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How to use ray tracing extension

Warning: this is just an example, something may change, so see tests or samples for currently working code.

Create pipeline

// setup pipeline description
RayTracingPipelineDesc  ppln;

const String header = R"#(
#version 460 core
#extension GL_NV_ray_tracing : require
#define SHADOW_RAY_LOC	1

struct PrimaryRayPayload {
    vec4  color;
struct ShadowRayPayload {
    float  distance;

// add ray-generation shader
ppln.AddShader( RTShaderID("Main"), EShader::RayGen, EShaderLangFormat::VKSL_110, "main", header + R"#(
layout(binding = 0) uniform accelerationStructureNV  un_RtScene;
layout(binding = 1, rgba8) writeonly uniform image2D  un_Output;
layout(location = PRIMARY_RAY_LOC) rayPayloadNV PrimaryRayPayload  PrimaryRay;
layout(location = SHADOW_RAY_LOC)  rayPayloadNV ShadowRayPayload   ShadowRay;

// this constant will be automatically initialized during pipeline creation
layout (constant_id = 0) const int sbtRecordStride = 1;
void main ()
    const vec2 uv = vec2(gl_LaunchIDNV.xy) / vec2(gl_LaunchSizeNV.xy - 1);

    const vec3 origin = vec3(uv.x, 1.0f - uv.y, -1.0f);
    const vec3 direction = vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

    traceNV( /*topLevel*/un_RtScene, /*rayFlags*/gl_RayFlagsNoneNV, /*cullMask*/0xFF,
             /*sbtRecordOffset*/0, sbtRecordStride, /*missIndex*/0,
             /*origin*/origin, /*Tmin*/0.0f, /*direction*/direction, /*Tmax*/10.0f,
             /*payload*/PRIMARY_RAY_LOC );

    imageStore( un_Output, ivec2(gl_LaunchIDNV), PrimaryRay.color );

// add ray-miss shader for primary ray
ppln.AddShader( RTShaderID("PrimaryMiss"), EShader::RayMiss, EShaderLangFormat::VKSL_110, "main", header + R"#(
layout(location = PRIMARY_RAY_LOC) rayPayloadInNV PrimaryRayPayload  PrimaryRay;

void main ()
    PrimaryRay.color = vec4(0.0f);

// add ray-miss shader for shadow ray
ppln.AddShader( RTShaderID("ShadowMiss"), EShader::RayMiss, EShaderLangFormat::VKSL_110, "main", header + R"#(
layout(location = SHADOW_RAY_LOC) rayPayloadInNV ShadowRayPayload  ShadowRay;

void main ()
	ShadowRay.distance = gl_RayTmaxNV;

// add closest-hit shader for primary ray
ppln.AddShader( RTShaderID("PrimaryHit1"), EShader::RayClosestHit, EShaderLangFormat::VKSL_110, "main", header + R"#(
layout(location = PRIMARY_RAY_LOC) rayPayloadInNV PrimaryRayPayload  PrimaryRay;

hitAttributeNV vec2  hitAttribs;

void main ()
    const vec3 barycentrics = vec3(1.0f - hitAttribs.x - hitAttribs.y, hitAttribs.x, hitAttribs.y);
    PrimaryRay.color = vec4(barycentrics, 1.0);

ppln.AddShader( RTShaderID("PrimaryHit2"), EShader::RayClosestHit, EShaderLangFormat::VKSL_110, "main", header + R"#(
layout(location = PRIMARY_RAY_LOC) rayPayloadInNV PrimaryRayPayload  PrimaryRay;

void main ()
    PrimaryRay.color = vec4(1.0f);

// add closest-hit shader for shadow ray
ppln.AddShader( RTShaderID("ShadowHit"), EShader::RayClosestHit, EShaderLangFormat::VKSL_110, "main", header + R"#(
layout(location = SHADOW_RAY_LOC) rayPayloadInNV ShadowRayPayload  ShadowRay;

hitAttributeNV vec2  hitAttribs;

void main ()
	ShadowRay.distance = gl_HitTNV;

// create ray tracing pipeline
RTPipelineID  pipeline = frameGraph->CreatePipeline( ppln );

// initialize pipeline resources
PipelineResources  resources;
frameGraph->InitPipelineResources( pipeline, DescriptorSetID("0"), OUT resources );

Create scene for ray tracing

// setup geometry description
RayTracingGeometryDesc::Triangles  triangle1_info;

// geometry ID needed to set hit shader for each geometry
triangle1_info.SetID( GeometryID{"Triangle1"} );

// one triangle with 'float3' vertex type
triangle1_info.SetVertices< float3 >( 3 );

// 3 indices with type 'uint'
triangle1_info.SetIndices< uint >( 3 );

// this geometry does not invoke the any-hit shaders
triangle1_info.AddFlags( ERayTracingGeometryFlags::Opaque );

// setup second geometry
RayTracingGeometryDesc::Triangles  triangle2_info;
triangle2_info.SetID( GeometryID{"Triangle2"} );
triangle2_info.SetVertices< float3 >( 3 );
triangle2_info.SetIndices( 3, EIndex::UInt );
triangle2_info.AddFlags( ERayTracingGeometryFlags::Opaque );

// create geometry for ray tracing scene
RTGeometryID  rt_geometry = frameGraph->CreateRayTracingGeometry(
                                 RayTracingGeometryDesc{{ triangle1_info, triangle2_info }} );

// create scene with one instance
RTSceneID  rt_scene = frameGraph->CreateRayTracingScene( RayTracingSceneDesc{ 1 });

Build bottom-level acceleration structure

// setup geometry data
BuildRayTracingGeometry::Triangles  triangle1;

// set geometry ID to mutch geometry data with a geometry description in 'rt_geometry'
triangle1.SetID( GeometryID{"Triangle1"} );

// set triangle vertices, must be no more than number of vertices in the geometry description.
// vertices will be copied to the staging buffer and used for acceleration structure building.
const auto  vertices = ArrayView<float3>{ { 0.25f, 0.25f, 0.0f }, { 0.75f, 0.25f, 0.0f }, { 0.50f, 0.75f, 0.0f } };
triangle1.SetVertices( vertices );

// set triangle indices, must be no more than number of indices in the geometry description.
// indices will be copied to the staging buffer too.
const auto  indices = ArrayView<uint>{ 0, 1, 2 };
triangle1.SetIndices( indices );

// setup second geometry data
BuildRayTracingGeometry::Triangles  triangle2 = triangle1;
triangle2.SetID( GeometryID{"Triangle2"} );

// setup task
BuildRayTracingGeometry  build_blas;

// set the bottom-level acceleration structure (BLAS) where geometry data will be built
build_blas.SetTarget( rt_geometry );

// add geometries
build_blas.Add( triangle1 ).Add( triangle2 );

// enqueue task that builds the BLAS
Task  t_build_geom = cmdBuffer->AddTask( build_blas );

Build top-level acceleration structure

// setup geometry instance
BuildRayTracingScene::Instance  instance;
instance.SetID( InstanceID{"First"} );

// one instance with geometry
instance.SetGeometry( rt_geometry );

// setup task
BuildRayTracingScene  build_tlas;

// set the top-level acceleration structure (TLAS) where instances will be built
build_tlas.SetTarget( rt_scene );

// add instance data
build_tlas.Add( instance );

// add second instance
instance.SetID( InstanceID{"Second"} );
build_tlas.Add( instance );

// set number of hit shaders per geometry instance,
// for example: for primary ray and for shadow ray.
// specialization constant 'sbtRecordStride' in ray-gen shader will be initialized with same value.
build_tlas.SetHitShadersPerInstance( 2 );

// enqueue task that builds the TLAS.
// this task uses 'rt_geometry' and must wait until BLAS building is complete.
Task  t_build_scene = cmdBuffer->AddTask( build_tlas.DependsOn( t_build_geom ));

Update shader binding table

// create shader binding table
RTShaderTableID  rt_shaders = frameGraph->CreateRayTracingShaderTable();

// setup task
UpdateRayTracingShaderTable update_st;

// set the ray tracing pipeline where shaders is.
update_st.SetPipeline( pipeline );

// set the ray tracing scene for which shader table will be created
update_st.SetScene( rt_scene );

// set the shader binging table that will be updated
update_st.SetTraget( rt_shaders );

// bind ray-generation shader.
// this shader invoces for each thread
update_st.SetRayGenShader( RTShaderID{"Main"} ); // (0)

// bind ray-miss shaders.
// the current shader selected in the ray-gen shader by passing missIndex into the 'traceNV()'
update_st.AddMissShader( RTShaderID{"PrimaryMiss"}, 0 );  // for missIndex = 0 (1)
update_st.AddMissShader( RTShaderID{"ShadowMiss"},  1 );  // for missIndex = 1 (2)

// bind ray-hit shader for each geometry instance
update_st.AddHitShader( InstanceID{"First"},  GeometryID{"Triangle1"}, /*offset*/0, RTShaderID{"PrimaryHit1"} );  // (3)
update_st.AddHitShader( InstanceID{"First"},  GeometryID{"Triangle1"}, /*offset*/1, RTShaderID{"ShadowHit"} );    // (4)
update_st.AddHitShader( InstanceID{"First"},  GeometryID{"Triangle2"}, /*offset*/0, RTShaderID{"PrimaryHit2"} );  // (5)
update_st.AddHitShader( InstanceID{"First"},  GeometryID{"Triangle2"}, /*offset*/1, RTShaderID{"ShadowHit"} );    // (6)
update_st.AddHitShader( InstanceID{"Second"}, GeometryID{"Triangle1"}, /*offset*/0, RTShaderID{"PrimaryHit2"} );  // (7)
update_st.AddHitShader( InstanceID{"Second"}, GeometryID{"Triangle1"}, /*offset*/1, RTShaderID{"ShadowHit"} );    // (8)
update_st.AddHitShader( InstanceID{"Second"}, GeometryID{"Triangle2"}, /*offset*/0, RTShaderID{"PrimaryHit1"} );  // (9)
update_st.AddHitShader( InstanceID{"Second"}, GeometryID{"Triangle2"}, /*offset*/1, RTShaderID{"ShadowHit"} );    // (10)

// enqueue task, there is no dependency on the GPU side,
// but this task uses data that will be updated in the BuildRayTracingScene task, so dependency is needed.
Task  t_update_table = cmdBuffer->AddTask( update_st.DependsOn( t_build_scene ));

Shader binding table

Shader groups → Instance, Geometry raygen group miss group miss group hit group hit group hit group hit group
Instance and Geometry ↓ Main PrimaryMiss ShadowMiss PrimaryHit1 ShadowHit PrimaryHit2 ShadowHit
primary ray with sbtRecordOffset=0 - - - - - - -
First, Triangle1 (3)
First, Triangle2 (5)
shadow ray with sbtRecordOffset=1 - - - - - - -
First, Triangle1 (4)
First, Triangle2 (6)
primary ray with sbtRecordOffset=0 - - - - - - -
Second, Triangle1 (7)
Second, Triangle2 (9)
shadow ray with sbtRecordOffset=1 - - - - - - -
Second, Triangle1 (8)
Second, Triangle2 (10)
each thread (0)
primary ray with missIndex=0 (1)
shadow ray with missIndex=1 (2)

sbtRecordOffset and missIndex are the arguments to the traceNV() function.

Trace rays

resources.BindImage( UniformID("un_Output"), dst_image );
resources.BindRayTracingScene( UniformID("un_RtScene"), rt_scene );

TraceRays  trace_rays;
trace_rays.AddResources( DescriptorSetID("0"), &resources );

// set the work group size
trace_rays.SetGroupCount( 800, 600 );

// set ray tracing shaders and wait until shader table is updating
trace_rays.SetShaderTable( rt_shaders ).DependsOn( t_update_table );

Task  t_trace = cmdBuffer->AddTask( trace_rays );


Method CreateRayTracingGeometry and tasks UpdateRayTracingShaderTable, BuildRayTracingGeometry, BuildRayTracingScene has CPU overhead for sorting and searching operations. Task TraceRays works as fast as possible.