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3c14dd8 · Dec 11, 2020


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64 lines (51 loc) · 5.12 KB

Driver Parameters

parameter names are case-insensitive

Dynamic Provisioning

blobfuse example

blobfuse mountOptions example

nfs example

Name Meaning Example Mandatory Default value
skuName Azure storage account type (alias: storageAccountType) Standard_LRS, Premium_LRS, Standard_GRS, Standard_RAGRS No Standard_LRS
location Azure location eastus, westus, etc. No if empty, driver will use the same location name as current k8s cluster
resourceGroup Azure resource group name existing resource group name No if empty, driver will use the same resource group name as current k8s cluster
storageAccount specify Azure storage account name STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME - No for blobfuse mount
- Yes for NFSv3 mount
- For blobfuse mount: if empty, driver will find a suitable storage account that matches skuName in the same resource group; if a storage account name is provided, storage account must exist.
- For NFSv3 mount, storage account name must be provided
protocol specify blobfuse mount or NFSv3 mount fuse, nfs No fuse
containerName specify the existing container name existing container name No if empty, driver will create a new container name, starting with pvc-fuse for blobfuse or pvc-nfs for NFSv3
server specify Azure storage account server address existing server address, e.g. No if empty, driver will use default or other sovereign cloud account address
tags tags would be created in newly created storage account tag format: 'foo=aaa,bar=bbb' No ""
  • fsGroup securityContext setting

Blobfuse driver does not honor fsGroup securityContext setting, instead user could use -o gid=1000 in mountoptions to set ownership, check here for more mountoptions.

Static Provisioning(bring your own storage container)

blobfuse example

nfs example

blobfuse read account key or SAS token from key vault example

blobfuse Managed Identity and Service Principal Name auth example

Name Meaning Available Value Mandatory Default value
volumeAttributes.resourceGroup Azure resource group name existing resource group name No if empty, driver will use the same resource group name as current k8s cluster
volumeAttributes.storageAccount existing storage account name existing storage account name Yes
volumeAttributes.containerName existing container name existing container name Yes
volumeAttributes.protocol specify blobfuse mount or NFSv3 mount fuse, nfs No fuse secret name that stores(check below examples):
existing Kubernetes secret name No
nodeStageSecretRef.namespace namespace where the secret is k8s namespace Yes
--- Following parameters are only for feature: blobfuse Managed Identity and Service Principal Name auth --- ---
volumeAttributes.AzureStorageAuthType Authentication Type Key, SAS, MSI, SPN No Key
volumeAttributes.AzureStorageIdentityClientID Identity Client ID No
volumeAttributes.AzureStorageIdentityObjectID Identity Object ID No
volumeAttributes.AzureStorageIdentityResourceID Identity Resource ID No
volumeAttributes.MSIEndpoint MSI Endpoint No
volumeAttributes.AzureStorageSPNClientID SPN Client ID No
volumeAttributes.AzureStorageSPNTenantID SPN Tenant ID No
volumeAttributes.AzureStorageAADEndpoint AADEndpoint No
--- Following parameters are only for feature: blobfuse read account key or SAS token from key vault --- ---
volumeAttributes.keyVaultURL Azure Key Vault DNS name existing Azure Key Vault DNS name No
volumeAttributes.keyVaultSecretName Azure Key Vault secret name existing Azure Key Vault secret name No
volumeAttributes.keyVaultSecretVersion Azure Key Vault secret version existing version No if empty, driver will use "current version"
  • create a Kubernetes secret for
kubectl create secret generic azure-secret --from-literal accountkey="xxx" --type=Opaque
kubectl create secret generic azure-secret --from-literal azurestorageaccountsastoken="xxx" --type=Opaque
kubectl create secret generic azure-secret --from-literal msisecret="xxx" --type=Opaque
kubectl create secret generic azure-secret --from-literal azurestoragespnclientsecret="xxx" --type=Opaque