logn=log(n^2) < n^1/2 < n < nlogn=logn! < n^2 < 2^n < 2^2n
Knuth Shuffle: |
Algorithm | Best | Average | Worst | Stable | Space | Remarks |
Bubble | n | n^2 | n^2 | Yes | 1 | Largest k items are in final k positions |
Selection | n^2 | n^2 | n^2 | No | 1 | Smallest k items are in smallest k positions |
Insertion | n | n^2 | n^2 | Yes | 1 | First k items are sorted |
Merge | nlogn | nlogn | nlogn | Yes | n | Groups of 2^x are sorted |
Quick | nlogk | Median/ Random/ Check nlogk |
Specific nk |
No | logn | Array is partitioned around pivot T(n) = pT(n/p) + O(nlogp) = nlogn Duplicate: n^2 if no 3-way partition |
Heap | nlogn | nlogn | nlogn | No | 1 | Build Heap: n, Get Sort: nlogn |
Reversal | n(logn)^2 | Quicksort with Mergesort around pivot |
Structure | Operation | Remark |
Binary Search | h | Full Tree: n = 2^(h+1) - 1 Delete if x has 2 child: replace x with successor(x) Successor right.min() or recurse to (left of parent or root) |
Scapegoat | logn | Rebuild subtree rooted at scapegoat when triggered |
AVL | logn | h < 1.44logn or n > 2^(h/1.44) v.left Left Heavy or Balanced: right(v) v.left Right Heavy: left(v.left), right(v) Insert 2 x R Delete 2logn x R |
Trie | L | More space due to more overhead |
(a,b) | logn | Split for insert, Merge+Share for delete |
kd | h | Alternate splitting horizontally and vertically |
Heap | logn | 1. Heap Ordering: Pr(parent) >= Pr(child) 2. Complete Binary Tree Delete Swap(last), Bubble Down Array: Left(x)=2x+1, Right(x)=2x+2 |
Leftist Heap | logn | max rightRank = logn, max height = n Merge (logn) merge smaller root with right child of other swap if left>right, update rightRank Insert merge with single vertex, swap <= 1 GetMax remove root, merge child Delete update rightRank (stop if left child), swap <= 1 |
Augmented Structure | Remark |
Dynamic Order Statistic | Stores weight of subtree. During functions, rank = left.weight + 1 Select left.weight < rank: Else: Rank recurse to root, if node is right child: rank += parent.left.weight + 1 |
Interval Tree | Sort by left endpoint. Stores max endpoint in node's subtree Search (logn) If x > max or left is null, search(right). Else: search(left) All Overlap (klogn) search node, add to list, delete node, repeat until null |
Orthogonal Range Search | Store all points as leaves of a BST. Internal nodes stores max of left. Range Query (k+logn) find split node. do left & right traversals. 2D Range Query (k+(logn)^2) for node in x-tree, build y-tree using nodes in subtree. Build2D T(nlogn) S(nlogn) |
Must redefine hashCode default returns address and equals for get to work
Hash Table | Insert | Search | Space | Remarks |
Linked List | h+1 = 1 | h+n/m = 1 | m+n | Simple Uniform Hashing Assumption: Equally mapped to every bucket Worst case for search = n |
Linked List w/ Resize |
amor(1) | exp(1) | m+n | Ideal: n==m -> Double Table . n<m/4 -> Half Table Increment O(n^2) . Double O(n) . Square O(n^2) |
Open Addressing | h + 1/(1-a), |
where a = n/m a< 1 |
n | Uniform Hashing Assumption: Equally mapped to every permutation Linear Probing - Clusters Double Hashing - h(k,i) = f(k) + ig(k) mod m, (m,g(k)) -> n^2 permutations !UHA Delete sets node to tombstone value for search |
Fingerprint Bloom |
k | k | False positive. No false negative. Delete(Counter/Tombstone) -> False negative Let p = P(False positive) FHT: p = 1-e^(-n/m) . n/m <= ln(1/1-p) BT: p = (1-e^(-kn/m)^k) . opt(k) = (m*ln2)/n |
Adjacency List O(V+E) Adjacency Matrix O(V^2) Edge List O(E)
SSSP | Runtime | Remarks |
Bellman-Ford | VE | No negative cycles |
Dijkstra | ElogV(AVL) E+VlogV(Fibo Heap) |
No negative edge Vx(insert+deleteMin) + Ex(decreseKey) |
Toposort Relax |
V+E E |
No directed cycles (Directed Acyclic Graph) Post-order DFS or Kahn's(get nodes w/o in-edges) |
BFS | V+E(Queue) | Same Weight |
DFS | V+E(Stack) | No cycle (Tree) |
LCA | (logV)^2 | Store depth and skip pointers to ancestors 2^n up Binary search isAncestor(getAncestor(u,hops),v) |
MED | nm | Toposort + Relax |
MST Property 1.Max edge in cycles NOT in MST 2.Min edge in cut IS in MST Steiner Tree (<2xOPT) Rooted Directed Graph: Faster MST (EloglogV): |
DP | Runtime | Subproblem |
LIS | n^2 | S[i] = max(S[j])+1 for all j>1 and S[j]>S[i]. Base: S[n]=0 |
Prize | kE | P[v,k] = max(P[w,k-1])+W(w,v) for all w points to v. Base: P[v,0]=0 |
Vertex Cover |
V | S[v,0] = sum S[w,1] and S[v,1] = 1 + sum min(S[w,0], S[w,1]) for all w neighbour of v. Base: S[leaf,0]=0 S[leaf,1]=1 |
Road Trip | nL^2 | Cost[n,f] = min(Cost[n+1,f-d+i]+c*i), start n with f fuel, d<=f<=L |
APSP | V^3 | S[v,w,n] = min(S[v,w,n-1], S[v,n,n-1]+S[n,w,n-1]) Base: S[v,w,0]=W(v,w) P[v,w,n] = P[v,w,n-1] OR P[v,n,n-1] AND P[n,w,n-1] |
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