$ mkdir foo
$ cd foo
$ npm init
building a web application from zero
- http server
- static files
- routing
- client vs server
- rendering html
- sorting hash
- tween
- database
var http = require('http')
var server = http.createServer(function (req, res) {
res.end('beep boop!\n')
Run this program with node:
$ node server.js
then in a browser open http://localhost:5000
using fs...
using ecstatic...
doing routing manually with req.url
using the routes module
virtual-dom-starter - bare-bones client-side app setup using virtual dom
virtual-dom-universal-starter - browser+node (universal) virtual-dom setup with routing
virtual-dom-unidirectional-example - flow control example with virtual-dom
virtual-dom-starter-babel-es6 - bare-bones client-side app setup using virtual dom with babel for es6
virtual-dom-starter-babel-es6-jsx - bare-bones client-side app setup using virtual dom with babel for es6 and jsx
react-starter - bare-bones client-side app setup using react with jsx
react-starter-es6-babel - bare-bones client-side app setup using react with babel for es6 and jsx