- Create schema for sprint operations (create, update, get, list)
- Implement formatter for sprint entities
- Add endpoint for creating new sprints
- Add endpoint for moving issues to/from sprints
- Implement sprint start/complete functionality
- Add sprint report retrieval capability
- Create schema for issue link operations
- Implement link type discovery endpoint
- Add functionality for creating parent-child relationships
- Add support for issue links (blocks, is blocked by, relates to)
- Enhance issue responses to include relationship data
- Add endpoint for retrieving issue link types
- Create schema for attachment operations
- Implement file upload functionality for issues
- Add attachment download capability
- Implement listing attachments on an issue
- Add attachment removal functionality
- Enhance issue responses to include attachment metadata
- Create schema for worklog operations
- Implement adding work logs to issues
- Add support for updating existing work logs
- Create endpoint for retrieving time tracking information
- Implement time estimate updates
- Enhance issue responses to include time tracking data
- Implement bulk operations support
- Add worklog management capabilities
- Optimize for rate limiting constraints
- Create/update sprints functionality
- Move issues between sprints
- Implement sprint reports
- Add sprint velocity tracking
- Implement request caching system
- Add batch operations support
- Configure connection pooling
- Add performance monitoring