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Releases: PowerShell/PowerShellEditorServices


07 Apr 18:34
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v0.12.1 Pre-release
  • Fixed vscode-powershell #645 -
    "Go to Definition" or "Find References" now work in untitled scripts without
    crashing the session
  • Fixed vscode-powershell #632 -
    Debugger no longer hangs when launched while PowerShell session is still
  • Fixed #430 -
    Resolved occasional IntelliSense slowness by preventing the implicit loading
    of the PowerShellGet and PackageManagement modules. This change will be reverted
    once a bug in PackageManagement is fixed.
  • Fixed #427 -
    Fixed an occasional crash when requesting editor IntelliSense while running
    a script in the debugger
  • Fixed #416 -
    Cleaned up errors that would appear in the $Errors variable from the use
    of Get-Command and Get-Help in IntelliSense results


04 Apr 18:21
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v0.12.0 Pre-release

Fixes and improvements

  • Added #408 - Enabled debugging of untitled script files

  • Added #405 - Script column number is now reported in the top stack frame when the debugger
    stops to aid in displaying a column indicator in Visual Studio Code

  • Fixed #411 - Commands executed internally now interrupt the integrated console's command

  • Fixed #409 - PowerShell session now does not crash when a breakpoint is hit outside of
    debug mode

  • Fixed #614 - Auto variables are now populating correctly in the debugger. NOTE: There is a known issue where all of a script's variables begin to show up in the Auto list after running a script for the first time. This is caused by a change in 0.11.0 where we now dot-source all debugged scripts. We will provide an option for this behavior in the future

v0.11.0: Merge pull request #402 from daviwil/release/0.11.0

23 Mar 00:16
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Fixes and improvements

  • Added PowerShell/vscode-powershell#583 -
    When you open files in a remote PowerShell session with the psedit command,
    their updated contents are now saved back to the remote machine when you save
    them in the editor.
  • Added PowerShell/vscode-powershell#540 -
    The scripts that you debug are now dot-sourced into the integrated console's
    session, allowing you to experiment with the results of your last execution.
  • Added PowerShell/vscode-powershell#600 -
    Debugger commands like stepInto, continue, and quit are now available
    in the integrated console while debugging a script.
  • Fixed PowerShell/vscode-powershell#533 -
    The backspace key now works in the integrated console on Linux and macOS. This
    fix also resolves a few usability problems with the integrated console on all
    supported OSes.
  • Fixed PowerShell/vscode-powershell#542 -
    Get-Credential now hides keystrokes correctly on Linux and macOS.
  • Fixed PowerShell/vscode-powershell#579 -
    Sorting of IntelliSense results is now consistent with the PowerShell ISE
  • Fixed PowerShell/vscode-powershell#575 -
    The interactive console no longer starts up with errors in the $Error variable.

v0.10.0: Merge pull request #379 from PowerShell/release/0.10.0

14 Mar 21:31
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These improvements are described in detail in the vscode-powershell changelog
for its 0.10.0 release.

Language feature improvements

  • Added new terminal-based integrated console
  • Added new code formatting settings with additional rules
  • Added Get-Credential, SecureString, and PSCredential support

Debugging improvements

  • Connected primary debugging experience with integrated console
  • Added column number breakpoints
  • Added support for step-in debugging of remote ScriptBlocks with PowerShell Core 6.0.0-alpha.17


19 Jan 16:32
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v0.9.0 Pre-release

These improvements are described in detail in the vscode-powershell changelog
for its 0.9.0 release.

Language feature improvements

  • Added PowerShell code formatting integration with PSScriptAnalyzer
  • Improved PSScriptAnalyzer execution, now runs asynchronously
  • Added Document symbol support for .psd1 files

Debugging improvements

  • Remote session and debugging support via Enter-PSSession (PowerShell v4+)
  • "Attach to process/runspace" debugging support via Enter-PSHostProcess and Debug-Runspace (PowerShell v5+)
  • Initial psedit command support for loading files from remote sessions
  • Added language server protocol request for gathering PowerShell host processes for debugging
  • Many minor improvements to the debugging experience

$psEditor API improvements

  • Added FileContext.Close() method to close an open file

Other fixes and improvements

  • Fixed #339:
    Prompt functions that return something other than string cause the debugger to crash


16 May 22:14
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v0.6.1 Pre-release
  • Fixed #221: Language server sometimes fails to initialize preventing IntelliSense, etc from working
  • Fixed #222: Editor commands are not receiving $host.UI prompt results


13 May 03:04
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v0.6.0 Pre-release

Introduced a new documentation site

  • We have launched a new documentation site
    for this project on GitHub Pages. This documentation provides both a user guide
    and .NET API documentation pages that are generated directly from our code
    documentation. Check it out and let us know what you think!

Added a new cross-editor extensibility model

  • We've added a new extensibility model which allows you to write PowerShell
    code to add new functionality to Visual Studio Code and other editors with
    a single API. If you've used $psISE in the PowerShell ISE, you'll feel
    right at home with $psEditor. Check out the documentation
    for more details!

Support for user and system-wide profiles

  • We've now introduced the $profile variable which contains the expected
    properties that you normally see in powershell.exe and powershell_ise.exe:
    • AllUsersAllHosts
    • AllUsersCurrentHost
    • CurrentUserAllHosts
    • CurrentUserCurrentHost
  • Each editor integration can specify what their host-specific profile filename
    should be. If no profile name has been specified a default of PowerShellEditorServices_profile.ps1
    is used.
  • Profiles are not loaded by default when PowerShell Editor Services is used.
    This behavior may change in the future based on user feedback.
  • Editor integrations can also specify their name and version for the $host.Name
    and $host.Version properties so that script authors have a better idea of
    where their code is being used.

Other improvements

  • $env variables now have IntelliSense complete correctly (#206).
  • The debug adapter now does not crash when you attempt to add breakpoints
    for files that have been moved or don't exist (#195).
  • Fixed an issue preventing output from being written in the debugger if you
    don't set a breakpoint before running a script.
  • Debug adapter now doesn't crash when rendering an object for the
    variables view if ToString throws an exception.


10 Mar 22:30
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v0.5.0 Pre-release

Support for PowerShell v3 and v4

  • Support for PowerShell v3 and v4 is now complete! Note that for this release,
    Script Analyzer support has been disabled for PS v3 and v4 until we implement
    a better strategy for integrating it as a module dependency

Debugging improvements

  • Added support for command breakpoints
  • Added support for conditional breakpoints
  • Improved the debug adapter startup sequence to handle new VS Code debugging features

Other improvements

  • using 'module' now resolves relative paths correctly, removing a syntax error that
    previously appeared when relative paths were used
  • Calling Read-Host -AsSecureString or Get-Credential from the console now shows an
    appropriate "not supported" error message instead of crashing the language service.
    Support for these commands will be added in a later release.


01 Mar 03:11
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v0.4.3 Pre-release
  • Fixed #166: PowerShell Editor Services should be usable without PSScriptAnalyzer binaries


17 Feb 21:06
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v0.4.2 Pre-release
  • Fixed #127: Update to PSScriptAnalyzer 1.4.0
  • Fixed #149: Scripts fail to launch in the debugger if working directory path contains spaces
  • Fixed #153: Script Analyzer integration is not working in 0.4.1 release
  • Fixed #159: LanguageServer.Shutdown method hangs while waiting for remaining buffered output to flush