- Start eclipse with NEW workspace
- Goto "Help" Menu > Eclipse Marketplace > Search for " Spring "
- Install Spring Tools 3 or STS
- Accept the EULA and Client certificates
- You may have to restart eclipse after plugins are installed.
File Menu > New > Spring Starter Project or File Menu > New > Other > Spring Starter Project
Enter project details:
Name project: demo Language: Java Version: 8 Packaging: JAR
Click Finish
Wait for few minutes for maven to download all dependencies.
Open "Markers" View to list all errors and warning
If there is ANY error for any JAR file,
Open "C:\Users{NAME}.m2\repository in file explorer.
Locate the folder which gave you maven error and delete it!
Go back to eclipse, Right click on project > Maven > Update Project
Create a model class "Product" in package "com.example.demo.models" NOTE: A Wrong package means your REST service wont work!!
Properties: id, name, price and description Create Getters/Setters and Constructors
@XmlRootElement //Mark this class for XML conversion public class Product { private int productId; private String name; private double price; private String description; //Getters, Setters and Constructors...
Create Controller class "ProductController" in package "com.example.demo.controller"
@RestController public class ProductController { @RequestMapping(value="/find",method = RequestMethod.GET,produces= {"application/xml","application/json"}) public Product find(@RequestParam int id) { return new Product(id, "Dummy Product",123.23,"A product you cant afford!"); } }
Goto "DemoApplication.java" and Righ click -> Run As -> Java Application
Open browser and visit page: