36 | 36 | $string['addselqtype'] = 'Add selected question type';
37 | 37 | $string['alignment'] = 'Radio buttons Alignment';
38 | 38 | $string['alignment_help'] = 'Select buttons alignment: vertical (default) or horizontal.';
39 |
| -$string['alignment_link'] = 'mod/questionnaire/questions#Radio_Buttons'; |
| 39 | +$string['alignment_link'] = 'Editing_Questionnaire_questions#Radio_Buttons'; |
40 | 40 | $string['all'] = 'All';
41 | 41 | $string['allnameddegrees'] = 'Named degrees';
42 | 42 | $string['allnameddegrees_help'] = 'Specify text to display for rate values instead of the number. Leave a value blank to not use.';
81 | 81 | $string['checkallradiobuttons'] = 'Please check <strong>{$a}</strong> radio buttons!';
82 | 82 | $string['checkboxes'] = 'Check Boxes';
83 | 83 | $string['checkboxes_help'] = 'Enter one option per line for the user to select one or multiple answers from. ';
84 |
| -$string['checkboxes_link'] = 'mod/questionnaire/questions#Check_Boxes'; |
| 84 | +$string['checkboxes_link'] = 'Editing_Questionnaire_questions#Check_Boxes'; |
85 | 85 | $string['checkbreaksadded'] = 'New Page Break(s) inserted at position(s):';
86 | 86 | $string['checkbreaksok'] = 'All the required Page breaks are present!';
87 | 87 | $string['checkbreaksremoved'] = 'Removed {$a} extra Page break(s).';
116 | 116 | $string['couldnotcreatenewsurvey'] = 'Could not create a new survey!';
117 | 117 | $string['createcontent'] = 'Define New Content';
118 | 118 | $string['createcontent_help'] = 'Select one of the radio button options. \'Create new\' is the default.';
119 |
| -$string['createcontent_link'] = 'mod/questionnaire/mod#Content_Options'; |
| 119 | +$string['createcontent_link'] = 'Setting_up_a_questionnaire#Content_options'; |
120 | 120 | $string['createnew'] = 'Create new';
121 |
| -$string['centerlabel'] = 'Centre label'; |
122 | 121 | $string['date'] = 'Date';
123 | 122 | $string['date_help'] = 'Use this question type if you expect the response to be a correctly formatted date.';
124 |
| -$string['date_link'] = 'mod/questionnaire/questions#Date'; |
| 123 | +$string['date_link'] = 'Editing_Questionnaire_questions#Date'; |
125 | 124 | $string['dateformatting'] = 'Use the year-month-day format, e.g. for March 4th, 1945: <strong>1945-03-04</strong>';
126 | 125 | // Prior to release 3.6.0, you could specify an input date format in the above string. Now, the format must be as below. This
127 | 126 | // string is used now in case sites modified the above string.
139 | 138 | $string['dependquestion'] = 'Parent Question';
140 | 139 | $string['dependquestion_help'] = 'You can select a parent question and a choice option for this question. A child question will only be displayed
141 | 140 | to the student if its parent question and parent choice have been previously selected.';
142 |
| -$string['dependquestion_link'] = 'mod/questionnaire/questions#Parent_Question'; |
| 141 | +$string['dependquestion_link'] = 'Questionnaire_Conditional_branching'; |
143 | 142 | $string['didnotrespondtoquestion'] = 'Did not respond to question';
144 | 143 | $string['directwarnings'] = 'Direct dependencies to this question will be removed. This will affect:';
145 | 144 | $string['displaymethod'] = 'Display method not defined for question.';
153 | 152 | $string['dropdown'] = 'Dropdown Box';
154 | 153 | $string['dropdown_help'] = 'There is no real advantage to using the Dropdown Box over using the Radio Buttons
155 | 154 | except perhaps for longish lists of options, to save screen space.';
156 |
| -$string['dropdown_link'] = 'mod/questionnaire/questions#Dropdown_Box'; |
| 155 | +$string['dropdown_link'] = 'Editing_Questionnaire_questions#Dropdown_Box'; |
157 | 156 | $string['edit'] = 'Edit';
158 | 157 | $string['editingfeedback'] = 'Editing feedback settings';
159 | 158 | $string['editingquestionnaire'] = 'Editing Questionnaire Settings';
190 | 189 | $string['event_submitted'] = 'Responses submitted';
191 | 190 | $string['feedback'] = 'Feedback';
192 | 191 | $string['feedback_help'] = 'Feedback Help';
193 |
| -$string['feedback_link'] = 'mod/questionnaire/personality_test#Editing_Questionnaire_Feedback_Messages'; |
| 192 | +$string['feedback_link'] = 'Questionnaire_Personality_test#Feedback_2'; |
194 | 193 | $string['feedbackaddmorefeedbacks'] = 'Add {no} more feedback fields';
195 | 194 | $string['feedbackbysection'] = 'Sections Feedback';
196 | 195 | $string['feedbackdefaultlabel'] = '[New section]';
236 | 235 | $string['feedbacksections'] = 'Feedback sections';
237 | 236 | $string['feedbacksectionsselect'] = 'Sections';
238 | 237 | $string['feedbacksectionsselect_help'] = 'Place your questions into those Sections';
239 |
| -$string['feedbacksectionsselect_link'] = 'mod/questionnaire/personality_test#Editing_Questionnaire_Feedback_Sections_2'; |
| 238 | +$string['feedbacksectionsselect_link'] = 'Questionnaire_Personality_test#Editing_Questionnaire_Feedback_Sections_2'; |
240 | 239 | $string['feedbacksettingssaved'] = 'Feedback settings saved';
241 | 240 | $string['feedbacksectionquestions'] = '{$a} section questions';
242 | 241 | $string['feedbacktype'] = 'Feedback type';
273 | 272 | $string['indirectwarnings'] = 'This list shows the indirect dependent questions and the remaining dependencies for direct dependent questions:';
274 | 273 | $string['kindofratescale'] = 'Type of rate scale';
275 | 274 | $string['kindofratescale_help'] = 'Right-click on the More Help link below.';
276 |
| -$string['kindofratescale_link'] = 'mod/questionnaire/questions#Type_of_rate_scale'; |
| 275 | +$string['kindofratescale_link'] = 'Editing_Questionnaire_questions#Type_of_rate_scale'; |
277 | 276 | $string['lastrespondent'] = 'Last Respondent';
278 | 277 | $string['length'] = 'Length';
279 | 278 | $string['leftlabel'] = 'Left label';
280 | 279 | $string['leftpart'] = '{$a->min} is {$a->leftlabel}';
281 | 280 | $string['leftpartdefault'] = '{$a->min} is minimum slider range';
282 | 281 | $string['managequestions'] = 'Manage questions';
283 | 282 | $string['managequestions_help'] = 'In the Manage questions section of the Edit Questions page, you can conduct a number of operations on a Questionnaire\'s questions.';
284 |
| -$string['managequestions_link'] = 'mod/questionnaire/questions#Manage_questions'; |
| 283 | +$string['managequestions_link'] = 'Editing_Questionnaire_questions'; |
285 | 284 | $string['mandatory'] = 'Mandatory - All these dependencies must be fulfilled.';
286 | 285 | $string['maxdigitsallowed'] = 'Max. digits allowed';
287 | 286 | $string['maxdigitsallowed_help'] = 'Use **Max. digits allowed** to set a limit to the number of characters entered for a Numeric question. Note that the
288 | 287 | decimal point also counts as one character!';
289 |
| -$string['maxdigitsallowed_link'] = 'mod/questionnaire/questions#Numeric'; |
| 288 | +$string['maxdigitsallowed_link'] = 'Editing_Questionnaire_questions#Numeric'; |
290 | 289 | $string['maxforcedresponses'] = 'Max. forced responses';
291 | 290 | $string['maxforcedresponses_help'] = 'Use these parameters to force respondent to tick a minimum of **Min.** boxes and a maximum of **Max.** check boxes. To
292 | 291 | force an exact number of check boxes to be ticked, set **Min.** and **Max.** to the same value. If only a min or a max value is desired, just leave the other
313 | 312 | $string['missingquestions'] = 'Please answer required questions: ';
314 | 313 | $string['modulename'] = 'Questionnaire';
315 | 314 | $string['modulename_help'] = 'The questionnaire module allows you to construct surveys using a variety of question types, for the purpose of gathering data from users.';
316 |
| -$string['modulename_link'] = 'mod/questionnaire/view'; |
| 315 | +$string['modulename_link'] = 'Questionnaire_index_view'; |
317 | 316 | $string['modulenameplural'] = 'Questionnaires';
318 | 317 | $string['movedisabled'] = 'This item cannot be moved';
319 | 318 | $string['myresponses'] = 'All your responses';
326 | 325 | $string['name'] = 'Name';
327 | 326 | $string['navigate'] = 'Allow branching questions';
328 | 327 | $string['navigate_help'] = 'Enable Yes/No and Radio Buttons questions to have Child questions dependent on their choices in your questionnaire.';
329 |
| -$string['navigate_link'] = 'mod/questionnaire/conditional_branching'; |
| 328 | +$string['navigate_link'] = 'Questionnaire_Conditional_branching'; |
330 | 329 | $string['navigatetosection'] = 'Go to feedback section';
331 | 330 | $string['next'] = 'Next';
332 | 331 | $string['nextpage'] = 'Next Page';
353 | 352 | $string['notifications'] = 'Send submission notifications';
354 | 353 | $string['notificationsimple'] = 'Notification only';
355 | 354 | $string['notifications_help'] = 'Notify roles with the "mod/questionnaire:submissionnotification" capability when a submission is made.';
356 |
| -$string['notifications_link'] = 'mod/questionnaire/mod#Submission_Notifications'; |
| 355 | +$string['notifications_link'] = 'Adding/editing_a_questionnaire#Send_submission_notifications'; |
357 | 356 | $string['notopen'] = 'This questionnaire will not open until {$a}.';
358 | 357 | $string['notrequired'] = 'Response is not required';
359 | 358 | $string['notset'] = 'not set';
364 | 363 | $string['numberfloat'] = 'The number you entered <strong>{$a->number}</strong> has been reformatted/rounded with <strong>{$a->precision}</strong> decimal place(s).';
365 | 364 | $string['numberofdecimaldigits'] = 'Nb of decimal digits';
366 | 365 | $string['numberofdecimaldigits_help'] = 'Use **Nb of decimal digits** to specify the format of the Average value counted and displayed at the Questionnaire Report page.';
367 |
| -$string['numberofdecimaldigits_link'] = 'mod/questionnaire/questions#Numeric'; |
| 366 | +$string['numberofdecimaldigits_link'] = 'Editing_Questionnaire_questions#Numeric'; |
368 | 367 | $string['numberscaleitems'] = 'Nb of scale items';
369 | 368 | $string['numberscaleitems_help'] = 'Nb of scale items is the *number of items* to be used in your rate scale. You would normally use a value of 3 to 5. Default value: **5**.';
370 | 369 | $string['numeric'] = 'Numeric';
378 | 377 | $string['optionalname_help'] = 'The Question Name is only used when you export responses to CSV/Excel format.
379 | 378 | If you never export to CSV, then you needn\'t worry about Question names at all.
380 | 379 | If you plan to regularly export your questionnaire data to CSV, then you have a choice of two options for question naming. ';
381 |
| -$string['optionalname_link'] = 'mod/questionnaire/questions#Question_Name'; |
| 380 | +$string['optionalname_link'] = 'Editing_Questionnaire_questions#Question_Name'; |
382 | 381 | $string['or'] = '- OR -';
383 | 382 | $string['order_ascending'] = 'Ascending order';
384 | 383 | $string['order_default'] = 'View Default order';
394 | 393 |
395 | 394 | When you arrive on the All Responses page, by default all responses are ordered in the order that the questionnaire creator entered the question choices.
396 | 395 | You can choose to order them by ascending or descending order.';
397 |
| -$string['orderresponses_link'] = 'mod/questionnaire/report#Order_Responses'; |
| 396 | +$string['orderresponses_link'] = 'Viewing_Questionnaire_responses#Order_Responses'; |
398 | 397 | $string['osgood'] = 'Osgood';
399 | 398 | $string['other'] = 'Other:';
400 | 399 | $string['otherempty'] = 'If you tick this choice you must enter some text in the text box!';
509 | 508 | $string['questionsinsection'] = 'Questions in this section:';
510 | 509 | $string['questiontypes'] = 'Question types';
511 | 510 | $string['questiontypes_help'] = 'See the Moodle Documentation below';
512 |
| -$string['questiontypes_link'] = 'mod/questionnaire/questions#Question_Types'; |
| 511 | +$string['questiontypes_link'] = 'Editing_Questionnaire_questions#Question_Types'; |
513 | 512 | $string['radiobuttons'] = 'Radio Buttons';
514 | 513 | $string['radiobuttons_help'] = 'In this question type, the respondent must select one out of the choices offered.';
515 |
| -$string['radiobuttons_link'] = 'mod/questionnaire/questions#Radio_Buttons'; |
| 514 | +$string['radiobuttons_link'] = 'Editing_Questionnaire_questions#Radio_Buttons'; |
516 | 515 | $string['rank'] = 'Rank';
517 | 516 | $string['ratescale'] = 'Rate (scale 1..5)';
518 | 517 | $string['ratescale_help'] = 'See the Moodle Documentation below';
519 |
| -$string['ratescale_link'] = 'mod/questionnaire/questions#Rate_.28scale_1..5.29'; |
| 518 | +$string['ratescale_link'] = 'Editing_Questionnaire_questions#Rate_(scale_1..5)'; |
520 | 519 | $string['realm'] = 'Questionnaire Type';
521 | 520 | $string['realm_help'] = '* **There are three types of questionnaires:**
522 | 521 | * Private - belongs to the course it is defined in only.
523 | 522 | * Template - can be copied and edited.
524 | 523 | * Public - can be shared among courses.';
525 |
| -$string['realm_link'] = 'mod/questionnaire/qsettings#Questionnaire_Type'; |
| 524 | +$string['realm_link'] = 'Setting_up_a_questionnaire#Questionnaire_Type'; |
526 | 525 | $string['redirecturl'] = 'The URL to which a user is redirected after completing this questionnaire.';
527 | 526 | $string['remove'] = 'Delete';
528 | 527 | $string['removenotinuse'] = 'This questionnaire used to depend on a Public questionnaire which has been deleted.
531 | 530 | $string['required_help'] = 'If you select ***Yes***, response to this question will be required, i.e.
532 | 531 | the respondent will not be able to submit the questionnaire
533 | 532 | until this question has been answered.';
534 |
| -$string['required_link'] = 'mod/questionnaire/questions#Response_Required'; |
| 533 | +$string['required_link'] = 'Editing_Questionnaire_questions#Response_Required'; |
535 | 534 | $string['requiredparameter'] = 'A required parameter was missing.';
536 | 535 | $string['reset'] = 'Reset';
537 | 536 | $string['removeallquestionnaireattempts'] = 'Delete all questionnaire responses';
544 | 543 | $string['respondenttype'] = 'Respondent Type';
545 | 544 | $string['respondenttype_help'] = 'You can display your users\' full names with each response by setting this to "fullname".
546 | 545 | You can hide your users\' identities from the responses by setting this to "anonymous".';
547 |
| -$string['respondenttype_link'] = 'mod/questionnaire/mod#Respondent_Type'; |
| 546 | +$string['respondenttype_link'] = 'Adding/editing_a_questionnaire#Respondent_Type'; |
548 | 547 | $string['respondenttypeanonymous'] = 'anonymous';
549 | 548 | $string['respondenttypefullname'] = 'fullname';
550 | 549 | $string['response'] = 'Response';
554 | 553 | $string['responses'] = 'Responses';
555 | 554 | $string['responseview'] = 'Students can view ALL responses';
556 | 555 | $string['responseview_help'] = 'You can specify who can see the responses of all respondents to submitted questionnaires (general statistics tables).';
557 |
| -$string['responseview_link'] = 'mod/questionnaire/mod#Response_viewing'; |
| 556 | +$string['responseview_link'] = 'Adding/editing_a_questionnaire#ALL_Responses_viewing'; |
558 | 557 | $string['responseviewstudentsalways'] = 'Always';
559 | 558 | $string['responseviewstudentsnever'] = 'Never';
560 | 559 | $string['responseviewstudentswhenanswered'] = 'After answering the questionnaire';
563 | 562 | $string['resume'] = 'Save/Resume answers';
564 | 563 | $string['resume_help'] = 'Setting this option allows users to save their answers to a questionnaire before submitting them.
565 | 564 | Users can leave the questionnaire unfinished and resume from the save point at a later date.';
566 |
| -$string['resume_link'] = 'mod/questionnaire/mod#Save/Resume_answers'; |
| 565 | +$string['resume_link'] = 'Adding/editing_a_questionnaire#Save/Resume_answers'; |
567 | 566 | $string['resumesurvey'] = 'Resume questionnaire';
568 | 567 | $string['return'] = 'Return';
569 | 568 | $string['rightlabel'] = 'Right label';
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