To ensure the contributions to the project follow the conventions, the project leverages ESLint with third-party and local rules. This page contains a list of all the local rules alongside the convention they enforce.
This rule ensures that command flags have the environment variable set. This way users can decide between passing flags using arguments or environment variables:
shopify app generate extension --type product_subscription
# vs
SHOPIFY_FLAG_EXTENSION_TYPE=product_subscription shopify app generate extension
This rule ensures that the environment variable that we associate to commands' flags follows a convention.
export default class Dev extends Command {
static flags = {
path: Flags.string({
hidden: true,
env: 'SHOPIFY_FLAG_PATH', // Correct
force: Flags.string({
hidden: true,
env: 'FORCE', // Error
This rule ensures that reserved flags use the same environment variable.
export default class Dev extends Command {
static flags = {
path: Flags.string({
hidden: true,
env: 'SHOPIFY_FLAG_APP_PATH', // Incorrect: It must be SHOPIFY_FLAG_PATH