Steeltoe provides building blocks for development of .NET applications that integrate with Spring and Spring Boot environments, as well as Cloud Foundry and Kubernetes with first-party support for Tanzu.
Key features include:
- External (optionally encrypted) configuration using Spring Cloud Config Server
- Service discovery with Netflix Eureka and HashiCorp Consul
- Management endpoints (compatible with actuators), providing system info (such as versions, configuration, service container contents, mapped routes and HTTP traffic), heap/thread dumps, health checks, exporting metrics to Prometheus, and changing log levels at runtime.
- Connectivity to databases (such as SQL Server/Azure SQL, Cosmos DB, MongoDB, Redis, RabbitMQ, PostgreSQL, and MySQL), including support for Entity Framework Core
- Single sign-on, JWT and Certificate auth with Cloud Foundry
For more information and to get started, please visit Steeltoe on GitHub or the documentation.