1 |
| -# PoetOS.github.io |
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| -Github pages for Poet. |
| 1 | +> March, 2016: If you're on an old version of Jekyll Now and run into a) build warnings or b) syntax highlighting issues caused by [Jekyll 3 and GitHub Pages updates](https://github.com/blog/2100-github-pages-now-faster-and-simpler-with-jekyll-3-0), just :sparkles:[update your _config.yml](https://github.com/barryclark/jekyll-now/pull/445/files):sparkles: and you'll be set! |
| 2 | +
| 3 | +# Jekyll Now |
| 4 | + |
| 5 | +**Jekyll** is a static site generator that's perfect for GitHub hosted blogs ([Jekyll Repository](https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll)) |
| 6 | + |
| 7 | +**Jekyll Now** makes it easier to create your Jekyll blog, by eliminating a lot of the up front setup. |
| 8 | + |
| 9 | +- You don't need to touch the command line |
| 10 | +- You don't need to install/configure ruby, rvm/rbenv, ruby gems :relaxed: |
| 11 | +- You don't need to install runtime dependencies like markdown processors, Pygments, etc |
| 12 | +- If you're on Windows, this will make setting up Jekyll a lot easier |
| 13 | +- It's easy to try out, you can just delete your forked repository if you don't like it |
| 14 | + |
| 15 | +In a few minutes you'll be set up with a minimal, responsive blog like the one below giving you more time to spend on writing epic blog posts! |
| 16 | + |
| 17 | + |
| 18 | + |
| 19 | +## Quick Start |
| 20 | + |
| 21 | +### Step 1) Fork Jekyll Now to your User Repository |
| 22 | + |
| 23 | +Fork this repo, then rename the repository to yourgithubusername.github.io. |
| 24 | + |
| 25 | +Your Jekyll blog will often be viewable immediately at <http://yourgithubusername.github.io> (if it's not, you can often force it to build by completing step 2) |
| 26 | + |
| 27 | + |
| 28 | + |
| 29 | +### Step 2) Customize and view your site |
| 30 | + |
| 31 | +Enter your site name, description, avatar and many other options by editing the _config.yml file. You can easily turn on Google Analytics tracking, Disqus commenting and social icons here too. |
| 32 | + |
| 33 | +Making a change to _config.yml (or any file in your repository) will force GitHub Pages to rebuild your site with jekyll. Your rebuilt site will be viewable a few seconds later at <http://yourgithubusername.github.io> - if not, give it ten minutes as GitHub suggests and it'll appear soon |
| 34 | + |
| 35 | +> There are 3 different ways that you can make changes to your blog's files: |
| 36 | +
| 37 | +> 1. Edit files within your new username.github.io repository in the browser at GitHub.com (shown below). |
| 38 | +> 2. Use a third party GitHub content editor, like [Prose by Development Seed](http://prose.io). It's optimized for use with Jekyll making markdown editing, writing drafts, and uploading images really easy. |
| 39 | +> 3. Clone down your repository and make updates locally, then push them to your GitHub repository. |
| 40 | +
| 41 | + |
| 42 | + |
| 43 | +### Step 3) Publish your first blog post |
| 44 | + |
| 45 | +Edit `/_posts/2014-3-3-Hello-World.md` to publish your first blog post. This [Markdown Cheatsheet](http://www.jekyllnow.com/Markdown-Style-Guide/) might come in handy. |
| 46 | + |
| 47 | + |
| 48 | + |
| 49 | +> You can add additional posts in the browser on GitHub.com too! Just hit the + icon in `/_posts/` to create new content. Just make sure to include the [front-matter](http://jekyllrb.com/docs/frontmatter/) block at the top of each new blog post and make sure the post's filename is in this format: year-month-day-title.md |
| 50 | +
| 51 | +## Local Development |
| 52 | + |
| 53 | +1. Install Jekyll and plug-ins in one fell swoop. `gem install github-pages` This mirrors the plug-ins used by GitHub Pages on your local machine including Jekyll, Sass, etc. |
| 54 | +2. Clone down your fork `git clone https://github.com/yourusername/yourusername.github.io.git` |
| 55 | +3. Serve the site and watch for markup/sass changes `jekyll serve` |
| 56 | +4. View your website at |
| 57 | +5. Commit any changes and push everything to the master branch of your GitHub user repository. GitHub Pages will then rebuild and serve your website. |
| 58 | + |
| 59 | +## Moar! |
| 60 | + |
| 61 | +I've created a more detailed walkthrough, [**Build A Blog With Jekyll And GitHub Pages**](http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2014/08/01/build-blog-jekyll-github-pages/) over at the Smashing Magazine website. Check it out if you'd like a more detailed walkthrough and some background on Jekyll. :metal: |
| 62 | + |
| 63 | +It covers: |
| 64 | + |
| 65 | +- A more detailed walkthrough of setting up your Jekyll blog |
| 66 | +- Common issues that you might encounter while using Jekyll |
| 67 | +- Importing from Wordpress, using your own domain name, and blogging in your favorite editor |
| 68 | +- Theming in Jekyll, with Liquid templating examples |
| 69 | +- A quick look at Jekyll 2.0’s new features, including Sass/Coffeescript support and Collections |
| 70 | + |
| 71 | +## Jekyll Now Features |
| 72 | + |
| 73 | +✓ Command-line free _fork-first workflow_, using GitHub.com to create, customize and post to your blog |
| 74 | +✓ Fully responsive and mobile optimized base theme (**[Theme Demo](http://jekyllnow.com)**) |
| 75 | +✓ Sass/Coffeescript support using Jekyll 2.0 |
| 76 | +✓ Free hosting on your GitHub Pages user site |
| 77 | +✓ Markdown blogging |
| 78 | +✓ Syntax highlighting |
| 79 | +✓ Disqus commenting |
| 80 | +✓ Google Analytics integration |
| 81 | +✓ SVG social icons for your footer |
| 82 | +✓ 3 http requests, including your avatar |
| 83 | + |
| 84 | +✘ No installing dependencies |
| 85 | +✘ No need to set up local development |
| 86 | +✘ No configuring plugins |
| 87 | +✘ No need to spend time on theming |
| 88 | +✘ More time to code other things ... wait ✓! |
| 89 | + |
| 90 | +## Questions? |
| 91 | + |
| 92 | +[Open an Issue](https://github.com/barryclark/jekyll-now/issues/new) and let's chat! |
| 93 | + |
| 94 | +## Other forkable themes |
| 95 | + |
| 96 | +You can use the [Quick Start](https://github.com/barryclark/jekyll-now#quick-start) workflow with other themes that are set up to be forked too! Here are some of my favorites: |
| 97 | + |
| 98 | +- [Hyde](https://github.com/poole/hyde) by MDO |
| 99 | +- [Lanyon](https://github.com/poole/lanyon) by MDO |
| 100 | +- [mojombo.github.io](https://github.com/mojombo/mojombo.github.io) by Tom Preston-Werner |
| 101 | +- [Left](https://github.com/holman/left) by Zach Holman |
| 102 | +- [Minimal Mistakes](https://github.com/mmistakes/minimal-mistakes) by Michael Rose |
| 103 | +- [Skinny Bones](https://github.com/mmistakes/skinny-bones-jekyll) by Michael Rose |
| 104 | + |
| 105 | +## Credits |
| 106 | + |
| 107 | +- [Jekyll](https://github.com/jekyll/jekyll) - Thanks to its creators, contributors and maintainers. |
| 108 | +- [SVG icons](https://github.com/neilorangepeel/Free-Social-Icons) - Thanks, Neil Orange Peel. They're beautiful. |
| 109 | +- [Solarized Light Pygments](https://gist.github.com/edwardhotchkiss/2005058) - Thanks, Edward. |
| 110 | +- [Joel Glovier](http://joelglovier.com/writing/) - Great Jekyll articles. I used Joel's feed.xml in this repository. |
| 111 | +- [David Furnes](https://github.com/dfurnes), [Jon Uy](https://github.com/jonuy), [Luke Patton](https://github.com/lkpttn) - Thanks for the design/code reviews. |
| 112 | +- [Bart Kiers](https://github.com/bkiers), [Florian Simon](https://github.com/vermluh), [Henry Stanley](https://github.com/henryaj), [Hun Jae Lee](https://github.com/hunjaelee), [Javier Cejudo](https://github.com/javiercejudo), [Peter Etelej](https://github.com/etelej), [Ben Abbott](https://github.com/jaminscript), [Ray Nicholus](https://github.com/rnicholus), [Erin Grand](https://github.com/eringrand), [Léo Colombaro](https://github.com/LeoColomb), [Dean Attali](https://github.com/daattali), [Clayton Errington](https://github.com/cjerrington), [Colton Fitzgerald](https://github.com/coltonfitzgerald), [Trace Mayer](https://github.com/sunnankar) - Thanks for your [fantastic contributions](https://github.com/barryclark/jekyll-now/commits/master) to the project! |
| 113 | + |
| 114 | +## Contributing |
| 115 | + |
| 116 | +Issues and Pull Requests are greatly appreciated. If you've never contributed to an open source project before I'm more than happy to walk you through how to create a pull request. |
| 117 | + |
| 118 | +You can start by [opening an issue](https://github.com/barryclark/jekyll-now/issues/new) describing the problem that you're looking to resolve and we'll go from there. |
| 119 | + |
| 120 | +I want to keep Jekyll Now as minimal as possible. Every line of code should be one that's useful to 90% of the people using it. Please bear that in mind when submitting feature requests. If it's not something that most people will use, it probably won't get merged. :guardsman: |
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