The Front End
Who Put The End In The Front?
Writing a program, there are a million ways to do everything.
Think about it.
And then pick the easiest.
It won't be easy enough.
A funny thing about programming the front end,
is that you can do everything with a blank page,
and some javascript.
There is this thing, called the DOM.
You will read of it, hear speak of it.
Many a coder of front ends speak snark of the DOM.
That is because the DOM is the master.
The DOM controls every website, from within the browser.
All that HTML you wrote, with its funny carets,
and all that CSS, with its mysteries,
Those strings of goofy text get translated into OBJECTS
Another way to phrase that, is
Your HTML "tags" become "elements".
Living creatures, almost... spririts.
And the DOM can manipulate these OBJECT spirits.
by changing the properties.
The DOM can create new OBJECTS.
The DOM can talk to the internet.
The DOM can send messages to other people.
The DOM is the browser's API.
Javascript manipulates the DOM.
Javascript does much more than that.
But it does that, too.
Because true hackers detest a master, such as the DOM
They invented a thing called the Shadow DOM
If you ever hear of a Shadow DOM,
Know that it is Javascript by another name.
And do not speak again to the person who uttered that phrase.
Nevertheless, it is not always advisable to do everything with javascript.
Sometimes you have to write HTML and CSS.
This is perfectly acceptable, because both are simple, and forgiving.
CSS is powerful and mysterious, a fount for creativity.
You can write perfectly functional sites in HTML only.
As with all programming, HTML and CSS will riddle you with bugs.
And in this regard, they are the worst of all,
for they do not provide good clues.
For instance, the line number in your program where you made a typo.
HTML gives you tags, which become ELEMENT OBJECTS
Each of which, supposedly, serve a pupose
<a href="" style=background:green>radness</a>
<video src=...></video>
<img src=...></img>
many will come with some basic styling
which can be altered.
It is common, sometimes necessary
to nest an element inside another
HTML today has evolved a long way.
It began, humbly, as a "markup language".
A language for marking up your data with meta-data.
It performs this way still,
HTML performs crucial markup for CSS and Javascripts,
providing ways to easily identify particular elements.
There are two basic ways to identify an element:
- uniquely
- classically
These are done by adding id and class attributes
These are done by adding id and class properties
This is done looking like this:
<a id="element-9" class="rad edtech anotherClass" href="cyber.wizard.insitutue" style="background:green">radness</a>
SO much for HTML
CSS allows you to identify individual and grouped elements
and cascade styles upon styles over them.
CSS is like, img #element-9: your background is green;
And it will be so.
In such a pick and choose fashion,
you can dictate colors, fonts, positions, animations,
shadows, filters, gradients, and many more.
So much for CSS
In the context of "thefrontend"
where we find our weary selfies,
Javascript accesses an element,
by way of the DOM,
and transforms it,
by directly manipulating attributes
One such attribute of ELEMENT OBJECTS
is the style attribute, where all the CSS for that style lives
var element = document.getElementById('element-9') = 'green'