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Serverless WebSockets


Use Azure SignalR Service to handle pure WebSocket requests (without SignalR):

  • Talk to an upstream application using HTTP protocol
  • Handle connection connect/disconnect events
  • Handle the WebSocket handshake, with the ability to configure the SubProtocol and reject connections
  • Handle WebSocket messages


  • The upstream using persistent connection is out of scope.
  • Supporting protocols where one protocol message is not bound to a single WebSocket frame is out of scope, e.g. MQTT.
  • Supporting protocols where messages are having context or dependencies to previous messages is out of scope, e.g. streaming protocols.


  • Upstream: An upstream is the application that processes WebSocket connections and messages. This can be an azure function or any other application that can handle HTTP requests.
  • hub: A hub is a unit of the isolation, the scope of users and message delivery is constrained to a hub.
  • connectionId: Every WebSocket connection has a unique connectionId.
  • userId: Every connection has a user id from the authetication result if it is not an anonymous connection.

Portal Configuration

  1. The portal will support configuring WebSocket mode, from CLI and Azure portal. With WebSocket mode, only /ws requests are allowed.
  2. The portal will support configuring Upstream settings from CLI and Azure portal.


Authentication between client and service

  1. Anonymous - Authentication is handled by the Upstream.
  2. JWT tokens - The service validates a JWT token based on the access key. (TODO add more details about generating JWT token).
  3. Client certificates - Certificate details to available via request header X-ASRS-Client-Cert-Thumbprint

Authentication between service and webhook

  1. Anonymous mode
  2. Simple Auth that code is provided through the configured Webhook URL.
  3. AAD Auth.
    1. Add a client secret in AAD's [App Registrations] and provide the [client secret] to Azure SignalR through portal/cli.
    2. Provide the Identity to Azure SignalR through portal/cli

Client endpoint

Both hub and format support set from url or query, below patterns are valid.

  • wss://{serviceUrl}/ws/client/hubs/{hub}/formats/{text/binary}
  • wss://{serviceUrl}/ws/client/hubs/{hub}?formats={text/binary}
  • wss://{serviceUrl}/ws/client?hubs={hub}&format={text/binary}


The Upstream's settings can be configured from Azure portal or from CLI. The URL can be parameterized to support various patterns.

There are 3 predefined parameters:

  1. {hub}
  2. {category}
  3. {event}

The service calculates the value of the Upstream URL dynamically when the client request comes in. For example, when a request /ws/client/hubs/chat comes in, with a configured Upstream URL pattern{hub}/api/{event}, when the client connects, it will first POST to this URL:

Note: The value of these parameters are escaped when evaluating the Upstream URl. The event and category values will be illustrated later in this spec.

Upstream Request Validation


Provide a way for Upstream to verify if the requests are from ASRS instead of a third party.


Prevent ASRS from calling invalid Upstream endpoint. For example, LinkedIn uses a challengeCode request and expects a challengeResponse. As we support parameterization, Upstream endpoints are determined dynamically, so it is hard to validate the upstream endpoints when set, we can potentially offer a feature for the customer to fill parameters to validate some particular endpoints manually.

Validating a request

The service will calcuate SHA256 code for the X-ASRS-Connection-Id value using both primary access key and secondary access key as the HMAC key, and will set it in the X-ASRS-Signature header when making HTTP requests to the Upstream:

Hex_encoded(HMAC_SHA256(accessKey, connection-id))


Calling the Upstream from the Client

We leverage HTTP protocol to deliver WebSocket connections to Upstream. A single WebSocket connection's lifecyle is as below: Handshake and Connect -> Handle Messages -> Disconnect

Each is a defined event and belongs to a category. When event are triggered, the service makes an HTTP POST request to the Upstream URL, and deliver the HTTP response to the client if the response is non-empty. Details are described in Protocol section.

Calling the Client from the Upstream

The ASRS server tracks clients and has a result can be used to send messages to a specific client or a set of clients. You can use the REST API to send messages to clients.

Actions REST API
Broadcast message POST /ws/api/v1/hubs/{hub}
Send message to user POST /ws/api/v1/hubs/{hub}/users/{id}
Send message to connection POST /ws/api/v1/hubs/{hub}/connections/{connectionId}
Add connection to group PUT /ws/api/v1/hubs/{hub}/groups/{group}/connections/{connectionId}
Remove connection from group DELETE /ws/api/hubs/{hub}/v1/groups/{group}/connections/{connectionId}
Add user to group PUT /ws/api/v1/hubs/{hub}/groups/{group}/users/{user}
Remove user from group DELETE /ws/api/v1/hubs/{hub}/groups/{group}/users/{user}
Send message to group POST /ws/api/v1/hubs/{hub}/groups/{group}
Close connection DELETE /ws/api/v1/hubs/{hub}/connections/{connectionId}?reason={reason}

Protocol Details


Url Parameters:

  • category: connections
  • event: connect

Verb: POST


? to indicate this header is optional

  • Sec-WebSocket-Protocol?: {subprotocols}
  • X-ASRS-Client-Cert-Thumbprint?: {thumbprint}
  • X-ASRS-Connection-Id: {connection-id}
  • X-ASRS-Hub: {hubname}
  • X-ASRS-Category: connections
  • X-ASRS-Event: handshake
  • X-ASRS-User-Id: {user-id}
  • X-ASRS-User-Claims: {user-claims}
  • X-ASRS-Signature: sha256={connection-id-hash-primary},sha256={connection-id-hash-secondary}
  • X-ASRS-Client-Query?: {query-string}
  • X-Forwarded-For:,
  • Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2020 01:02:03 GMT

Body: empty

Response Headers:

? to indicate this header is optional

  • Sec-WebSocket-Protocol?: {subprotocol}

The connect event forwards the subprotocol and authentication information to Upstream from the client. The Azure SignalR Service uses the status code to determine if the request will be upgraded to WebSocket protocol.

If the request contains the Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header with one or multiple supported sub-protocols. The server should return one sub-protocol it supports. If the server doesn't want to use any subprotocols, it should not send the Sec-WebSocket-Protocol header. Sending a blank header is incorrect.

  • X-ASRS-User-Id?: {authed user id}

As the service allows anonymous connections, it is the connect event's responsibility to tell the service the user id of the client connection. The Service will read the user id from the response header X-ASRS-User-Id if it exists. The connection will be dropped if user id cannot be read from the request claims nor the connect event's response header.

Response Status Codes:

  • 2xx: Success, the WebSocket connection is going to be established.
  • 4xx: Error, the response from Upstream will be returned as the response for the client request.

Send Messages

The service calls the Upstream for every complete WebSocket message.

Url Parameters:

  • category: messages
  • event: message

Verb: POST


? to indicate this header is optional

  • X-ASRS-Hub: {hubname}
  • X-ASRS-Category: messages
  • X-ASRS-Connection-Id: {connection-id}
  • X-ASRS-Event: message
  • X-ASRS-User-Id: {user-id}
  • X-ASRS-User-Claims: {user-claims}
  • X-ASRS-Signature: sha256={connection-id-hash-primary},sha256={connection-id-hash-secondary}
  • X-ASRS-Client-Query?: {query-string}
  • X-Forwarded-For:,
  • Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2020 01:02:03 GMT
  • Content-Type: application/octet-stream(for binary frame)|text/plain(for text frame)

Body: {message payload}


Disconnect event will always be triggered when the client request completes if the Connect event returns 2xx status code.

Url Parameters:

  • category: connections
  • event: disconnect

Verb: POST


? to indicate this header is optional

  • X-ASRS-Hub: {hubname}
  • X-ASRS-Category: connections
  • X-ASRS-Connection-Id: {connection-id}
  • X-ASRS-Event: disconnect
  • X-ASRS-User-Id: {user-id}
  • X-ASRS-User-Claims: {user-claims}
  • X-ASRS-Signature: sha256={connection-id-hash-primary},sha256={connection-id-hash-secondary}
  • X-ASRS-Client-Query?: {query-string}
  • X-Forwarded-For:,
  • Date: Fri, 10 Jan 2020 01:02:03 GMT

Body: empty