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This branch is 9 commits ahead of, 336 commits behind redhat-cop/containers-quickstarts:main.


Jenkins Helm Agent

This agent extends the base jenkins agent image and adds the helm binary. We can use this agent image in a Jenkins pipeline to perform helm operations in projects.

Build in OpenShift

oc process -f ../../.openshift/templates/jenkins-agent-generic-template.yml \
    -p NAME=jenkins-agent-helm \
    -p SOURCE_CONTEXT_DIR=jenkins-agents/jenkins-agent-helm \
    -p DOCKERFILE_PATH=Dockerfile \
    | oc create -n openshift -f -

For all params see the list in the ../../.openshift/templates/jenkins-agent-generic-template.yml or run oc process --parameters -f ../../.openshift/templates/jenkins-agent-generic-template.yml.

Note about ct

ct (aka Chart Testing) is a tool for testing Helm charts in a monorepo. More information about this tool can be found at the project's GitHub page.

When using ct, you may encounter the following error in a multibranch pipeline job:

Error linting charts: Error identifying charts to process: Error running process: exit status 128

Follow this GitHub issue if you run into this error. This is caused by shallow cloning, which should be disabled to fix this error.