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Integration of Varbase with Storybook 2.0

Varbase has been integrated with Storybook to provide a listing of stories for Single Directory Components (SDC) components. This integration allows for easier development and testing of Varbase Components.

Not for production!!, only for development or staging.

Initialize Storybook for DDEV

Follow with the following link to install Varbase 10.0.x with DDEV

{% hint style="warning" %}

TEMP for the Varbase 10.1.x Branch

Varbase 10.1.0 stable is not released yet.

Follow the following steps to set up a development environment for Varbase 10.1.x. {% endhint %}

Before proceeding, ensure that you have the required tools installed on your local development environment:
Make sure you have the following installed:

  • DDEV → For local development
  • wget → To download files from the web
  • zip/unzip → To extract compressed files

Learn more about DDEV on the official website:

{% hint style="danger" %} DDEV is a development tool!

Note that while you can run DDEV in production, it is highly discouraged, not recommended, and 100% not supported! DON'T DO IT! {% endhint %}

1. Download and Extract Varbase 10.1.x

To get the code for the Varbase 10.1.x branch and extract it to your chosen location with a custom folder name, follow these steps:

cd varbase-project-10.1.x

2. Start DDEV and Install Dependencies

Start DDEV and build inside it.

ddev start
ddev composer install -vvv

3. Install Varbase Using the Custom DDEV Container Command

Install Varbase using drush. (shell web container command)
Usage: ddev install-varbase minimal|full|demo [flags]
Aliases: install-varbase, varbase:install

Install Varbase for the DDEV project.

A password for the webmaster user will be provided after the installation is complete.

Have a look at the content of the install-varbase command.

Quick Varbase Demo installation
ddev install-varbase demo

Full Varbase installation
ddev install-varbase full

Minimal Varbase installation
ddev install-varbase minimal

4. Initialize Storybook for Varbase

ddev init-storybook

The ddev init-storybook command in Varbase is a custom DDEV command designed to initialize Storybook for the DDEV project.

Have a look at the content of the init-storybook command.

5. Generate Stories

Generate all stories using the following alias script

ddev yarn storybook:gen

It will run the following drush command

drush storybook:generate-all-stories --force

6. Start Varbase Storybook 2.0

ddev yarn storybook:dev

7. Verify Installation and Links

ddev status
│ Project: varbase-project-10.1.x /var/www/html/dev/varbase-project-10.1.x │
│ 8443                                                                                                               │
│ Docker platform: linux-docker                                                                                      │
│ Router: traefik                                                                                                    │
│ SERVICE      │ STAT │ URL/PORT                                                                │ INFO               │
│ web          │ OK   │                           │ drupal11 PHP 8.3   │
│              │      │ InDocker -> Host:                                                       │ Server: apache-fpm │
│              │      │  - web:80 ->                                            │ Docroot: 'docroot' │
│              │      │  - web:443 ->                                           │ Perf mode: none    │
│              │      │  - web:6006 ->                                          │ Node.js: 20        │
│              │      │  - web:8025 ->                                          │                    │
│ db           │ OK   │ InDocker -> Host:                                                       │ mariadb:10.11      │
│              │      │  - db:3306 ->                                           │ User/Pass: 'db/db' │
│              │      │                                                                         │ or 'root/root'     │
│ Mailpit      │      │ Mailpit:                  │                    │
│              │      │ Launch: ddev mailpit                                                    │                    │
│ storybook    │      │                           │                    │
│              │      │ InDocker: web:6006                                                      │                    │
│ Project URLs │      │,, │                    │
│              │      │,    │                    │

When Adding or Changing Stories

Important to run the ddev yarn storybook:gen command for all new or changed stories.

Manual Steps by step to Set up a Working Storybook for Varbase

  • Enable the storybook module on the site either through the site's interface or by running the command drush en storybook with Drush. Note that the CL Server module should not be kept running on a production site.
  • Navigate to "/admin/people/permissions/module/storybook" to give the Render storybook stories permission to all user roles. Check the Anonymous user and Authenticated user checkbox and press Save permission submit button.

Use the Storybook endpoint Module Permissions

Use Drush to grant specified permission(s) to a role.

./bin/drush role:perm:add anonymous 'render storybook stories'

./bin/drush role:perm:add authenticated 'render storybook stories'

Use the Render Storybook stories

{% hint style="warning" %} Use the Render Storybook stories

Warning: Give to trusted roles only; this permission has security implications. Allows a user to access the Twig Storybook endpoint to render a template with stories. {% endhint %}

Use Drush to remove specified permission(s) from a role.

./bin/drush role:perm:remove anonymous 'use cl server'

./bin/drush role:perm:remove authenticated 'use cl server'

  • Add the following exclude of modules to the settings.php or settings.local.php only to the development environment:
  • Change the following Cross-Site HTTP requests (CORS) in the file.
# Local development services.
# To activate this feature, follow the instructions at the top of the
# 'settings.platformsh.php' or 'settings.local.php' file, which sits next to this file.
    debug: true
    cache: false
  http.response.debug_cacheability_headers: true
  storybook.development: true
    enabled: true
    # Specify allowed headers, like 'x-allowed-header'.
    allowedHeaders: ['*']
    # Specify allowed request methods, specify ['*'] to allow all possible ones.
    allowedMethods: ['*']
    # Configure requests allowed from specific origins. Do not include trailing
    # slashes with URLs.
    allowedOrigins: ['*']
    # Configure requests allowed from origins, matching against regex patterns.
    allowedOriginsPatterns: ['*']
    # Sets the Access-Control-Expose-Headers header.
    exposedHeaders: false
    # Sets the Access-Control-Max-Age header.
    maxAge: false
    # Sets the Access-Control-Allow-Credentials header.
    supportsCredentials: true
    class: Drupal\Core\Cache\NullBackendFactory

{% hint style="warning" %} Not recommended to keep "cors.config" with "enabled: true" in production environments.

Better to keep all changes in the "" file

{% endhint %}

  • Enable Twig debugging by debug: true in the file.

Having a local services file. Make sure to have the right path for custom local development services file. sites/default/

// Enable the development local services for Storybook.
$settings['container_yamls'][] = DRUPAL_ROOT . '/sites/default/';

Having a local settings settings.local.php file. When used in a local development environment, or in Development, Staging, or Demo hosts.

Enabling Twig debugging is not recommended in production environments.

  • Disable the Twig cache by cache: false in the file.

Disabling the Twig cache is not recommended in production environments.

Change the Local Development Domain

  • Change varbase.local in the package.json file to the appropriate local or development domain name.
  • Replace process.env.STORYBOOK_SERVER_RENDER_URL in the preview.ts file with the base URL of your project or an environment variable representing the local or development domain.
  • Open a command terminal window and navigate to your project's directory.
  • Run the yarn install command in the terminal to install the necessary dependencies.
  • Run the yarn storybook:gen to generate all stories.
  • Run the yarn storybook:dev command to start the development site for the Storybook.
  • Open site domain with :6006 port.

Storybook Build

Building the storybook ones for the project, only for demos, staging, or hosted development, when the other ports are not allowed.

Run the yarn storybook:build command to build the story, in the local or in at the dev, test, staging, or demo server.

{% hint style="danger" %}

Not for production!!, only for development or staging.

{% endhint %}

A domain name could point at the storybook folder.


  1. An example development, staging or demo domain name can point at the docroot directory, which will bootstrap from Varbase
  2. A sub domain domain name can point at the storybook directory, which will load the Varbase Storybook, and the Component Library Server will have requests from the

Customizing Varbase Storybook for a Project:

Switching Between Themes

To showcase a custom cloned generated theme, uncomment and modify the following line in the .storybook/preview.ts file:

// mytheme: {title: 'My Custom Theme for a Project'}

Show Custom Vartheme BS5's Components

To include components from Vartheme BS5 Starterkit, uncomment and modify the following line in the .storybook/main.js file:


Show Custom Theme's Components

In case of having a custom theme for a project by

{% content-ref url="" %} {% endcontent-ref %}

To include components from a custom cloned generated theme, uncomment and modify the following line in the .storybook/main.ts file:


Please ensure that the path to the custom theme is correct. It should be located either in "../docroot/themes" or "../docroot/themes/custom"

Show Custom Module's Components

To include components from a custom module, uncomment and modify the following line in the .storybook/main.ts file:


Run Varbase Storybook in Platformsh

Having a working Storybook for development, testing or staging.

{% hint style="danger" %} NOT for production environments. {% endhint %}

Select The Varbase Template as The Project Type

Choose Vardot/platformsh-varbase from the pre-existing code base template to start a project with.

Click on Use a Template

Select Varbase as the template, by default a Varbase 10.1 will be built

Select Varbase as the Template

After creating the project and installing Varbase 10

Replace Site URL with an Environment URL

Edit the preview.ts file in the .storybook folder, replace this with your Drupal site URL, or an environment variable.

    server: {
      // Replace this with your Drupal site URL, or an environment variable.
      url: process.env.STORYBOOK_SERVER_RENDER_URL,

Use '' File

Have the following in the settings.platformsh.php file

// Enable the development local services for Storybook.
if (isset($platformsh->branch)) {
  if (!$platformsh->onProduction() || !$platformsh->onDedicated()) {
    $settings['container_yamls'][] = $app_root . '/' . $site_path . '/';

Both files are in the Vardot/platformsh-varbase project template.

After committing and starting the development environment for the development branch,

The Storybook link will work as follow
