diff --git a/deploy/kamaji-aws.env b/deploy/kamaji-aws.env new file mode 100644 index 00000000..b9738e2a --- /dev/null +++ b/deploy/kamaji-aws.env @@ -0,0 +1,33 @@ +# aws parameters +export KAMAJI_REGION=eu-west-3 +export KAMAJI_AZ=eu-west-3a +export KAMAJI_CLUSTER_VERSION="1.32" +export KAMAJI_CLUSTER=kamaji-2 +export KAMAJI_NODE_NG=${KAMAJI_CLUSTER}-${KAMAJI_REGION}-ng1 +export KAMAJI_NODE_TYPE=t3.medium +export KAMAJI_VPC_NAME=eksctl-${KAMAJI_CLUSTER}-cluster/VPC +export KAMAJI_VPC_CIDR= +export KAMAJI_PUBLIC_SUBNET_NAME=eksctl-${KAMAJI_CLUSTER}-cluster/SubnetPublicEUWEST3A +export KAMAJI_PRIVATE_SUBNET_NAME=eksctl-${KAMAJI_CLUSTER}-cluster/SubnetPrivateEUWEST3A + + +# kamaji parameters +export KAMAJI_NAMESPACE=kamaji-system + +# tenant cluster parameters +export TENANT_NAMESPACE=tenant-00 +export TENANT_NAME=tenant-00 +export TENANT_DOMAIN=internal.kamaji.aws.com +export TENANT_VERSION=v1.30.2 +export TENANT_PORT=6443 # port used to expose the tenant api server +export TENANT_PROXY_PORT=8132 # port used to expose the konnectivity server +export TENANT_POD_CIDR= +export TENANT_SVC_CIDR= +export TENANT_DNS_SERVICE= + +export TENANT_VM_SIZE=t3.medium +export TENANT_ASG_MIN_SIZE=1 +export TENANT_ASG_MAX_SIZE=1 +export TENANT_ASG_DESIRED_SIZE=1 +export TENANT_SUBNET_ADDRESS= +export TENANT_ASG_NAME=$TENANT_NAME-workers diff --git a/docs/content/guides/kamaji-aws-deployment.md b/docs/content/guides/kamaji-aws-deployment.md new file mode 100644 index 00000000..3824c070 --- /dev/null +++ b/docs/content/guides/kamaji-aws-deployment.md @@ -0,0 +1,426 @@ +# Setup Kamaji on AWS + +This guide will lead you through the process of creating a working Kamaji setup on on AWS. + +The guide requires: + +- a bootstrap machine +- a Kubernetes cluster (EKS) to run the Admin and Tenant Control Planes +- an arbitrary number of machines to host `Tenant`s' workloads + +## Summary + + * [Prepare the bootstrap workspace](#prepare-the-bootstrap-workspace) + * [Access Management Cluster](#access-management-cluster) + * [Install Kamaji](#install-kamaji) + * [Create Tenant Cluster](#create-tenant-cluster) + * [Cleanup](#cleanup) + +## Prepare the bootstrap workspace + +On the bootstrap machine, clone the repo and prepare the workspace directory: + +```bash +git clone https://github.com/clastix/kamaji +cd kamaji/deploy +``` + +We assume you have installed on the bootstrap machine: + +- [kubectl](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/tools/#kubectl) +- [helm](https://helm.sh/docs/intro/install/) +- [jq](https://stedolan.github.io/jq/) +- [AWS CLI](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/userguide/getting-started-install.html) +- [eksctl](https://eksctl.io/installation/) +- [clusterawsadm](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/cluster-api-provider-aws/releases) + +Make sure you have a valid AWS Account, and login to AWS: + +> The easiest way to get started with AWS is to create [access keys](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/v1/userguide/cli-authentication-user.html#cli-authentication-user-configure.title) associated to your account + +```bash +aws configure +``` + +## Create Management cluster + +In Kamaji, a Management Cluster is a regular Kubernetes cluster which hosts zero to many Tenant Cluster Control Planes. The Management Cluster acts as a cockpit for all the Tenant clusters and implements monitoring, logging, and governance of all the Kamaji setups, including all Tenant Clusters. For this guide, we're going to use an instance of AWS Kubernetes Service (EKS) as a Management Cluster. + +Throughout the following instructions, shell variables are used to indicate values that you should adjust to your own AWS environment: + +### Create EKS cluster + +In order to create quickly an EKS cluster, we will use `eksctl` provided by AWS. `eksctl` is a simple CLI tool for creating and managing clusters on EKS + +`eksctl` will provision for you: + +- A dedicated VPC on `` CIDR +- 3 private subnets and 3 public subnets in 3 different availability zones +- NAT Gateway for the private subnets, An internet gateway for the public ones +- The required route tables to associate the subnets with the IGW and the NAT gateways +- Provision the EKS cluster +- Provision worker nodes and associate them to your cluster +- Optionally creates the required IAM policies for your addons and attach them to the node +- Optionally, install the EKS add-ons to your cluster + +For our use case, we will create an EKS cluster with the following configuration: + +```bash +cat >eks-cluster.yaml < ${TENANT_NAMESPACE}-${TENANT_NAME}.yaml < Since AWS load Balancer does not support setting LoadBalancerIP, you will get the following warning on the service created for the control plane tenant `Error syncing load balancer: failed to ensure load balancer: LoadBalancerIP cannot be specified for AWS ELB`. you can ignore it for now. + +### Working with Tenant Control Plane + +Check the access to the Tenant Control Plane: + +> If the domain you used is a private route53 domain make sure to map the public IP of the LB to `${TENANT_NAME}.${TENANT_DOMAIN}` in your `/etc/hosts`. otherwise, `kubectl` will fail to check SSL certificates + +```bash +curl -k https://${TENANT_PUBLIC_IP}:${TENANT_PORT}/version +curl -k https://${TENANT_NAME}.${TENANT_DOMAIN}:${TENANT_PORT}/healthz +curl -k https://${TENANT_NAME}.${TENANT_DOMAIN}:${TENANT_PORT}/version +``` + +Let's retrieve the `kubeconfig` in order to work with it: + +```bash +kubectl get secrets -n ${TENANT_NAMESPACE} ${TENANT_NAME}-admin-kubeconfig -o json \ + | jq -r '.data["admin.conf"]' \ + | base64 --decode \ + > ${TENANT_NAMESPACE}-${TENANT_NAME}.kubeconfig + +kubectl --kubeconfig=${TENANT_NAMESPACE}-${TENANT_NAME}.kubeconfig config \ + set-cluster ${TENANT_NAME} \ + --server https://${TENANT_NAME}.${TENANT_DOMAIN}:${TENANT_PORT} +``` + +and let's check it out: + +```bash +kubectl --kubeconfig=${TENANT_NAMESPACE}-${TENANT_NAME}.kubeconfig get svc + +NAME TYPE CLUSTER-IP EXTERNAL-IP PORT(S) AGE +kubernetes ClusterIP 443/TCP 38h +``` + +Check out how the Tenant Control Plane advertises itself: + +```bash +kubectl --kubeconfig=${TENANT_NAMESPACE}-${TENANT_NAME}.kubeconfig get ep + +NAME ENDPOINTS AGE +kubernetes 3m22s +``` + +## Join worker nodes + +The Tenant Control Plane is made of pods running in the Kamaji Management Cluster. At this point, the Tenant Cluster has no worker nodes. So, the next step is to join some worker nodes to the Tenant Control Plane. + +Kamaji does not provide any helper for the creation of tenant worker nodes, instead, it leverages the [Cluster Management API](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/cluster-api). This allows you to create the Tenant Clusters, including worker nodes, in a completely declarative way. Currently, a Cluster API `ControlPlane` provider for AWS is available: check the [official documentation](https://github.com/clastix/cluster-api-control-plane-provider-kamaji/blob/master/docs/providers-aws.md). + +An alternative approach to create and join worker nodes in AWS is to manually create the VMs, turn them into Kubernetes worker nodes and then join through the `kubeadm` command. + +### Generate kubeadm join command + +To join the worker nodes to the Tenant Control Plane, you need to generate the `kubeadm join` command from the Management cluster: + +```bash +TENANT_ADDR=$(kubectl -n ${TENANT_NAMESPACE} get svc ${TENANT_NAME} -o json | jq -r ."spec.loadBalancerIP") +JOIN_CMD=$(echo "sudo kubeadm join ${TENANT_ADDR}:6443 ")$(kubeadm --kubeconfig=${TENANT_NAMESPACE}-${TENANT_NAME}.kubeconfig token create --ttl 0 --print-join-command |cut -d" " -f4-) +``` + +> Setting `--ttl=0` on the `kubeadm token create` will guarantee that the token will never expire and can be used every time. +> +> It's not intended for production-grade setups. + +### Create tenant worker nodes + +In this section, we will use AMI provided by CAPA (Cluster API Provider AWS) to create the worker nodes. Those AMIs are built using [image builder](https://github.com/kubernetes-sigs/image-builder/tree/main) and contain all the necessary components to join the cluster. + +```bash + +export KAMAJI_PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID=$(aws ec2 describe-subnets --filters "Name=vpc-id,Values=$KAMAJI_VPC_ID" --filters "Name=tag:Name,Values=$KAMAJI_PRIVATE_SUBNET_NAME" --query "Subnets[0].SubnetId" --output text) + +export WORKER_AMI=$(clusterawsadm ami list --kubernetes-version=$TENANT_VERSION --os=ubuntu-24.04 --region=$KAMAJI_REGION -o json | jq -r .items[0].spec.imageID) + +cat <> worker-user-data.sh +#!/bin/bash + +$JOIN_CMD +EOF + +aws ec2 run-instances --image-id $WORKER_AMI --instance-type "t2.medium" --user-data $(cat worker-user-data.sh | base64 -w0) --network-interfaces '{"SubnetId":'"'${KAMAJI_PRIVATE_SUBNET_ID}'"',"AssociatePublicIpAddress":false,"DeviceIndex":0,"Groups":[""]}' --count "1" + +``` + +> We have used user data to run the `kubeadm join` command on the instance boot. This will make sure that the worker node will join the cluster automatically. + + +> Make sure to replace `` with the security group id that allows the worker nodes to communicate with the public IP of the tenant control plane + +Checking the nodes in the Tenant Cluster: + +```bash +kubectl --kubeconfig=${TENANT_NAMESPACE}-${TENANT_NAME}.kubeconfig get nodes + +NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION +ip-192-168-153-94 NotReady 56m v1.30.2 +``` + +The cluster needs a [CNI](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/extend-kubernetes/compute-storage-net/network-plugins/) plugin to get the nodes ready. In this guide, we are going to install [calico](https://projectcalico.docs.tigera.io/about/about-calico), but feel free to use one of your taste. + +Download the latest stable Calico manifest: + +```bash +curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/projectcalico/calico/v3.24.1/manifests/calico.yaml -O +``` + +As per [documentation](https://projectcalico.docs.tigera.io/reference/public-cloud/AWS), Calico in VXLAN mode is supported on AWS while IPIP packets are blocked by the AWS network fabric. Make sure you edit the manifest above and set the following variables: + +- `CLUSTER_TYPE="k8s"` +- `CALICO_IPV4POOL_IPIP="Never"` +- `CALICO_IPV4POOL_VXLAN="Always"` + +Apply to the Tenant Cluster: + +```bash +kubectl --kubeconfig=${TENANT_NAMESPACE}-${TENANT_NAME}.kubeconfig apply -f calico.yaml +``` + +And after a while, nodes will be ready + +```bash +kubectl --kubeconfig=${TENANT_NAMESPACE}-${TENANT_NAME}.kubeconfig get nodes + +NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION +ip-192-168-153-94 Ready 59m v1.30.2 +``` + +## Cleanup + +To get rid of the whole Kamaji infrastructure, remove the EKS cluster: + +```bash +eksctl delete cluster -f eks-cluster.yaml + +That's all folks! \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/docs/mkdocs.yml b/docs/mkdocs.yml index ce84dc9b..42aca780 100644 --- a/docs/mkdocs.yml +++ b/docs/mkdocs.yml @@ -63,6 +63,7 @@ nav: - 'Guides': - guides/index.md - guides/kamaji-azure-deployment.md + - guides/kamaji-aws-deployment.md - guides/alternative-datastore.md - guides/kamaji-gitops-flux.md - guides/upgrade.md