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27b2b68 · Jul 4, 2020


203 lines (152 loc) · 6.18 KB

File metadata and controls

203 lines (152 loc) · 6.18 KB

Warning: this is just an example, something may change, so see tests or samples for currently working code.


The FrameGraph doesn't support device initialization and window creation, so you must create it before creating FrameGraph instance. You can use framework for this.

#include "framework/Window/WindowGLFW.h"
#include "framework/Vulkan/VulkanDeviceExt.h"

UniquePtr<IWindow> window { new WindowGLFW() };
VulkanDeviceExt    vulkan;

// create window
window->Create( uint2{800,600}, "Sample" );

// create vulkan instance and logical device
vulkan.Create( window->GetVulkanSurface(), "ApplicationTitle", "Engine", VK_API_VERSION_1_1 );

// create listener for debug messages
vulkan.CreateDebugUtilsCallback( DebugUtilsMessageSeverity_All );

// setup device description
VulkanDeviceInfo  vulkan_info;
vulkan_info.instance = vulkan.GetVkInstance();
vulkan_info.physicalDevice = vulkan.GetVkPhysicalDevice();
vulkan_info.device = vulkan.GetVkDevice();

VulkanDeviceInfo::QueueInfo queue;
queue.handle = vulkan.GetVkQueues()[0].handle;
queue.familyFlags = vulkan.GetVkQueues()[0].flags;
queue.familyIndex = vulkan.GetVkQueues()[0].familyIndex;
vulkan_info.push_back( queue );

// create framegraph instance
FrameGraph frameGraph = IFrameGraph::CreateFrameGraph( vulkan_info );

// setup swapchain description
VulkanSwapchainCreateInfo swapchain_info;
swapchain_info.surface = vulkan.GetVkSurface();
swapchain_info.surfaceSize = window->GetSize();

// create swapchain
SwapchainID swapchain = frameGraph->CreateSwapchain( swapchain_info );

Shader compilation

The FrameGraph doesn't support shader compilation, but you can use PipelineCompiler extension.

Add shader compiler to the framegraph:

#include "pipeline_compiler/VPipelineCompiler.h"

// create pipeline compiler
IPipelineCompilerPtr compiler = MakeShared<VPipelineCompiler>( vulkan.GetVkPhysicalDevice(), vulkan.GetVkDevice() );

// setup
compiler->SetCompilationFlags( EShaderCompilationFlags::AutoMapLocations );

// add to framegraph
frameGraph->AddPipelineCompiler( compiler );

Now create graphics pipeline:

GraphicsPipelineDesc  desc;

// add vertex shader
// VKSL_100 means that it is GLSL with vulkan semantics and should be compiled for Vulkan 1.0.
// SPIRV_110 means that it is SPIRV binary compiled for Vulkan 1.1.
// VkShader_100 used for already created shader module.
// GLSL_450 means that shader compatible with OpenGL 4.5, but also can be used in Vulkan.
// Warning: any SPIRV and VKSL shaders have higher priority than any GLSL shader if used Vulkan backend (currently it is only one backend).
desc.AddShader( EShader::Vertex, EShaderLangFormat::VKSL_100, "main", R"#(
out vec3  v_Color;

const vec2  g_Positions[3] = vec2[](
    vec2(0.0, -0.5),
    vec2(0.5, 0.5),
    vec2(-0.5, 0.5)

const vec3  g_Colors[3] = vec3[](
    vec3(1.0, 0.0, 0.0),
    vec3(0.0, 1.0, 0.0),
    vec3(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)

void main() {
    gl_Position = vec4( g_Positions[gl_VertexIndex], 0.0, 1.0 );
    v_Color = g_Colors[gl_VertexIndex];
)#" );

// add fragment shader
desc.AddShader( EShader::Fragment, EShaderLangFormat::VKSL_100, "main", R"#(
in  vec3  v_Color;

layout(location=0) out vec4  out_Color;

void main() {
    out_Color = vec4(v_Color, 1.0);
)#" );

// create pipeline from description.
GPipelineID  pipeline = frameGraph->CreatePipeline( desc );

Main loop

// keep submitted command buffers
CommandBuffer  submittedCmdBuffers[2];

for (uint frame_id = 0;; ++frame_id)
	CommandBuffer& cmdBuffer = submittedCmdBuffers[frame_id&1];

	// for double buffering
	frameGraph->Wait({ cmdBuffer });

	// create command buffer that will be submitted to the graphics queue
	CommandBufferDesc cmd_desc{ EQueueType::Graphics };
	// returned command buffer will be in the recording state
	cmdBuffer = frameGraph->Begin( cmd_desc );

	// drawing (see below)

	// finilize recording, compile frame graph for command buffer.
	// command buffer may be submitted at any time.
	frameGraph->Execute( cmdBuffer );

	// submit all pending command buffers and present all pending swapchain images.

// release references before deinitializing framegraph
submittedCmdBuffers[0] = null;
submittedCmdBuffers[1] = null;

// deinitialize
frameGraph = nullptr;


// create render target
ImageDesc  image_desc{ EImage::Tex2D,
                       uint3{800, 600, 1},
                       EImageUsage::ColorAttachment };
ImageID  image = frameGraph->CreateImage( image_desc );

// set render area size
RenderPassDesc  rp_desc{ uint2{800, 600} };

// add render target.
// render target ID must have same index as output parameter in fragment shader.
// before rendering image will be cleared with 0.0f value.
// after rendering result will be stored to the image.
rp_desc.AddTarget( RenderTargetID{0, image, RGBA32f{0.0f}, EAttachmentStoreOp::Store );

// setup viewport
rp_desc.AddViewport( float2{800.0f, 600.0f} );

// setup render states

// create render pass
LogicalPassID  render_pass = cmdBuffer->CreateRenderPass( rp_desc );

// create draw task
DrawVertices  draw_triangle;

// draw 3 vertices
draw_triangle.Draw( 3 );

// draw as triangle list
draw_triangle.SetTopology( EPrimitive::TriangleList );

// use pipeline from previous chapter
draw_triangle.SetPipeline( pipeline );

// add draw task to the render pass
cmdBuffer->AddTask( render_pass, draw_triangles );

// add render pass to the frame graph.
// after that you can not add draw tasks into the render pass.
cmdBuffer->AddTask( SubmitRenderPass{ render_pass });

// present to swapchain.
// this task must be executed after drawing.
cmdBuffer->AddTask( Present{ swapchain, image });

Task dependencies

By default, all tasks executed in same order that they has been recorded to command buffer.
Additionally you can add explicit dependencies taskN.DependsOn( task1, task2, task3 ).
Tasks task1, task2, task3, taskN may execute in any order, taking into account only explicit dependencies.