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nikkisinclair edited this page Jun 15, 2016 · 10 revisions

Table of Contents

Activity Configuration

This section provides instructions and support for the use of the OTJ activity module.

Set up OTJ activity

A user with mod/benchmark:addinstance permission is able to add an OTJ activity module to a course page. To add the OTJ activity to a course page:

  1. Navigate to the course page
  2. Select Turn editing on
  3. Select Add an Activity or a Resource
  4. Select OTJ and click Add
  5. Complete the OTJ activity settings
  6. Add the OJT activity name and description and complete the other activity settings:
    1. Name: This is the name that appears on the course page for all users
    2. Description: This appears to all users on the OTJ page
    3. Display description on the course page When selected the OTJ description displays under the activity name on the course page
    4. Manager sign off: When selected manager signoff is added to Topics. This appears as a checkbox under the Topics and Items.
    5. Item completion witness: When Selected a witness checkbox displays for each Item in a Topic.
  7. Complete the Common module settings:
    1. Group mode: Allows groups to be enabled for this activity. The default setting is No groups
    2. Visible Defines if the activity is visible to learners.
    3. ID number: Allows you to define an ID number for the activity
  8. If required you can set Restricted access
  9. Activity completion should be set to:
    1. Completion Tracking: Show activity complete when conditions are meet
    2. Condition: All required topics are complete and, if enabled, witnessed
  10. Select Save and display or Save and return to course page.
The OTJ activity is now added to the course page and ready for the Topics and Items. These are the statements the learner will be measured against.

OJT topics

To add Topics to a OTJ activity:

  1. Navigate to the course page with the OTJ activity
  2. Select the OTJ activity name, the blank OTJ page displays
  3. Select Edit topics from the OTJ administration menu
  4. Select Add topic
  5. Complete the Topic settings:
    1. Name: The topic name displays to all users
    2. Optional completion: When selected completion of this Topic is not required for the activity to complete.
    3. Competencies: Allows you to select competencies that are linked to this Topic from the Course Competencies. See Course Competencies to learn more
    4. Allow comments When selected general comments enabled for the Topic. General comments appear under the topic Items
  6. Select Save changes
The OTJ activity allows you to add as many topics as your require. Once the Topics are set up you are ready to set up the Items.Y

Topic Items

To add an Item to a topic

  1. Navigate to the course page with the OTJ activity
  2. Select the OTJ activity name, the blank OTJ page displays
  3. Select Edit topics from the OTJ administration menu, all the OTJ Topics are displayed
  4. Select Add topic item (a plus sign next to the Topic title)
  5. Complete the Item settings:
    1. Name: This is the statement or activity the learner completion is measured against.
    2. Optional Completion: When selected this Item completion is not required for the activity completion. (Optional) appears after the Item
    3. Allow file uploads When selected file upload is enabled for this Item
  6. Select Save changes.

Editing Topics and Items

To edit a Topic or Item:

  1. Navigate to the course page with the OTJ activity
  2. Select the OTJ activity name, the OTJ page displays
  3. Select Edit topics from the OTJ administration menu, all the OTJ Topics are displayed
  4. Select Edit icon for the Topic or Item you wish to edit.
Note: It is not recommended to edit Topics or Items after Learners have been completed in the OTJ activity.

Course Page Competencies

You must have competencies enabled in Advanced Settings and at least competency hierarchy set up:

Add competency at course

To add a competency to a course

  1. Navigate to the course page
  2. Select Competencies from the Course administration menu
  3. Select Assign course completion to competencies, the Competency selection window appears
  4. Choose the competencies you require and select Save
The competency or competencies you selected are now linked to the course.

Add course to a competency

You can also link courses to competencies. To add a course to a competency you must have access to competency hierarchies.

  1. Navigate to Manage competencies in Site administration > Hierarchies > Competencies
  2. Select the Competency Framework from the list
  3. Select the competency name in the framework
  4. Select Assign course completions, the course selection window appears
  5. Select the course(s) required by clicking on the course name
  6. Select Save



The following permissions exist for the OTJ activity module:

  • mod/benchmark:addinstance - allows a user to add the OTJ activity module to a course page.
    • Recommended Roles:
      • Editing Trainer
      • Site Manager
  • mod/benchmark:evaluate - allows a user to evaluate learners in an OTJ activity
    • Recommended Roles
      • Trainer or Assessor
      • Editing Trainer
      • Site Manager
  • mod/benchmark:evaluateself - allows a user to evaluate themselves in an OTJ activity
    • Recommended Roles:
      • Learner
  • mod/benchmark:manage - allows a user to add topics and items to an OTJ activity
    • Recommended Roles:
      • Editing Trainer
      • Site Manager
  • mod/benchmark:signoff - allows a user to signoff a topic
    • Recommended Roles:
      • Staff Manager (Must be applied at a system context)
      • Site Manager
  • mod/benchmark:view - allows a user to view OTJ activities
    • Recommended Roles:
      • Learner
      • Staff Manager
      • Trainer
      • Editing Trainer
      • Site Manager
  • mod/benchmark:witnessitem - allows a user to witness a Topic Item
    • Recommended Roles:
      • Staff Manager
      • Trainer
      • Editing Trainer
      • Site Manager
Note: You may require some custom roles to allow the appropriate user to hold the required permissions.

Evaluating Learners

Trainers and Managers

To evaluate a user on an OJT activity:

  1. Navigate to the course page and select the OTJ activity name
  2. The OTJ checklist appears, select Evaluate students
  3. A list of all enrolled learners is displays, find the user you wish to evaluate and select Evaluate
  4. Complete your sections
    1. When Comments are enabled remember to select Save comment
  5. When finished select Evaluate students to select another learner.
NOTE: When Manager signoff is enabled the manager receives a Task notification when the Topic is ready for their signoff


When Learners are able to self evaluate:

  1. Navigate to the course page and select the OTJ activity name
  2. Complete your sections
    1. When Comments are enabled remember to select Save comment
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