diff --git a/.config/tsaoptions.json b/.config/tsaoptions.json
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..28761179f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.config/tsaoptions.json
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+  "instanceUrl": "https://msazure.visualstudio.com",
+  "projectName": "One",
+  "areaPath": "One\\MGMT\\Compute\\Powershell\\Powershell",
+  "notificationAliases": [ "andschwa@microsoft.com", "slee@microsoft.com" ],
+  "codebaseName": "PowerShell_PowerShellEditorServices_20240313",
+  "tools": [ "CredScan", "PoliCheck", "BinSkim" ]
diff --git a/.github/release.yml b/.github/release.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..bb7a942a4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.github/release.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+  exclude:
+    labels:
+      - Ignore
+    authors:
+      - dependabot[bot]
+  categories:
+    - title: Enhancements & Features ✨
+      labels:
+        - Issue-Enhancement
+    - title: Squashed Bugs 🐛
+      labels:
+        - Issue-Bug
+    - title: Other Changes 🙏
+      labels:
+        - "*"
diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci-test.yml b/.github/workflows/ci-test.yml
index 934962034..fd93eb384 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/ci-test.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/ci-test.yml
@@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ jobs:
+          source-url: https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/mscodehub/PowerShellCore/_packaging/PowerShellCore_PublicPackages/nuget/v3/index.json
+        env:
+          NUGET_AUTH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.AZURE_NUGET_TOKEN }}
       - name: Install PSResources
         shell: pwsh
diff --git a/.github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml b/.github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml
index 152ff2df8..018eaaa77 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/codeql-analysis.yml
@@ -33,6 +33,9 @@ jobs:
         cache: true
         cache-dependency-path: '**/packages.lock.json'
+        source-url: https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/mscodehub/PowerShellCore/_packaging/PowerShellCore_PublicPackages/nuget/v3/index.json
+      env:
+        NUGET_AUTH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.AZURE_NUGET_TOKEN }}
     - name: Initialize CodeQL
       uses: github/codeql-action/init@v3
diff --git a/.github/workflows/emacs-test.yml b/.github/workflows/emacs-test.yml
index d5c51de0e..31f840581 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/emacs-test.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/emacs-test.yml
@@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ jobs:
           cache: true
           cache-dependency-path: '**/packages.lock.json'
+          source-url: https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/mscodehub/PowerShellCore/_packaging/PowerShellCore_PublicPackages/nuget/v3/index.json
+        env:
+          NUGET_AUTH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.AZURE_NUGET_TOKEN }}
       - name: Install PSResources
         shell: pwsh
diff --git a/.github/workflows/vim-test.yml b/.github/workflows/vim-test.yml
index 76e5c5095..b434fcb45 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/vim-test.yml
+++ b/.github/workflows/vim-test.yml
@@ -27,6 +27,9 @@ jobs:
           cache: true
           cache-dependency-path: '**/packages.lock.json'
+          source-url: https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/mscodehub/PowerShellCore/_packaging/PowerShellCore_PublicPackages/nuget/v3/index.json
+        env:
+          NUGET_AUTH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.AZURE_NUGET_TOKEN }}
       - name: Install PSResources
         shell: pwsh
diff --git a/.pipelines/PowerShellEditorServices-Official.yml b/.pipelines/PowerShellEditorServices-Official.yml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f1d47c08c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.pipelines/PowerShellEditorServices-Official.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,182 @@
+#                               OneBranch Pipelines                             #
+# This pipeline was created by EasyStart from a sample located at:              #
+#   https://aka.ms/obpipelines/easystart/samples                                #
+# Documentation:  https://aka.ms/obpipelines                                    #
+# Yaml Schema:    https://aka.ms/obpipelines/yaml/schema                        #
+# Retail Tasks:   https://aka.ms/obpipelines/tasks                              #
+# Support:        https://aka.ms/onebranchsup                                   #
+trigger: none
+- name: debug
+  displayName: Enable debug output
+  type: boolean
+  default: false
+  system.debug: ${{ parameters.debug }}
+  BuildConfiguration: Release
+  WindowsContainerImage: onebranch.azurecr.io/windows/ltsc2019/vse2022:latest
+  repositories:
+    - repository: templates
+      type: git
+      name: OneBranch.Pipelines/GovernedTemplates
+      ref: refs/heads/main
+  # https://aka.ms/obpipelines/templates
+  template: v2/OneBranch.Official.CrossPlat.yml@templates
+  parameters:
+    globalSdl: # https://aka.ms/obpipelines/sdl
+      asyncSdl:
+        enabled: true
+        forStages: [build]
+    stages:
+    - stage: build
+      jobs:
+      - job: main
+        displayName: Build package
+        pool:
+          type: windows
+        variables:
+          ob_outputDirectory: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/module
+        steps:
+          - pwsh: |
+              [xml]$xml = Get-Content PowerShellEditorServices.Common.props
+              $version = $xml.Project.PropertyGroup.VersionPrefix
+              Write-Output "##vso[task.setvariable variable=version;isOutput=true]$version"
+            name: package
+            displayName: Get version from project properties
+          - task: onebranch.pipeline.version@1
+            displayName: Set OneBranch version
+            inputs:
+              system: Custom
+              customVersion: $(package.version)
+          - task: UseDotNet@2
+            displayName: Install .NET 8.x SDK
+            inputs:
+              packageType: sdk
+              version: 8.x
+          - task: UseDotNet@2
+            displayName: Install .NET 7.x runtime
+            inputs:
+              packageType: runtime
+              version: 7.x
+          - task: UseDotNet@2
+            displayName: Install .NET 6.x runtime
+            inputs:
+              packageType: runtime
+              version: 6.x
+          - task: PowerShell@2
+            displayName: Install PSResources
+            inputs:
+              pwsh: true
+              filePath: tools/installPSResources.ps1
+          - task: PowerShell@2
+            displayName: Build and test
+            inputs:
+              targetType: inline
+              pwsh: true
+              script: Invoke-Build TestFull -Configuration $(BuildConfiguration)
+          - task: PublishTestResults@2
+            displayName: Publish test results
+            inputs:
+              testRunner: VSTest
+              testResultsFiles: '**/*.trx'
+              failTaskOnFailedTests: true
+          - task: PowerShell@2
+            displayName: Assert release configuration
+            inputs:
+              targetType: inline
+              pwsh: true
+              script: |
+                $assembly = [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile("$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/module/PowerShellEditorServices/bin/Core/Microsoft.PowerShell.EditorServices.Hosting.dll")
+                if ($assembly.GetCustomAttributes([System.Diagnostics.DebuggableAttribute], $true).IsJITOptimizerDisabled) {
+                  Write-Host "##vso[task.LogIssue type=error;]Was not built in release configuration!"
+                  exit 1
+                }
+          - task: onebranch.pipeline.signing@1
+            displayName: Sign 1st-party files
+            inputs:
+              command: sign
+              signing_environment: external_distribution
+              search_root: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/module
+              files_to_sign: |
+                **/*.ps1;
+                **/*.psd1;
+                **/*.psm1;
+                **/*.ps1xml;
+                **/Microsoft.PowerShell.EditorServices*.dll;
+                !Plaster/*;
+          - task: onebranch.pipeline.signing@1
+            displayName: Sign 3rd-party files
+            inputs:
+              command: sign
+              signing_environment: 135020002
+              search_root: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/module
+              files_to_sign: |
+                **/MediatR.dll;
+                **/Nerdbank.Streams.dll;
+                **/Newtonsoft.Json.dll;
+                **/OmniSharp.Extensions*.dll;
+                **/Serilog*.dll;
+                **/System.Reactive.dll;
+                Plaster/**/*.ps1;
+                Plaster/**/*.psd1;
+                Plaster/**/*.psm1;
+    - stage: release
+      dependsOn: build
+      variables:
+        version: $[ stageDependencies.build.main.outputs['package.version'] ]
+        drop: $(Pipeline.Workspace)/drop_build_main
+      jobs:
+      - job: validation
+        displayName: Manual validation
+        pool:
+          type: agentless
+        timeoutInMinutes: 1440
+        steps:
+        - task: ManualValidation@0
+          displayName: Wait 24 hours for validation
+          inputs:
+            notifyUsers: $(Build.RequestedForEmail)
+            instructions: Please validate the release
+            timeoutInMinutes: 1440
+      - job: github
+        dependsOn: validation
+        displayName: Publish draft to GitHub
+        pool:
+          type: windows
+        variables:
+          ob_outputDirectory: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/out
+        steps:
+        - download: current
+          displayName: Download artifacts
+        - task: ArchiveFiles@2
+          displayName: Zip signed artifacts
+          inputs:
+            rootFolderOrFile: $(drop)
+            includeRootFolder: false
+            archiveType: zip
+            archiveFile: out/PowerShellEditorServices.zip
+        - task: GitHubRelease@1
+          displayName: Create GitHub release
+          inputs:
+            gitHubConnection: GitHub
+            repositoryName: PowerShell/PowerShellEditorServices
+            assets: out/PowerShellEditorServices.zip
+            tagSource: userSpecifiedTag
+            tag: v$(version)
+            isDraft: true
+            addChangeLog: false
+            releaseNotesSource: inline
+            releaseNotesInline: |
+              # TODO: Generate release notes on GitHub!
diff --git a/.vsts-ci/azure-pipelines-ci.yml b/.vsts-ci/azure-pipelines-ci.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 325009518..000000000
--- a/.vsts-ci/azure-pipelines-ci.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,45 +0,0 @@
-name: CI-$(Build.SourceBranchName)-$(Date:yyyyMMdd)$(Rev:.rr)
-# NOTE: This was superceded by the GitHub Actions workflow.
-pr: none
-trigger: none
-  # Don't download unneeded packages
-  - name: DOTNET_NOLOGO
-    value: 'true'
-  # Improve performance by not sending telemetry
-    value: 'true'
-  # Improve performance by not generating certificates
-    value: 'false'
-- job: windows2022
-  displayName: Windows 2022
-  pool:
-    vmImage: windows-2022
-  steps:
-  - template: templates/ci-general.yml
-- job: windows2019
-  displayName: Windows 2019
-  pool:
-    vmImage: windows-2019
-  steps:
-  - template: templates/ci-general.yml
-- job: macOS12
-  displayName: macOS 12
-  pool:
-    vmImage: macOS-12
-  steps:
-  - template: templates/ci-general.yml
-- job: ubuntu2004
-  displayName: Ubuntu 20.04
-  pool:
-    vmImage: ubuntu-20.04
-  steps:
-  - template: templates/ci-general.yml
diff --git a/.vsts-ci/azure-pipelines-release.yml b/.vsts-ci/azure-pipelines-release.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index e5aa01b2a..000000000
--- a/.vsts-ci/azure-pipelines-release.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,68 +0,0 @@
-name: Release-$(Build.SourceBranchName)-$(Date:yyyyMMdd)$(Rev:.rr)
-pr: none
-  branches:
-    include:
-      - release
-  # Don't download unneeded packages
-  - name: DOTNET_NOLOGO
-    value: 'true'
-  # Improve performance by not sending telemetry
-    value: 'true'
-  # Improve performance by not generating certificates
-    value: 'false'
-  repositories:
-  - repository: ComplianceRepo
-    type: github
-    endpoint: GitHub
-    name: PowerShell/compliance
-  - repository: vscode-powershell
-    type: git
-    name: vscode-powershell
-- stage: Build
-  displayName: Build the release
-  jobs:
-  - job: Build
-    pool:
-      name: 1ES
-      demands: ImageOverride -equals PSMMS2019-Secure
-    steps:
-    - template: templates/ci-general.yml
-- stage: Sign
-  displayName: Sign the release
-  jobs:
-  - job: Sign
-    pool:
-      name: 1ES
-      demands: ImageOverride -equals PSMMS2019-Secure
-    variables:
-    - group: ESRP
-    steps:
-    - template: templates/release-general.yml
-- stage: Publish
-  displayName: Publish the draft release
-  jobs:
-  - deployment: Publish
-    environment: PowerShellEditorServices
-    pool:
-      name: 1ES
-      demands: ImageOverride -equals PSMMSUbuntu20.04-Secure
-    variables:
-    - group: Publish
-    strategy:
-      runOnce:
-        deploy:
-          steps:
-          - template: templates/publish-general.yml
diff --git a/.vsts-ci/misc-analysis.yml b/.vsts-ci/misc-analysis.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d1229508..000000000
--- a/.vsts-ci/misc-analysis.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
-name: Misc-$(Build.SourceBranchName)-$(Date:yyyyMMdd)$(Rev:.rr)
-  - gh-readonly-queue/main/*
-  repositories:
-  - repository: ComplianceRepo
-    type: github
-    endpoint: GitHub
-    name: PowerShell/compliance
-- job: Compliance
-  pool:
-    vmImage: windows-latest
-  steps:
-  - checkout: self
-  - checkout: ComplianceRepo
-  - template: ci-compliance.yml@ComplianceRepo
diff --git a/.vsts-ci/templates/ci-general.yml b/.vsts-ci/templates/ci-general.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index f18e26ada..000000000
--- a/.vsts-ci/templates/ci-general.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,85 +0,0 @@
-- task: PowerShell@2
-  displayName: PowerShell version
-  inputs:
-    targetType: inline
-    pwsh: true
-    script: $PSVersionTable
-- task: UseDotNet@2
-  displayName: Install .NET 8.x SDK
-  inputs:
-    packageType: sdk
-    version: 8.x
-- task: UseDotNet@2
-  displayName: Install .NET 7.x runtime
-  inputs:
-    packageType: runtime
-    version: 7.x
-- task: UseDotNet@2
-  displayName: Install .NET 6.x runtime
-  inputs:
-    packageType: runtime
-    version: 6.x
-- task: PowerShell@2
-  displayName: Install PSResources
-  inputs:
-    pwsh: true
-    filePath: tools/installPSResources.ps1
-- task: PowerShell@2
-  displayName: Build and test
-  inputs:
-    targetType: inline
-    pwsh: true
-    script: Invoke-Build TestFull -Configuration Release
-- task: PublishTestResults@2
-  displayName: Publish test results
-  inputs:
-    testRunner: VSTest
-    testResultsFiles: '**/*.trx'
-  condition: succeededOrFailed()
-- task: PowerShell@2
-  displayName: Assert PowerShellEditorServices release configuration
-  inputs:
-    targetType: inline
-    pwsh: true
-    script: |
-      $assembly = [Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFile("$(Build.SourcesDirectory)/module/PowerShellEditorServices/bin/Core/Microsoft.PowerShell.EditorServices.Hosting.dll")
-      if ($assembly.GetCustomAttributes([System.Diagnostics.DebuggableAttribute], $true).IsJITOptimizerDisabled) {
-        Write-Host "##vso[task.LogIssue type=error;] PowerShell Editor Services bits were not built in release configuration!"
-        exit 1
-      }
-# NOTE: We zip the artifacts because they're ~20 MB compressed, but ~300 MB raw,
-# and we have limited pipeline artifact storage space.
-- task: ArchiveFiles@2
-  displayName: Zip build output
-  inputs:
-    rootFolderOrFile: module
-    includeRootFolder: false
-    archiveType: zip
-    archiveFile: PowerShellEditorServices-Build.zip
-    verbose: true
-- publish: PowerShellEditorServices-Build.zip
-  artifact: PowerShellEditorServices-Build-$(System.JobId)
-  displayName: Publish build output archive
-- task: ArchiveFiles@2
-  displayName: Zip sources with `project.assets.json`
-  inputs:
-    rootFolderOrFile: src
-    includeRootFolder: false
-    archiveType: zip
-    archiveFile: PowerShellEditorServices-Sources.zip
-    verbose: true
-- publish: PowerShellEditorServices-Sources.zip
-  artifact: PowerShellEditorServices-Sources-$(System.JobId)
-  displayName: Publish sources archive
diff --git a/.vsts-ci/templates/publish-general.yml b/.vsts-ci/templates/publish-general.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index cb26033b3..000000000
--- a/.vsts-ci/templates/publish-general.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-- checkout: self
-- checkout: vscode-powershell
-- download: current
-  artifact: PowerShellEditorServices
-  displayName: Download signed pipeline artifacts
-- pwsh: |
-    $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/vscode-powershell/tools/setupReleaseTools.ps1 -Token $(GitHubToken)
-    New-DraftRelease -RepositoryName PowerShellEditorServices -Assets $(Pipeline.Workspace)/PowerShellEditorServices/PowerShellEditorServices.zip
-  displayName: Drafting a GitHub Release
diff --git a/.vsts-ci/templates/release-general.yml b/.vsts-ci/templates/release-general.yml
deleted file mode 100644
index bc4abdfa5..000000000
--- a/.vsts-ci/templates/release-general.yml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-- download: current
-  displayName: Download unsigned pipeline artifacts
-- task: ExtractFiles@1
-  displayName: Extract unsigned artifacts
-  inputs:
-    archiveFilePatterns: $(Pipeline.Workspace)/PowerShellEditorServices-Build-*/PowerShellEditorServices-Build.zip
-    destinationFolder: $(Pipeline.Workspace)/Unsigned
-    cleanDestinationFolder: true
-- checkout: ComplianceRepo
-# NOTE: The signing templates explicitly copy everything along as they run, so
-# the last output path has every signed (and intentionally unsigned) file.
-- template: EsrpSign.yml@ComplianceRepo
-  parameters:
-    buildOutputPath: $(Pipeline.Workspace)/Unsigned
-    signOutputPath: $(Pipeline.Workspace)/FirstPartySigned
-    alwaysCopy: true
-    certificateId: CP-230012 # Authenticode certificate
-    shouldSign: true # We always want to sign
-    useMinimatch: true # This enables the use of globbing
-    pattern: |
-      # PowerShellEditorServices Script
-      PowerShellEditorServices/*.{ps1,psd1,psm1,ps1xml}
-      PowerShellEditorServices/Commands/**/*.{ps1,psd1,psm1,ps1xml}
-      # PowerShellEditorServices Binaries
-      PowerShellEditorServices/**/Microsoft.PowerShell.EditorServices*.dll
-- template: EsrpSign.yml@ComplianceRepo
-  parameters:
-    buildOutputPath: $(Pipeline.Workspace)/FirstPartySigned
-    signOutputPath: $(Pipeline.Workspace)/ThirdPartySigned
-    alwaysCopy: true
-    certificateId: CP-231522 # Third-party certificate
-    shouldSign: true # We always want to sign
-    useMinimatch: true # This enables the use of globbing
-    pattern: |
-      **/MediatR.dll
-      **/Nerdbank.Streams.dll
-      **/Newtonsoft.Json.dll
-      **/OmniSharp*.dll
-      **/Serilog*.dll
-# The SBOM generation requires our original sources with the `dotnet restore`
-# produced `project.assets.json` files.
-- task: ExtractFiles@1
-  displayName: Extract source artifacts
-  inputs:
-    archiveFilePatterns: $(Pipeline.Workspace)/PowerShellEditorServices-Sources-*/PowerShellEditorServices-Sources.zip
-    destinationFolder: $(Pipeline.Workspace)/Sources
-    cleanDestinationFolder: true
-- template: Sbom.yml@ComplianceRepo
-  parameters:
-    BuildDropPath: $(Pipeline.Workspace)/ThirdPartySigned
-    Build_Repository_Uri: https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShellEditorServices.git
-    packageName: PowerShellEditorServices
-    packageVersion: $(System.JobId)
-    sourceScanPath: $(Pipeline.Workspace)/Sources
-- task: ArchiveFiles@2
-  displayName: Zip signed artifacts
-  inputs:
-    rootFolderOrFile: $(Pipeline.Workspace)/ThirdPartySigned
-    includeRootFolder: false
-    archiveType: zip
-    archiveFile: PowerShellEditorServices.zip
-    replaceExistingArchive: true
-    verbose: true
-- checkout: self
-- template: assembly-module-compliance.yml@ComplianceRepo
-  parameters:
-    # binskim
-    AnalyzeTarget: $(Pipeline.Workspace)/*.dll
-    AnalyzeSymPath: 'SRV*'
-    # component-governance: requires the `project.assets.json` files
-    sourceScanPath: $(Pipeline.Workspace)/Sources
-    # credscan
-    suppressionsFile: ''
-    # TermCheck AKA PoliCheck
-    targetArgument: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/PowerShellEditorServices
-    optionsUEPATH: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/PowerShellEditorServices/tools/terms/UserExclusions.xml
-    optionsRulesDBPath: ''
-    optionsFTPath: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/PowerShellEditorServices/tools/terms/FileTypeSet.xml
-    # tsa-upload
-    codeBaseName: PowerShell_PowerShellEditorServices_20210201
-    # We don't use any Windows APIs directly, so we don't need API scan
-    APIScan: false
-- publish: PowerShellEditorServices.zip
-  artifact: PowerShellEditorServices
-  displayName: Publish signed pipeline artifacts
diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index 8b2ba1b99..10c90056d 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
 # PowerShell Editor Services Release History
+## v3.18.1
+### Tuesday, March 19, 2024
+Servicing release with updated pipeline!
 ## v3.18.0
 ### Tuesday, March 5, 2024
diff --git a/NuGet.Config b/NuGet.Config
index 16746d63c..f04dcd513 100644
--- a/NuGet.Config
+++ b/NuGet.Config
@@ -1,10 +1,7 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-    <packageSources>
-        <clear />
-        <add key="nuget.org" value="https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json" />
-    </packageSources>
-    <disabledPackageSources>
-        <clear />
-    </disabledPackageSources>
+  <packageSources>
+    <clear />
+    <add key="PowerShellCore_PublicPackages" value="https://pkgs.dev.azure.com/mscodehub/PowerShellCore/_packaging/PowerShellCore_PublicPackages/nuget/v3/index.json" />
+  </packageSources>
diff --git a/PowerShellEditorServices.Common.props b/PowerShellEditorServices.Common.props
index 6e0a04574..80d45b7ba 100644
--- a/PowerShellEditorServices.Common.props
+++ b/PowerShellEditorServices.Common.props
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
-    <VersionPrefix>3.18.0</VersionPrefix>
+    <VersionPrefix>3.18.1</VersionPrefix>
     <Copyright>© Microsoft Corporation.</Copyright>
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 9c89a6926..bb672b7f9 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -159,7 +159,20 @@ Install-Module InvokeBuild -Scope CurrentUser
 Install-Module platyPS -Scope CurrentUser
-Now you're ready to build the code.  You can do so in one of two ways:
+### 4. Delete `NuGet.Config`
+Our NuGet configuration points to a private feed necessary for secure builds,
+and it must be committed to the repo as it is.
+The easiest way to build without access to that private feed is to delete the file:
+Remove-Item NuGet.Config
+Please be careful not to commit this change in a PR.
+Now you're ready to build the code.
+You can do so in one of two ways:
 ### Building the code from PowerShell
diff --git a/module/PowerShellEditorServices/PowerShellEditorServices.psd1 b/module/PowerShellEditorServices/PowerShellEditorServices.psd1
index 39b7bca5c..ebeba42f9 100644
--- a/module/PowerShellEditorServices/PowerShellEditorServices.psd1
+++ b/module/PowerShellEditorServices/PowerShellEditorServices.psd1
@@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ RootModule = if ($PSEdition -eq 'Core')
 # Version number of this module.
-ModuleVersion = '3.18.0'
+ModuleVersion = '3.18.1'
 # ID used to uniquely identify this module
 GUID = '9ca15887-53a2-479a-9cda-48d26bcb6c47'
diff --git a/tools/terms/FileTypeSet.xml b/tools/terms/FileTypeSet.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index 82f9f4d09..000000000
--- a/tools/terms/FileTypeSet.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,379 +0,0 @@
-<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
-    <PckFileTypes TotalTypes="35" TotalExts="198" UnsupportedFilesOnly="False">
-        <Type ID="0" Check="1">
-            <Name>Pure Text Files</Name>
-            <Extensions>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.txt</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.des</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.pwd</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.asm</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.cmd</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.ini</Ext>
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-            </Extensions>
-        </Type>
-        <Type ID="1" Check="1">
-            <Name>CodeFiles</Name>
-            <Extensions>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.frm</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.inc</Ext>
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-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.java</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.cs</Ext>
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-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.bas</Ext>
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-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.js</Ext>
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-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.rc</Ext>
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-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.fs</Ext>
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-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.fsx</Ext>
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-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.psm1</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.config</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.ps1</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.psd1</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.cmake</Ext>
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-            </Extensions>
-        </Type>
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-            <Name>XML Files</Name>
-            <Extensions>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.xml</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.hxa</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.hxk</Ext>
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-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.hxv</Ext>
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-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.dot</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.wiz</Ext>
-            </Extensions>
-        </Type>
-        <Type ID="4" Check="1">
-            <Name>Microsoft Access Database Compatible</Name>
-            <Extensions>
-                <Ext Check="0" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.mdb</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.mda</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.mde</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.mpd</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.mdt</Ext>
-            </Extensions>
-        </Type>
-        <Type ID="5" Check="1">
-            <Name>Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation</Name>
-            <Extensions>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.ppt</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.pot</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.pps</Ext>
-            </Extensions>
-        </Type>
-        <Type ID="6" Check="1">
-            <Name>Microsoft Publisher Files</Name>
-            <Extensions>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.pub</Ext>
-            </Extensions>
-        </Type>
-        <Type ID="7" Check="1">
-            <Name>Microsoft Excel Workbooks</Name>
-            <Extensions>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.xls</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.xlt</Ext>
-            </Extensions>
-        </Type>
-        <Type ID="8" Check="1">
-            <Name>Pure Binary Files</Name>
-            <Extensions>
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-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.bin</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.tlb</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.drv</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.fon</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="0" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.blg</Ext>
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-                <Ext Check="0" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.png</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="0" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.icns</Ext>
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-                <Ext Check="0" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.bmp</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="0" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.pfx</Ext>
-            </Extensions>
-        </Type>
-        <Type ID="9" Check="1">
-            <Name>Localization resource databases</Name>
-            <Extensions>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.edb</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.lcl</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.xlf</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.xliff</Ext>
-            </Extensions>
-        </Type>
-        <Type ID="10" Check="1">
-            <Name>Microsoft Project Files</Name>
-            <Extensions>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.mpp</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.mpt</Ext>
-            </Extensions>
-        </Type>
-        <Type ID="11" Check="1">
-            <Name>Microsoft Visio Files</Name>
-            <Extensions>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.vsd</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.vdx</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.vss</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.vst</Ext>
-            </Extensions>
-        </Type>
-        <Type ID="12" Check="1">
-            <Name>Windows Installer databases</Name>
-            <Extensions>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.msi</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.msm</Ext>
-            </Extensions>
-        </Type>
-        <Type ID="13" Check="1">
-            <Name>Zip Files</Name>
-            <Extensions>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.zip</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.accdt</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.axtr</Ext>
-            </Extensions>
-        </Type>
-        <Type ID="14" Check="1">
-            <Name>Cabinet / MS Compression Files</Name>
-            <Extensions>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.cab</Ext>
-            </Extensions>
-        </Type>
-        <Type ID="15" Check="1">
-            <Name>Table driven IME lexicons</Name>
-            <Extensions>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.mb</Ext>
-            </Extensions>
-        </Type>
-        <Type ID="16" Check="1">
-            <Name>IME ( IMD ) Files</Name>
-            <Extensions>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.imd</Ext>
-            </Extensions>
-        </Type>
-        <Type ID="17" Check="1">
-            <Name>TrueType Font Files</Name>
-            <Extensions>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.ttf</Ext>
-            </Extensions>
-        </Type>
-        <Type ID="18" Check="1">
-            <Name>Microsoft Outlook Mail Files</Name>
-            <Extensions>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.msg</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.oft</Ext>
-            </Extensions>
-        </Type>
-        <Type ID="19" Check="1">
-            <Name>HTML Help 2.0 Files / InfoTech5.x Storage System Files</Name>
-            <Extensions>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.its</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.hxh</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.hxr</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.hxw</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.hxi</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.hxs</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.hxq</Ext>
-            </Extensions>
-        </Type>
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-            <Name>Adobe Acrobat PDF Files</Name>
-            <Extensions>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.pdf</Ext>
-            </Extensions>
-        </Type>
-        <Type ID="21" Check="1">
-            <Name>HTML Files / Web Page</Name>
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-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.dtd</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.hhk</Ext>
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-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.asp</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.htc</Ext>
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-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.html</Ext>
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-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.stm</Ext>
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-        </Type>
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-            <Name>Rich Text Files</Name>
-            <Extensions>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.rtf</Ext>
-            </Extensions>
-        </Type>
-        <Type ID="23" Check="1">
-            <Name>Windows 3.x Write Files</Name>
-            <Extensions>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.wri</Ext>
-            </Extensions>
-        </Type>
-        <Type ID="24" Check="1">
-            <Name>MHTML Files</Name>
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-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.mht</Ext>
-            </Extensions>
-        </Type>
-        <Type ID="25" Check="1">
-            <Name>Word 2007 Files</Name>
-            <Extensions>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.docx</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.docm</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.dotx</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.dotm</Ext>
-            </Extensions>
-        </Type>
-        <Type ID="26" Check="1">
-            <Name>Excel 2007 Files</Name>
-            <Extensions>
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-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.xlsm</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.xltx</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.xltm</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.xlsb</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.xlam</Ext>
-            </Extensions>
-        </Type>
-        <Type ID="27" Check="1">
-            <Name>Power Point 2007 Files</Name>
-            <Extensions>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.pptx</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.pptm</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.potx</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.potm</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.ppsx</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.ppsm</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.ppam</Ext>
-            </Extensions>
-        </Type>
-        <Type ID="28" Check="1">
-            <Name>Access 2007 Files</Name>
-            <Extensions>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.accdb</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.accde</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.accdr</Ext>
-            </Extensions>
-        </Type>
-        <Type ID="29" Check="1">
-            <Name>Win32/64-based executable (image) Files</Name>
-            <Extensions>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.exe</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.dll</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.ocx</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.scr</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.acm</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.rll</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.cpl</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.mui</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.ax</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.ime</Ext>
-            </Extensions>
-        </Type>
-        <Type ID="30" Check="1">
-            <Name>HTML Help 1.0 Files</Name>
-            <Extensions>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.chm</Ext>
-            </Extensions>
-        </Type>
-        <Type ID="31" Check="1">
-            <Name>LocStudio lsg</Name>
-            <Extensions>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.lsg</Ext>
-            </Extensions>
-        </Type>
-        <Type ID="32" Check="1">
-            <Name>Microsoft Office OneNote Files</Name>
-            <Extensions>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.one</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.onepkg</Ext>
-            </Extensions>
-        </Type>
-        <Type ID="33" Check="1">
-            <Name>Custom Parsers</Name>
-            <Extensions>
-            </Extensions>
-        </Type>
-        <Type ID="34" Check="1">
-            <Name>Visio 2011 Files</Name>
-            <Extensions>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.vstx</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.vsdx</Ext>
-                <Ext Check="1" UseCustomParser="0" DllPath="" ClassName="">.vssx</Ext>
-            </Extensions>
-        </Type>
-    </PckFileTypes>
diff --git a/tools/terms/UserExclusions.xml b/tools/terms/UserExclusions.xml
deleted file mode 100644
index f7ff9f7b9..000000000
--- a/tools/terms/UserExclusions.xml
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
-  <!-- All strings must be UPPER CASE -->
-  <!--Each of these exclusions is a folder name -if \[name]\exists in the file path, it will be skipped -->
-  <!--<Exclusion Type="FolderPathFull">ABC|XYZ</Exclusion>-->
-  <Exclusion Type="FolderPathFull">.GIT</Exclusion>
-  <!--Each of these exclusions is a folder name -if any folder or file starts with "\[name]", it will be skipped -->
-  <!--<Exclusion Type="FolderPathStart">ABC|XYZ</Exclusion>-->
-  <!--Each of these file types will be completely skipped for the entire scan -->
-  <!--<Exclusion Type="FileType">.ABC|.XYZ</Exclusion>-->
-  <!--The specified file names will be skipped during the scan regardless which folder they are in -->
-  <!--<Exclusion Type="FileName">ABC.TXT|XYZ.CS</Exclusion>-->
diff --git a/tools/updateVersion.ps1 b/tools/updateVersion.ps1
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..e5b94280c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tools/updateVersion.ps1
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
+# Licensed under the MIT License.
+    [Parameter(Mandatory)]
+    [semver]$Version,
+    [Parameter(Mandatory)]
+    [string]$Changes
+git diff --staged --quiet --exit-code
+if ($LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
+    throw "There are staged changes in the repository. Please commit or reset them before running this script."
+$v = "$($Version.Major).$($Version.Minor).$($Version.Patch)"
+$path = "PowerShellEditorServices.Common.props"
+$f = Get-Content -Path $path
+$f = $f -replace '^(?<prefix>\s+<VersionPrefix>)(.+)(?<suffix></VersionPrefix>)$', "`${prefix}${v}`${suffix}"
+$f = $f -replace '^(?<prefix>\s+<VersionSuffix>)(.*)(?<suffix></VersionSuffix>)$', "`${prefix}$($Version.PreReleaseLabel)`${suffix}"
+$f | Set-Content -Path $path
+git add $path
+$path = "module/PowerShellEditorServices/PowerShellEditorServices.psd1"
+$f = Get-Content -Path $path
+$f = $f -replace "^(?<prefix>ModuleVersion = ')(.+)(?<suffix>')`$", "`${prefix}${v}`${suffix}"
+$f | Set-Content -Path $path
+git add $path
+$path = "CHANGELOG.md"
+$Changelog = Get-Content -Path $path
+    $Changelog[0..1]
+    "## v$Version"
+    "### $([datetime]::Now.ToString('dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy'))"
+    ""
+    $Changes
+    ""
+    $Changelog[2..$Changelog.Length]
+) | Set-Content -Encoding utf8NoBOM -Path $path
+git add $path
+git commit --edit --message "v$($Version): $Changes"