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API Reference

This document provides information about the available tools and resources in the Jira Cloud MCP Server.

Using MCP Tools

All tools are accessed through the MCP use_mcp_tool function:

await use_mcp_tool({
  server_name: "jira-cloud",
  tool_name: "tool_name_here",
  arguments: {
    // Tool-specific parameters

Using MCP Resources

Resources provide contextual information about your Jira instance and can be accessed through the MCP access_mcp_resource function:

await access_mcp_resource({
  server_name: "jira-cloud",
  uri: "jira://instance/summary"

For detailed information about available resources, see the Resources documentation.

Available Tools

Board, Project, and Filter Management

Tool Description Required Parameters Optional Parameters
manage_jira_board Board management with CRUD operations and related data operation Depends on operation (see below)
manage_jira_project Project management with CRUD operations and related data operation Depends on operation (see below)
manage_jira_filter Filter management with CRUD operations and issue retrieval operation Depends on operation (see below)

Board Operations

Operation Description Required Parameters Optional Parameters
get Get board details boardId expand, include_sprints
list List all boards None startAt, maxResults, include_sprints
create Create a new board name, type, projectKey None
update Update a board boardId name
delete Delete a board boardId None
get_configuration Get board configuration boardId None

Project Operations

Operation Description Required Parameters Optional Parameters
get Get project details projectKey expand, include_status_counts
list List all projects None startAt, maxResults, include_status_counts
create Create a new project name, key description, lead
update Update a project projectKey name, description, lead
delete Delete a project projectKey None

Filter Operations

Operation Description Required Parameters Optional Parameters
get Get filter details filterId expand
list List all filters None startAt, maxResults, expand
create Create a new filter name, jql description, favourite, sharePermissions
update Update a filter filterId name, jql, description, favourite, sharePermissions
delete Delete a filter filterId None
execute_filter Execute a filter to get matching issues filterId None
execute_jql Execute a JQL query directly jql startAt, maxResults, expand

Issue Management

Tool Description Required Parameters Optional Parameters
manage_jira_issue Issue management with CRUD operations, transitions, comments, and linking operation Depends on operation (see below)

Issue Operations

Operation Description Required Parameters Optional Parameters
create Create a new issue projectKey, summary, issueType description, priority, assignee, labels, customFields
get Get issue with optional expansions issueKey expand
update Update an issue issueKey summary, description, parent, assignee, priority, labels, customFields
delete Delete an issue issueKey None
transition Change issue status issueKey, transitionId comment
comment Add a comment issueKey, comment None
link Link issues together issueKey, linkedIssueKey, linkType None

Sprint Management

Tool Description Required Parameters Optional Parameters
manage_jira_sprint Sprint management with CRUD operations and issue management operation Depends on operation (see below)

Sprint Operations

Operation Description Required Parameters Optional Parameters
get Get sprint details sprintId expand
list List all sprints for a board boardId startAt, maxResults, state, expand
create Create a new sprint boardId, name startDate, endDate, goal
update Update a sprint sprintId name, startDate, endDate, goal, state
delete Delete a sprint sprintId None
manage_issues Add or remove issues from a sprint sprintId add, remove

Common Parameters

  • issueKey: The Jira issue key (e.g., "PROJ-123")
  • boardId: The ID of the board (numeric)
  • projectKey: The Jira project key (e.g., "PROJ")
  • jql: JQL query string
  • expand: Array of fields to expand in the response

Expansion Options

Issue Expansions

  • comments: Include issue comments
  • transitions: Include available transitions
  • attachments: Include file attachments
  • related_issues: Include linked issues
  • history: Include change history

Project Expansions

  • boards: Include project boards
  • components: Include project components
  • versions: Include project versions
  • recent_issues: Include recent issues

Board Expansions

  • sprints: Include board sprints
  • issues: Include board issues
  • configuration: Include board configuration

Filter Expansions

  • jql: Include JQL query
  • description: Include filter description
  • permissions: Include sharing permissions
  • issue_count: Include count of matching issues

Search/Execute JQL Expansions

  • issue_details: Include detailed issue information
  • transitions: Include available transitions
  • comments_preview: Include comment previews

Example Usage

Using Issue Management

// Create a new issue
await use_mcp_tool({
  server_name: "jira-cloud",
  tool_name: "manage_jira_issue",
  arguments: {
    operation: "create",
    projectKey: "PROJ",
    summary: "Example Issue",
    description: "This is a test issue",
    issueType: "Task"

// Get issue with comments and transitions
await use_mcp_tool({
  server_name: "jira-cloud",
  tool_name: "manage_jira_issue",
  arguments: {
    operation: "get",
    issueKey: "PROJ-123",
    expand: ["comments", "transitions"]

// Update an issue
await use_mcp_tool({
  server_name: "jira-cloud",
  tool_name: "manage_jira_issue",
  arguments: {
    operation: "update",
    issueKey: "PROJ-123",
    summary: "Updated Issue Title",
    description: "This issue has been updated"

// Add a comment to an issue
await use_mcp_tool({
  server_name: "jira-cloud",
  tool_name: "manage_jira_issue",
  arguments: {
    operation: "comment",
    issueKey: "PROJ-123",
    comment: "This is a new comment"

Using Board Management

// Get a board with sprints
await use_mcp_tool({
  server_name: "jira-cloud",
  tool_name: "manage_jira_board",
  arguments: {
    operation: "get",
    boardId: 123,
    expand: ["sprints"]

// List all boards with pagination
await use_mcp_tool({
  server_name: "jira-cloud",
  tool_name: "manage_jira_board",
  arguments: {
    operation: "list",
    startAt: 0,
    maxResults: 50,
    include_sprints: true

// Create a new board
await use_mcp_tool({
  server_name: "jira-cloud",
  tool_name: "manage_jira_board",
  arguments: {
    operation: "create",
    name: "New Development Board",
    type: "scrum",
    projectKey: "PROJ"

Using Filter Management

// List all filters
await use_mcp_tool({
  server_name: "jira-cloud",
  tool_name: "manage_jira_filter",
  arguments: {
    operation: "list",
    expand: ["jql", "description"]

// Execute a filter to get matching issues
await use_mcp_tool({
  server_name: "jira-cloud",
  tool_name: "manage_jira_filter",
  arguments: {
    operation: "execute_filter",
    filterId: "12345"

// Execute a JQL query directly with enhanced results
await use_mcp_tool({
  server_name: "jira-cloud",
  tool_name: "manage_jira_filter",
  arguments: {
    operation: "execute_jql",
    jql: "project = PROJ AND status = 'In Progress' ORDER BY created DESC",
    maxResults: 50,
    expand: ["issue_details", "transitions"]

Using Sprint Management

// Create a new sprint
await use_mcp_tool({
  server_name: "jira-cloud",
  tool_name: "manage_jira_sprint",
  arguments: {
    operation: "create",
    boardId: 123,
    name: "Sprint 1",
    goal: "Complete core features"

// Add issues to a sprint
await use_mcp_tool({
  server_name: "jira-cloud",
  tool_name: "manage_jira_sprint",
  arguments: {
    operation: "manage_issues",
    sprintId: 456,
    add: ["PROJ-123", "PROJ-124", "PROJ-125"]

Error Handling

All tools return errors in this format:

  "content": [
      "type": "text",
      "text": "Error: Description of what went wrong"
  "isError": true

Common error codes:

  • 400: Bad Request (invalid parameters)
  • 401: Unauthorized (invalid credentials)
  • 403: Forbidden (insufficient permissions)
  • 404: Not Found (resource doesn't exist)