AWS Load Balancer controller Helm chart for Kubernetes
helm repo add eks
# If using IAM Roles for service account install as follows - NOTE: you need to specify both of the chart values `serviceAccount.create=false` and ``
helm install aws-load-balancer-controller eks/aws-load-balancer-controller --set clusterName=my-cluster -n kube-system --set serviceAccount.create=false --set
# If not using IAM Roles for service account
helm install aws-load-balancer-controller eks/aws-load-balancer-controller --set clusterName=my-cluster -n kube-system
AWS Load Balancer controller manages the following AWS resources
- Application Load Balancers to satisfy Kubernetes ingress objects
- Network Load Balancers to satisfy Kubernetes service objects of type LoadBalancer with appropriate annotations
Note: Deployed chart does not receive security updates automatically. You need to manually upgrade to a newer chart.
As a security best practice, we recommend isolating the controller deployment pods to specific node groups which run critical components. The helm chart provides parameters nodeSelector
, tolerations
and affinity
to configure node isolation. For more information, please refer to the guidance here.
- Supported Kubernetes Versions
- Chart version v1.5.0+ requires Kubernetes 1.22+
- Chart version v1.4.0+ requires Kubernetes 1.19+
- Chart version v1.2.0 - v1.3.3 supports Kubernetes 1.16-1.21
- Chart version v1.1.6 and before supports Kubernetes 1.15
- IAM permissions
- Helm v3
- Optional dependencies
- cert-manager
- Prometheus Operator
The controller runs on the worker nodes, so it needs access to the AWS ALB/NLB resources via IAM permissions. The IAM permissions can either be setup via IAM roles for ServiceAccount or can be attached directly to the worker node IAM roles.
Create IAM OIDC provider
eksctl utils associate-iam-oidc-provider \ --region <aws-region> \ --cluster <your-cluster-name> \ --approve
Download IAM policy for the AWS Load Balancer Controller
curl -o iam-policy.json
Create an IAM policy called AWSLoadBalancerControllerIAMPolicy
aws iam create-policy \ --policy-name AWSLoadBalancerControllerIAMPolicy \ --policy-document file://iam-policy.json
Take note of the policy ARN that is returned
Create a IAM role and ServiceAccount for the Load Balancer controller, use the ARN from the step above
eksctl create iamserviceaccount \ --cluster=<cluster-name> \ --namespace=kube-system \ --name=aws-load-balancer-controller \ --attach-policy-arn=arn:aws:iam::<AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>:policy/AWSLoadBalancerControllerIAMPolicy \ --approve
If not setting up IAM for ServiceAccount, apply the IAM policies from the following URL at minimum.
If migrating from ALB ingress controller, grant additional IAM permissions.
- Additional IAM permissions required, ensure you have granted the required IAM permissions.
- CRDs need to be updated as follows
kubectl apply -k ""
- you can run helm upgrade without uninstalling the old chart completely
If you are setting enableCertManager: true
you need to have installed cert-manager and it's CRDs before installing this chart; to install cert-manager follow the installation guide.
The controller helm chart requires the cert-manager with apiVersion
Set cluster.dnsDomain
(default: cluster.local
) to the actual DNS domain of your cluster to include the FQDN in requested TLS certificates.
If you are setting serviceMonitor.enabled: true
you need to have installed the Prometheus Operator ServiceMonitor CRD before installing this chart and have the operator running to collect the metrics. The easiest way to do this is to install the kube-prometheus-stack Helm chart using the installation guide.
Note: You need to uninstall aws-alb-ingress-controller. Please refer to the upgrade section below before you proceed.
Note: Starting chart version 1.4.1, you need to explicitly set clusterSecretsPermissions.allowAllSecrets
to true to grant the controller permission to access all secrets for OIDC feature. We recommend configuring access to individual secrets resource separately [link].
Note: To ensure compatibility, we recommend installing the AWS Load Balancer controller image version with its compatible Helm chart version. Use the helm search repo eks/aws-load-balancer-controller --versions
command to find the compatible versions.
Add the EKS repository to Helm:
helm repo add eks
Install the TargetGroupBinding CRDs:
kubectl apply -k ""
Install the AWS Load Balancer controller, if using iamserviceaccount
# NOTE: The clusterName value must be set either via the values.yaml or the Helm command line. The <k8s-cluster-name> in the command
# below should be replaced with name of your k8s cluster before running it.
helm upgrade -i aws-load-balancer-controller eks/aws-load-balancer-controller -n kube-system --set clusterName=<k8s-cluster-name> --set serviceAccount.create=false --set
Install the AWS Load Balancer controller, if not using iamserviceaccount
helm upgrade -i aws-load-balancer-controller eks/aws-load-balancer-controller -n kube-system --set clusterName=<k8s-cluster-name>
The new controller is backwards compatible with the existing ingress objects. However, it will not coexist with the older aws-alb-ingress-controller. The old controller must be uninstalled completely before installing the new version.
If you had installed the previous version via kubectl, uninstall as follows
$ kubectl delete deployment -n kube-system alb-ingress-controller
$ kubectl delete clusterRole alb-ingress-controller
$ kubectl delete ClusterRoleBinding alb-ingress-controller
$ kubectl delete ServiceAccount -n kube-system alb-ingress-controller
# Alternatively you can find the version of the controller and delete as follows
$ kubectl describe deployment -n kube-system alb-ingress-controller |grep Image
# You can delete the deployment now
$ kubectl delete deployment -n kube-system alb-ingress-controller
# In this case, the version is v1.1.8, the rbac roles can be removed as follows
$ kubectl delete -f
If you had installed the incubator/aws-alb-ingress-controller Helm chart, uninstall as follows
# NOTE: If installed under a different chart name and namespace, please specify as appropriate
$ helm delete aws-alb-ingress-controller -n kube-system
If you had installed the 0.1.x version of eks-charts/aws-load-balancer-controller chart earlier, the upgrade to chart version 1.0.0 will not work due to incompatibility of the webhook api version, uninstall as follows
$ helm delete aws-load-balancer-controller -n kube-system
helm delete aws-load-balancer-controller -n kube-system
If you setup IAM Roles for ServiceAccount, you can cleanup as follows
eksctl delete iamserviceaccount --cluster <cluster-name> --namespace kube-system --name aws-load-balancer-controller
Chart release v1.2.0 and later enables high availability configuration by default.
- The default number of replicas is 2. You can pass
--set replicaCount=1
flag during chart installation to disable this. Due to leader election, only one controller will actively reconcile resources. - The default priority class for the controller pods is
- Soft pod anti-affinity is enabled for controller pods with
if you don't configure custom affinity and setconfigureDefaultAffinity
- Pod disruption budget (PDB) has not been set by default. If you plan on running at least 2 controller pods, you can pass
--set podDisruptionBudget.maxUnavailable=1
flag during chart installation
The following tables lists the configurable parameters of the chart and their default values. The default values set by the application itself can be confirmed here.
Parameter | Description | Default |
image.repository |
image repository | |
image.tag |
image tag | <VERSION> |
image.pullPolicy |
image pull policy | IfNotPresent |
clusterName |
Kubernetes cluster name | None |
cluster.dnsDomain |
DNS domain of the Kubernetes cluster, included in TLS certificate requests | cluster.local |
securityContext |
Set to security context for pod | {} |
resources |
Controller pod resource requests & limits | {} |
priorityClassName |
Controller pod priority class | system-cluster-critical |
nodeSelector |
Node labels for controller pod assignment | {} |
tolerations |
Controller pod toleration for taints | {} |
affinity |
Affinity for pod assignment | {} |
configureDefaultAffinity |
Configure soft pod anti-affinity if custom affinity is not configured | true |
topologySpreadConstraints |
Topology Spread Constraints for pod assignment | {} |
deploymentAnnotations |
Annotations to add to deployment | {} |
podAnnotations |
Annotations to add to each pod | {} |
podLabels |
Labels to add to each pod | {} |
additionalLabels |
Labels to add to all components | {} |
rbac.create |
if true , create and use RBAC resources |
true |
serviceAccount.annotations |
optional annotations to add to service account | None |
serviceAccount.automountServiceAccountToken |
Automount API credentials for a Service Account | true |
serviceAccount.imagePullSecrets |
List of image pull secrets to add to the Service Account | [] |
serviceAccount.create |
If true , create a new service account |
true | |
Service account to be used | None |
terminationGracePeriodSeconds |
Time period for controller pod to do a graceful shutdown | 10 |
ingressClass |
The ingress class to satisfy | alb |
createIngressClassResource |
Create ingressClass resource | true | |
IngressClassParams resource's name, default to the aws load balancer controller's name | None |
ingressClassParams.create |
If true , create a new ingressClassParams |
true |
ingressClassParams.spec |
IngressClassParams defined ingress specifications | {} |
region |
The AWS region for the kubernetes cluster | None |
vpcId |
The VPC ID for the Kubernetes cluster | None |
vpcTags |
This is alternative to vpcId. Set this when your pods are unable to use the metadata service to determine VPC automatically. | None |
awsApiEndpoints |
Custom AWS API Endpoints | None |
awsApiThrottle |
Custom AWS API throttle settings | None |
awsMaxRetries |
Maximum retries for AWS APIs | None |
defaultTargetType |
Default target type. Used as the default value of the and" annotations. Possible values are ip and instance . |
instance |
enablePodReadinessGateInject |
If enabled, targetHealth readiness gate will get injected to the pod spec for the matching endpoint pods | None |
enableShield |
Enable Shield addon for ALB | None |
enableWaf |
Enable WAF addon for ALB | None |
enableWafv2 |
Enable WAF V2 addon for ALB | None |
ingressMaxConcurrentReconciles |
Maximum number of concurrently running reconcile loops for ingress | None |
logLevel |
Set the controller log level - info, debug | None |
metricsBindAddr |
The address the metric endpoint binds to | "" |
webhookConfig.disableIngressValidation |
Disables the validation of resources of kind Ingress | None |
webhookBindPort |
The TCP port the Webhook server binds to | None |
webhookTLS.caCert |
TLS CA certificate for webhook (auto-generated if not provided) | "" |
webhookTLS.cert |
TLS certificate for webhook (auto-generated if not provided) | "" |
webhookTLS.key |
TLS private key for webhook (auto-generated if not provided) | "" |
webhookNamespaceSelectors |
Namespace selectors for the wekbook | None |
keepTLSSecret |
Reuse existing TLS Secret during chart upgrade | true |
serviceAnnotations |
Annotations to be added to the provisioned webhook service resource | {} |
serviceMaxConcurrentReconciles |
Maximum number of concurrently running reconcile loops for service | None |
targetgroupbindingMaxConcurrentReconciles |
Maximum number of concurrently running reconcile loops for targetGroupBinding | None |
targetgroupbindingMaxExponentialBackoffDelay |
Maximum duration of exponential backoff for targetGroupBinding reconcile failures | None |
syncPeriod |
Period at which the controller forces the repopulation of its local object stores | None |
watchNamespace |
Namespace the controller watches for updates to Kubernetes objects, If empty, all namespaces are watched | None |
disableIngressClassAnnotation |
Disables the usage of annotation | None |
disableIngressGroupNameAnnotation |
Disables the usage of annotation | None |
tolerateNonExistentBackendService |
whether to allow rules that reference a backend service that does not exist. (When enabled, it will return 503 error if backend service not exist) | true |
tolerateNonExistentBackendAction |
whether to allow rules that reference a backend action that does not exist. (When enabled, it will return 503 error if backend action not exist) | true |
defaultSSLPolicy |
Specifies the default SSL policy to use for HTTPS or TLS listeners | None |
externalManagedTags |
Specifies the list of tag keys on AWS resources that are managed externally | [] |
livenessProbe |
Liveness probe settings for the controller | (see values.yaml ) |
env |
Environment variables to set for aws-load-balancer-controller pod | None |
envFrom |
Environment variables to set for aws-load-balancer-controller pod from configMap or Secret | None |
envSecretName |
AWS credentials as environment variables from Secret (Secret keys key_id and access_key ). |
None |
hostNetwork |
If true , use hostNetwork |
false |
dnsPolicy |
Set dnsPolicy if required | ClusterFirst |
extraVolumeMounts |
Extra volume mounts for the pod | [] |
extraVolumes |
Extra volumes for the pod | [] |
defaultTags |
Default tags to apply to all AWS resources managed by this controller | {} |
replicaCount |
Number of controller pods to run, only one will be active due to leader election | 2 |
revisionHistoryLimit |
Number of revisions to keep | 10 |
podDisruptionBudget |
Limit the disruption for controller pods. Require at least 2 controller replicas and 3 worker nodes | {} |
updateStrategy |
Defines the update strategy for the deployment | {} |
enableCertManager |
If enabled, cert-manager issues the webhook certificates instead of the helm template, requires cert-manager and it's CRDs to be installed | false |
enableEndpointSlices |
If enabled, controller uses k8s EndpointSlices instead of Endpoints for IP targets | false |
enableBackendSecurityGroup |
If enabled, controller uses shared security group for backend traffic | true |
backendSecurityGroup |
Backend security group to use instead of auto created one if the feature is enabled | `` |
disableRestrictedSecurityGroupRules |
If disabled, controller will not specify port range restriction in the backend security group rules | false |
objectSelector.matchExpressions |
Webhook configuration to select specific pods by specifying the expression to be matched | None |
objectSelector.matchLabels |
Webhook configuration to select specific pods by specifying the key value label pair to be matched | None |
serviceMonitor.enabled |
Specifies whether a service monitor should be created, requires the ServiceMonitor CRD to be installed | false |
serviceMonitor.namespace |
Namespace in which to create the service monitor | None |
serviceMonitor.additionalLabels |
Labels to add to the service monitor | {} |
serviceMonitor.interval |
Prometheus scrape interval | 1m |
serviceMonitor.scrapeTimeout |
Prometheus scrape timeout | 1m |
serviceMonitor.relabelings |
Relabelings to apply to samples before ingestion | 1m |
serviceMonitor.metricRelabelings |
Metric relabelings to apply to samples before ingestion | 1m |
clusterSecretsPermissions.allowAllSecrets |
If true , controller has access to all secrets in the cluster. |
false |
controllerConfig.featureGates |
set of key: value pairs that describe AWS load balance controller features |
{} |
ingressClassConfig.default |
If true , the ingressclass will be the default class of the cluster. |
false |
enableServiceMutatorWebhook |
If false , disable the Service Mutator webhook which makes all new services of type LoadBalancer reconciled by the lb controller |
true |
serviceMutatorWebhookConfig.failurePolicy |
Failure policy for the Service Mutator webhook | Fail |
serviceMutatorWebhookConfig.objectSelector |
Object selector(s) to limit which objects will be mutated by the Service Mutator webhook | [] |
serviceMutatorWebhookConfig.operations |
List of operations that will trigger the the Service Mutator webhook | [ CREATE ] |
autoscaling |
If autoscaling.enabled=true , enable the HPA on the controller mainly to survive load induced failure by the calls to the aws-load-balancer-webhook-service . Please keep in mind that the controller pods have priorityClassName: system-cluster-critical , enabling HPA may lead to the eviction of other low-priority pods in the node |
false |
serviceTargetENISGTags |
set of key=value pairs of AWS tags in addition to cluster name for finding the target ENI security group to which to add inbound rules from NLBs |
None |
loadBalancerClass |
Sets the AWS load balancer type to be used when the Kubernetes service requests an external load balancer | |
creator |
if set to a value!=helm , it will disable the addition of default helm labels |
helm |
runtimeClassName |
Runtime class name for the controller pods , such as gvisor or kata . An unspecified nil or empty "" RuntimeClassName is equivalent to the backwards-compatible default behavior as if the RuntimeClass feature is disabled. |
"" |