You can start from a GraphQL schema without directives and an empty Neptune database. The utility will inference directives, input, queries and mutations, and create the the GraphQL API. Then, you can use GraphQL to create, mutate and query the data stored in a Neptune database without the need to know how to use a graph query language.
In this example we start from a TODO GraphQL schema, that you can find in the samples. Includes two types: Todo and Comment. The Todo has a field comments as list of Comment type.
type Todo {
name: String
description: String
priority: Int
status: String
comments: [Comment]
type Comment {
content: String
Let's now run this schema through the utility and create the GraphQL API in AWS AppSync. (Note: pls provide a reachable, empty Neptune database endpoint)
neptune-for-graphql --input-schema-file ./samples/todo.schema.graphql --create-update-aws-pipeline --create-update-aws-pipeline-name TodoExample --create-update-aws-pipeline-neptune-endpoint
<your-neptune-database-endpoint:port> --output-resolver-query-https
The utility created a new file in the output folder called TodoExample.source.graphql, and the GraphQL API in AppSync. As you can see below, the utility inferenced:
- In the type Todo it added @relationship for a new type CommentEdge. This is instructing the resolver to connect Todo to Comment using a graph database edge called CommentEdge.
- A new input called TodoInput was added to help the queries and the mutations.
- For each type (Todo, Comment) the utility added two queries. One to retrive a single type using an id or any of the type fields listed in the input, and the second to retrive multiple values, filtered using the input of that type.
- For each type three mutations: create, update and delete. Selecting the type to delete using an id or the input for that type. These mutation affect the data stored in The Neptune database.
- For connections two mutations: connect and delete. They take as input the ids of the from and to. The ids are of used by Neptune, and the connection are edges in the graph database as mention earlier.
Note: the queries and mutations you see below are recognized by the resolver based on the name pattern. If you need to customize it, first look at the documentation section: Customize the GraphQL schema with directives.
type Todo {
_id: ID! @id
name: String
description: String
priority: Int
status: String
comments(filter: CommentInput, options: Options): [Comment] @relationship(type: "CommentEdge", direction: OUT)
commentEdge: CommentEdge
type Comment {
_id: ID! @id
content: String
input Options {
limit: Int
input TodoInput {
_id: ID @id
name: String
description: String
priority: Int
status: String
type CommentEdge {
_id: ID! @id
input CommentInput {
_id: ID @id
content: String
input Options {
limit: Int
type Query {
getNodeTodo(filter: TodoInput, options: Options): Todo
getNodeTodos(filter: TodoInput): [Todo]
getNodeComment(filter: CommentInput, options: Options): Comment
getNodeComments(filter: CommentInput): [Comment]
type Mutation {
createNodeTodo(input: TodoInput!): Todo
updateNodeTodo(input: TodoInput!): Todo
deleteNodeTodo(_id: ID!): Boolean
connectNodeTodoToNodeCommentEdgeCommentEdge(from_id: ID!, to_id: ID!): CommentEdge
deleteEdgeCommentEdgeFromTodoToComment(from_id: ID!, to_id: ID!): Boolean
createNodeComment(input: CommentInput!): Comment
updateNodeComment(input: CommentInput!): Comment
deleteNodeComment(_id: ID!): Boolean
schema {
query: Query
mutation: Mutation
Now we are ready to create and query our data.
Here below snapshot of the AppSync Queries console used to test our new GraphQL API named TodoExampleAPI. In the middle window, the Explorer shows you the queries and mutations. You can then pick a query, the input parameters and the return fields.
The picture shows the creation of a node type Todo, using createNodeTodo mutation.
Here quering all the Todos with getNodeTodos query.
After having created one Comment using createNodeComment, we used the Ids connect them using the mutation connectNodeTodoToNodeCommentEdgeCommentEdge
Here a nested query to retreive Todos and their attached comments.
The solution illustrated in this example if functional and can be used as is. If you wish you can make changes to the TodoExample.source.graphql following the direction in the section: Customize the GraphQL schema with directives. The edited schema can then be use as --input-schema-file
running the utility again. The utility will then modify the GraphQL API.