, input_groups or output_groups
- filter None values in input/output groups in case of none-sankey graphs
- UI design by bmlancien
- abbreviations in nav bar
- error message if chart/table creation fails
- implemented tabs to separate chart and data table
- streamlined plot options
- do not filter None values in input/output groups
- x/y axis titles
- sankey colors from user input and/or predefined color mapping
- units to sankey
- error due to numpy version >=2.0.0
- display options are used when plotting bar and line charts
- parameters are stored using ID instead of full query
- input and output groups in data model_
- searchable multi select dropdowns for dashboard filters
- sankey charts
- datatables support for dashboard table
- output format (including support for groups column containing lists)
- combine table and chart creation button
- version bumping
- implementation of colors and labels
- django-htmx to dependencies
- index view
- scenario selection view
- upload view for scenario data uploads
- models for scenario data and sources
- MODEX source
- downloading of MODEX scenario data
- storing downloaded data into DB
- preprocessing (filtering, aggregating and unit conversion) of scalar data