diff --git a/distributed/scheduler.py b/distributed/scheduler.py
index e6fb327856..5944587309 100644
--- a/distributed/scheduler.py
+++ b/distributed/scheduler.py
@@ -6057,26 +6057,47 @@ def release_worker_data(self, key: Key, worker: str, stimulus_id: str) -> None:
             self.transitions({key: "released"}, stimulus_id)
     def handle_long_running(
-        self, key: Key, worker: str, compute_duration: float | None, stimulus_id: str
+        self,
+        key: Key,
+        worker: str,
+        run_id: int,
+        compute_duration: float | None,
+        stimulus_id: str,
     ) -> None:
         """A task has seceded from the thread pool
         We stop the task from being stolen in the future, and change task
         duration accounting as if the task has stopped.
+        if worker not in self.workers:
+            logger.debug(
+                "Received long-running signal from unknown worker %s. Ignoring.", worker
+            )
+            return
         if key not in self.tasks:
             logger.debug("Skipping long_running since key %s was already released", key)
         ts = self.tasks[key]
-        steal = self.extensions.get("stealing")
-        if steal is not None:
-            steal.remove_key_from_stealable(ts)
         ws = ts.processing_on
         if ws is None:
             logger.debug("Received long-running signal from duplicate task. Ignoring.")
+        if ws.address != worker or ts.run_id != run_id:
+            logger.debug(
+                "Received stale long-running signal from worker %s for task %s. Ignoring.",
+                worker,
+                ts,
+            )
+            return
+        steal = self.extensions.get("stealing")
+        if steal is not None:
+            steal.remove_key_from_stealable(ts)
         if compute_duration is not None:
             old_duration = ts.prefix.duration_average
             if old_duration < 0:
diff --git a/distributed/tests/test_cancelled_state.py b/distributed/tests/test_cancelled_state.py
index ece5ef3fdc..a90d526fef 100644
--- a/distributed/tests/test_cancelled_state.py
+++ b/distributed/tests/test_cancelled_state.py
@@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
 from __future__ import annotations
 import asyncio
+import logging
 import pytest
@@ -14,6 +15,7 @@
+    captured_logger,
@@ -903,13 +905,15 @@ def test_workerstate_executing_to_executing(ws_with_running_task):
     instructions = ws.handle_stimulus(
         FreeKeysEvent(keys=["x"], stimulus_id="s1"),
-        ComputeTaskEvent.dummy("x", resource_restrictions={"R": 1}, stimulus_id="s2"),
+        ComputeTaskEvent.dummy(
+            "x", run_id=0, resource_restrictions={"R": 1}, stimulus_id="s2"
+        ),
     if prev_state == "executing":
         assert not instructions
         assert instructions == [
-            LongRunningMsg(key="x", compute_duration=None, stimulus_id="s2")
+            LongRunningMsg(key="x", run_id=0, compute_duration=None, stimulus_id="s2")
     assert ws.tasks["x"] is ts
     assert ts.state == prev_state
@@ -1087,15 +1091,17 @@ def test_workerstate_resumed_fetch_to_cancelled_to_executing(ws_with_running_tas
     instructions = ws.handle_stimulus(
         FreeKeysEvent(keys=["x"], stimulus_id="s1"),
-        ComputeTaskEvent.dummy("y", who_has={"x": [ws2]}, stimulus_id="s2"),
+        ComputeTaskEvent.dummy("y", run_id=0, who_has={"x": [ws2]}, stimulus_id="s2"),
         FreeKeysEvent(keys=["y", "x"], stimulus_id="s3"),
-        ComputeTaskEvent.dummy("x", resource_restrictions={"R": 1}, stimulus_id="s4"),
+        ComputeTaskEvent.dummy(
+            "x", run_id=1, resource_restrictions={"R": 1}, stimulus_id="s4"
+        ),
     if prev_state == "executing":
         assert not instructions
         assert instructions == [
-            LongRunningMsg(key="x", compute_duration=None, stimulus_id="s4")
+            LongRunningMsg(key="x", run_id=1, compute_duration=None, stimulus_id="s4")
     assert ws.tasks["x"].state == prev_state
@@ -1111,16 +1117,16 @@ def test_workerstate_resumed_fetch_to_executing(ws_with_running_task):
         # x is released for whatever reason (e.g. client cancellation)
         FreeKeysEvent(keys=["x"], stimulus_id="s1"),
         # x was computed somewhere else
-        ComputeTaskEvent.dummy("y", who_has={"x": [ws2]}, stimulus_id="s2"),
+        ComputeTaskEvent.dummy("y", run_id=0, who_has={"x": [ws2]}, stimulus_id="s2"),
         # x was lost / no known replicas, therefore y is cancelled
         FreeKeysEvent(keys=["y"], stimulus_id="s3"),
-        ComputeTaskEvent.dummy("x", stimulus_id="s4"),
+        ComputeTaskEvent.dummy("x", run_id=1, stimulus_id="s4"),
     if prev_state == "executing":
         assert not instructions
         assert instructions == [
-            LongRunningMsg(key="x", compute_duration=None, stimulus_id="s4")
+            LongRunningMsg(key="x", run_id=1, compute_duration=None, stimulus_id="s4")
     assert len(ws.tasks) == 1
     assert ws.tasks["x"].state == prev_state
@@ -1254,12 +1260,14 @@ def test_secede_cancelled_or_resumed_workerstate(
     ws2 = ""
-        ComputeTaskEvent.dummy("x", stimulus_id="s1"),
+        ComputeTaskEvent.dummy("x", run_id=0, stimulus_id="s1"),
         FreeKeysEvent(keys=["x"], stimulus_id="s2"),
     if resume_to_fetch:
-            ComputeTaskEvent.dummy("y", who_has={"x": [ws2]}, stimulus_id="s3"),
+            ComputeTaskEvent.dummy(
+                "y", run_id=1, who_has={"x": [ws2]}, stimulus_id="s3"
+            ),
     ts = ws.tasks["x"]
     assert ts.previous == "executing"
@@ -1277,11 +1285,11 @@ def test_secede_cancelled_or_resumed_workerstate(
     if resume_to_executing:
         instructions = ws.handle_stimulus(
             FreeKeysEvent(keys=["y"], stimulus_id="s5"),
-            ComputeTaskEvent.dummy("x", stimulus_id="s6"),
+            ComputeTaskEvent.dummy("x", run_id=2, stimulus_id="s6"),
         # Inform the scheduler of the SecedeEvent that happened in the past
         assert instructions == [
-            LongRunningMsg(key="x", compute_duration=None, stimulus_id="s6")
+            LongRunningMsg(key="x", run_id=2, compute_duration=None, stimulus_id="s6")
         assert ts.state == "long-running"
         assert ts not in ws.executing
@@ -1292,6 +1300,223 @@ def test_secede_cancelled_or_resumed_workerstate(
     assert ts not in ws.long_running
+@gen_cluster(client=True, nthreads=[("", 1), ("", 1)], timeout=2)
+async def test_secede_racing_cancellation_and_scheduling_on_other_worker(c, s, a, b):
+    """Regression test that ensures that we handle stale long-running messages correctly.
+    This tests simulates a race condition where a task secedes on worker a, the task is then cancelled, and resubmitted to
+    run on worker b. The long-running message created on a only arrives on the scheduler after the task started executing on b
+    (but before a secede event arrives from worker b). The scheduler should then ignore the stale secede event from a.
+    """
+    wsA = s.workers[a.address]
+    before_secede = Event()
+    block_secede = Event()
+    block_long_running = Event()
+    handled_long_running = Event()
+    def f(before_secede, block_secede, block_long_running):
+        before_secede.set()
+        block_secede.wait()
+        distributed.secede()
+        block_long_running.wait()
+        return 123
+    # Instrument long-running handler
+    original_handler = s.stream_handlers["long-running"]
+    async def instrumented_handle_long_running(*args, **kwargs):
+        try:
+            return original_handler(*args, **kwargs)
+        finally:
+            await handled_long_running.set()
+    s.stream_handlers["long-running"] = instrumented_handle_long_running
+    # Submit task and wait until it executes on a
+    x = c.submit(
+        f,
+        before_secede,
+        block_secede,
+        block_long_running,
+        key="x",
+        workers=[a.address],
+    )
+    await before_secede.wait()
+    # FIXME: Relying on logging is rather brittle. We should fail hard if stimulus handling fails.
+    with captured_logger("distributed.scheduler", logging.ERROR) as caplog:
+        with freeze_batched_send(a.batched_stream):
+            # Let x secede (and later succeed) without informing the scheduler
+            await block_secede.set()
+            await wait_for_state("x", "long-running", a)
+            assert not a.state.executing
+            assert a.state.long_running
+            await block_long_running.set()
+            await wait_for_state("x", "memory", a)
+            # Cancel x while the scheduler does not know that it seceded
+            x.release()
+            await async_poll_for(lambda: not s.tasks, timeout=5)
+            assert not wsA.processing
+            assert not wsA.long_running
+            # Reset all events
+            await before_secede.clear()
+            await block_secede.clear()
+            await block_long_running.clear()
+            # Resubmit task and wait until it executes on b
+            x = c.submit(
+                f,
+                before_secede,
+                block_secede,
+                block_long_running,
+                key="x",
+                workers=[b.address],
+            )
+            await before_secede.wait()
+            wsB = s.workers[b.address]
+            assert wsB.processing
+            assert not wsB.long_running
+        # Unblock the stream from a to the scheduler and handle the long-running message
+        await handled_long_running.wait()
+        ts = b.state.tasks["x"]
+        assert ts.state == "executing"
+        assert wsB.processing
+        assert wsB.task_prefix_count
+        assert not wsB.long_running
+        assert not wsA.processing
+        assert not wsA.task_prefix_count
+        assert not wsA.long_running
+        # Clear the handler and let x secede on b
+        await handled_long_running.clear()
+        await block_secede.set()
+        await wait_for_state("x", "long-running", b)
+        assert not b.state.executing
+        assert b.state.long_running
+        await handled_long_running.wait()
+    # Assert that the handler did not fail and no state was corrupted
+    logs = caplog.getvalue()
+    assert not logs
+    assert not wsB.task_prefix_count
+    await block_long_running.set()
+    assert await x.result() == 123
+@gen_cluster(client=True, nthreads=[("", 1)], timeout=2)
+async def test_secede_racing_resuming_on_same_worker(c, s, a):
+    """Regression test that ensures that we handle stale long-running messages correctly.
+    This tests simulates a race condition where a task secedes on worker a, the task is then cancelled, and resumed on
+    worker a. The first long-running message created on a only arrives on the scheduler after the task was resumed.
+    The scheduler should then ignore the stale first secede event from a and only handle the second one.
+    """
+    wsA = s.workers[a.address]
+    before_secede = Event()
+    block_secede = Event()
+    block_long_running = Event()
+    handled_long_running = Event()
+    block_long_running_handler = Event()
+    def f(before_secede, block_secede, block_long_running):
+        before_secede.set()
+        block_secede.wait()
+        distributed.secede()
+        block_long_running.wait()
+        return 123
+    # Instrument long-running handler
+    original_handler = s.stream_handlers["long-running"]
+    block_second_attempt = None
+    async def instrumented_handle_long_running(*args, **kwargs):
+        nonlocal block_second_attempt
+        if block_second_attempt is None:
+            block_second_attempt = True
+        elif block_second_attempt is True:
+            await block_long_running_handler.wait()
+            block_second_attempt = False
+        try:
+            return original_handler(*args, **kwargs)
+        finally:
+            await block_long_running_handler.clear()
+            await handled_long_running.set()
+    s.stream_handlers["long-running"] = instrumented_handle_long_running
+    # Submit task and wait until it executes on a
+    x = c.submit(
+        f,
+        before_secede,
+        block_secede,
+        block_long_running,
+        key="x",
+    )
+    await before_secede.wait()
+    # FIXME: Relying on logging is rather brittle. We should fail hard if stimulus handling fails.
+    with captured_logger("distributed.scheduler", logging.ERROR) as caplog:
+        with freeze_batched_send(a.batched_stream):
+            # Let x secede (and later succeed) without informing the scheduler
+            await block_secede.set()
+            await wait_for_state("x", "long-running", a)
+            assert not a.state.executing
+            assert a.state.long_running
+            # Cancel x while the scheduler does not know that it seceded
+            x.release()
+            await async_poll_for(lambda: not s.tasks, timeout=5)
+            assert not wsA.processing
+            assert not wsA.long_running
+            # Resubmit task and wait until it is resumed on a
+            x = c.submit(
+                f,
+                before_secede,
+                block_secede,
+                block_long_running,
+                key="x",
+            )
+            await wait_for_state("x", "long-running", a)
+            assert not a.state.executing
+            assert a.state.long_running
+            assert wsA.processing
+            assert not wsA.long_running
+        # Unblock the stream from a to the scheduler and handle the stale long-running message
+        await handled_long_running.wait()
+        assert wsA.processing
+        assert wsA.task_prefix_count
+        assert not wsA.long_running
+        # Clear the handler and let the scheduler handle the second long-running message
+        await handled_long_running.clear()
+        await block_long_running_handler.set()
+        await handled_long_running.wait()
+    # Assert that the handler did not fail and no state was corrupted
+    logs = caplog.getvalue()
+    assert not logs
+    assert not wsA.task_prefix_count
+    assert wsA.processing
+    assert wsA.long_running
+    await block_long_running.set()
+    assert await x.result() == 123
 @gen_cluster(client=True, nthreads=[("", 1)], timeout=2)
 async def test_secede_cancelled_or_resumed_scheduler(c, s, a):
     """Same as test_secede_cancelled_or_resumed_workerstate, but testing the interaction
diff --git a/distributed/tests/test_resources.py b/distributed/tests/test_resources.py
index c7001c0b00..2470c1c3fb 100644
--- a/distributed/tests/test_resources.py
+++ b/distributed/tests/test_resources.py
@@ -575,11 +575,13 @@ def test_resumed_with_different_resources(ws_with_running_task, done_ev_cls):
     assert ws.available_resources == {"R": 0}
     instructions = ws.handle_stimulus(
-        ComputeTaskEvent.dummy("x", stimulus_id="s2", resource_restrictions={"R": 0.4})
+        ComputeTaskEvent.dummy(
+            "x", run_id=0, stimulus_id="s2", resource_restrictions={"R": 0.4}
+        )
     if prev_state == "long-running":
         assert instructions == [
-            LongRunningMsg(key="x", compute_duration=None, stimulus_id="s2")
+            LongRunningMsg(key="x", run_id=0, compute_duration=None, stimulus_id="s2")
         assert not instructions
diff --git a/distributed/worker_state_machine.py b/distributed/worker_state_machine.py
index 3507fb9379..dc796ffe13 100644
--- a/distributed/worker_state_machine.py
+++ b/distributed/worker_state_machine.py
@@ -509,8 +509,9 @@ class RescheduleMsg(SendMessageToScheduler):
 class LongRunningMsg(SendMessageToScheduler):
     op = "long-running"
-    __slots__ = ("key", "compute_duration")
+    __slots__ = ("key", "run_id", "compute_duration")
     key: Key
+    run_id: int
     compute_duration: float | None
@@ -2171,7 +2172,10 @@ def _transition_cancelled_waiting(
             ts.state = "long-running"
             ts.previous = None
             smsg = LongRunningMsg(
-                key=ts.key, compute_duration=None, stimulus_id=stimulus_id
+                key=ts.key,
+                run_id=ts.run_id,
+                compute_duration=None,
+                stimulus_id=stimulus_id,
             return {}, [smsg]
@@ -2276,7 +2280,10 @@ def _transition_executing_long_running(
         smsg = LongRunningMsg(
-            key=ts.key, compute_duration=compute_duration, stimulus_id=stimulus_id
+            key=ts.key,
+            run_id=ts.run_id,
+            compute_duration=compute_duration,
+            stimulus_id=stimulus_id,
         return merge_recs_instructions(
             ({}, [smsg]),