| 1 | +--- |
1 | 2 | repos:
2 |
| -- repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks |
3 |
| - rev: v3.4.0 |
4 |
| - hooks: |
5 |
| - - id: check-added-large-files |
6 |
| - args: ['--maxkb=5000'] |
7 |
| - - id: check-executables-have-shebangs |
8 |
| - - id: pretty-format-json |
9 |
| - args: ['--autofix', '--no-sort-keys', '--indent=2'] |
10 |
| - - id: check-case-conflict |
11 |
| - - id: check-executables-have-shebangs |
12 |
| - - id: check-merge-conflict |
13 |
| - - id: check-symlinks |
14 |
| - - id: detect-private-key |
15 |
| - - id: debug-statements |
16 |
| - - id: check-json |
17 |
| - - id: detect-aws-credentials |
18 |
| - args: ['--allow-missing-credentials'] |
19 |
| -- repo: git://github.com/smian/pre-commit-makefile |
20 |
| - rev: 261f8fb4b31dfdc05d1a1d7fbde1f1462ecde66d |
21 |
| - hooks: |
22 |
| - - id: makefile-doc |
23 |
| -- repo: meta |
24 |
| - hooks: |
25 |
| - - id: check-useless-excludes |
26 |
| -- repo: https://github.com/gruntwork-io/pre-commit |
27 |
| - rev: v0.1.12 |
28 |
| - hooks: |
29 |
| - - id: shellcheck |
30 |
| -- repo: [email protected]:Yelp/detect-secrets |
31 |
| - rev: v1.0.3 |
32 |
| - hooks: |
33 |
| - - id: detect-secrets |
34 |
| - args: ['--baseline', '.secrets.baseline'] |
| 3 | + - repo: https://github.com/pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks |
| 4 | + rev: v4.0.1 |
| 5 | + hooks: |
| 6 | + - id: check-added-large-files |
| 7 | + args: ['--maxkb=700'] |
| 8 | + - id: check-ast |
| 9 | + - id: check-builtin-literals |
| 10 | + - id: check-case-conflict |
| 11 | + - id: check-docstring-first |
| 12 | + - id: check-executables-have-shebangs |
| 13 | + - id: check-json |
| 14 | + - id: check-merge-conflict |
| 15 | + - id: check-symlinks |
| 16 | + - id: check-toml |
| 17 | + - id: check-vcs-permalinks |
| 18 | + - id: check-xml |
| 19 | + - id: check-yaml |
| 20 | + - id: debug-statements |
| 21 | + - id: destroyed-symlinks |
| 22 | + - id: detect-aws-credentials |
| 23 | + args: ['--allow-missing-credentials'] |
| 24 | + - id: detect-private-key |
| 25 | + - id: double-quote-string-fixer |
| 26 | + - id: end-of-file-fixer |
| 27 | + - id: fix-byte-order-marker |
| 28 | + - id: fix-encoding-pragma |
| 29 | + - id: mixed-line-ending |
| 30 | + args: ['--fix=lf'] |
| 31 | + description: Forces to replace line ending by the UNIX 'lf' character. |
| 32 | + - id: pretty-format-json |
| 33 | + args: ['--autofix', '--indent=2'] |
| 34 | + - id: requirements-txt-fixer |
| 35 | + - id: sort-simple-yaml |
| 36 | + - id: trailing-whitespace |
| 37 | + - repo: git://github.com/johncblandii/pre-commit-makefile |
| 38 | + rev: v0.2.0 |
| 39 | + hooks: |
| 40 | + - id: makefile-doc |
| 41 | + - repo: meta |
| 42 | + hooks: |
| 43 | + - id: check-useless-excludes |
| 44 | + - repo: https://github.com/gruntwork-io/pre-commit |
| 45 | + # Get the latest from: https://github.com/gruntwork-io/pre-commit/releases |
| 46 | + rev: v0.1.12 |
| 47 | + hooks: |
| 48 | + - id: shellcheck |
| 49 | + - repo: https://github.com/asottile/reorder_python_imports |
| 50 | + rev: v2.5.0 |
| 51 | + hooks: |
| 52 | + - id: reorder-python-imports |
| 53 | + language_version: python3 |
| 54 | + - repo: [email protected]:Yelp/detect-secrets |
| 55 | + rev: v1.1.0 |
| 56 | + hooks: |
| 57 | + - id: detect-secrets |
| 58 | + args: ['--baseline', '.secrets.baseline'] |
| 59 | + exclude: .pre-commit-config.yaml |
| 60 | + - repo: https://github.com/markdownlint/markdownlint |
| 61 | + rev: v0.11.0 |
| 62 | + hooks: |
| 63 | + - id: markdownlint |
| 64 | + name: Markdownlint |
| 65 | + description: Run markdownlint on your Markdown files |
| 66 | + entry: mdl |
| 67 | + language: ruby |
| 68 | + files: \.(md|mdown|markdown)$ |
| 69 | + - repo: https://github.com/adrienverge/yamllint.git |
| 70 | + rev: v1.26.1 |
| 71 | + hooks: |
| 72 | + - id: yamllint |
| 73 | + files: \.(yaml|yml)$ |
| 74 | + types: [file, yaml] |
| 75 | + entry: 'yamllint --strict' |
| 76 | + - repo: https://github.com/thlorenz/doctoc |
| 77 | + rev: v2.0.0 |
| 78 | + hooks: |
| 79 | + - id: doctoc |
| 80 | + args: ['--title=**Table of Contents**'] |
| 81 | + descripiton: 'Generates table of contents for markdown files' |
| 82 | + - repo: https://github.com/alessandrojcm/commitlint-pre-commit-hook |
| 83 | + rev: v5.0.0 |
| 84 | + hooks: |
| 85 | + - id: commitlint |
| 86 | + stages: [commit-msg] |
| 87 | + additional_dependencies: ["@commitlint/config-conventional"] |
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