File tree
1,296 files changed
lines changed- adoption-stories
- artifacts/wheels
- assets/js
- champions
- cloud
- CompanyLogos
- DemoForm
- DemoFormModal
- Enterprise
- FeatureCards
- Hero
- UnifiedTabs
- customer-stories-survey
- docs
- 0.13.1
- act-on-metadata
- impact-analysis
- actions
- actions
- executor
- hello_world
- slack
- teams
- concepts
- events
- entity-change-event
- metadata-change-log-event
- guides
- developing-a-transformer
- developing-an-action
- quickstart
- sources/kafka-event-source
- advanced
- aspect-versioning
- backfilling
- browse-paths-upgrade
- db-retention
- derived-aspects
- entity-hierarchy
- field-path-spec-v2
- high-cardinality
- mcp-mcl
- monitoring
- no-code-modeling
- no-code-upgrade
- partial-update
- patch
- pdl-best-practices
- api
- datahub-apis
- graphql
- getting-started
- graphql-endpoint-development
- how-to-set-up-graphql
- overview
- token-management
- openapi
- openapi-structured-properties
- openapi-usage-guide
- restli
- evaluate-tests
- get-elastic-task-status
- get-index-sizes
- restli-overview
- restore-indices
- truncate-time-series-aspect
- tutorials
- custom-properties
- datasets
- deprecation
- descriptions
- domains
- lineage
- ml
- owners
- tags
- terms
- architecture
- architecture
- docker-containers
- metadata-ingestion
- metadata-serving
- authentication
- changing-default-credentials
- concepts
- guides
- add-users
- jaas
- sso
- configure-oidc-behind-proxy
- configure-oidc-react
- introducing-metadata-service-authentication
- personal-access-tokens
- authorization
- access-policies-guide
- groups
- policies
- roles
- browsev2/browse-paths-v2
- category
- community
- deployment-guides
- features
- cli
- code_of_conduct
- components
- contributing
- datahub-frontend
- datahub-graphql-core
- datahub-web-react
- src/app/analytics
- datahub_lite
- dataproducts
- deploy
- aws
- azure
- confluent-cloud
- environment-vars
- gcp
- kubernetes
- telemetry
- dev-guides/timeline
- developers
- docker
- airflow/local_airflow
- datahub-upgrade
- development
- domains
- features
- dataset-usage-and-query-history
- feature-guides/ui-lineage
- generated
- ingestion/sources
- athena
- azure-ad
- bigquery
- business-glossary
- clickhouse
- csv
- databricks
- datahub
- datahubgc
- dbt
- delta-lake
- demo-data
- druid
- dynamodb
- elasticsearch
- feast
- file
- file-based-lineage
- fivetran
- gcs
- glue
- hana
- hive
- iceberg
- json-schema
- kafka
- kafka-connect
- ldap
- looker
- mariadb
- metabase
- mlflow
- mode
- mongodb
- mssql
- mysql
- nifi
- okta
- openapi
- oracle
- postgres
- powerbi
- presto
- presto-on-hive
- pulsar
- qlik-sense
- redash
- redshift
- s3
- sagemaker
- salesforce
- slack
- snowflake
- sql-queries
- sqlalchemy
- superset
- tableau
- teradata
- trino
- vertica
- lineage/lineage-feature-guide
- metamodel/entities
- assertion
- chart
- container
- corpgroup
- corpuser
- dashboard
- datacontract
- dataflow
- datahubaccesstoken
- datahubexecutionrequest
- datahubingestionsource
- datahubpolicy
- datahubretention
- datahubrole
- datahubsecret
- datahubstepstate
- datahubupgrade
- datahubview
- datajob
- dataplatform
- dataplatforminstance
- dataprocess
- dataprocessinstance
- dataproduct
- dataset
- datatype
- domain
- entitytype
- ermodelrelationship
- form
- globalsettings
- glossarynode
- glossaryterm
- incident
- invitetoken
- mlfeature
- mlfeaturetable
- mlmodel
- mlmodeldeployment
- mlmodelgroup
- mlprimarykey
- notebook
- ownershiptype
- post
- query
- role
- schemafield
- structuredproperty
- tag
- telemetry
- test
- glossary/business-glossary
- graphql
- enums
- inputObjects
- interfaces
- mutations
- objects
- queries
- scalars
- unions
- how
- add-custom-data-platform
- add-custom-ingestion-source
- add-new-aspect
- add-user-data
- backup-datahub
- configuring-authorization-with-apache-ranger
- delete-metadata
- extract-container-logs
- jattach-guide
- kafka-config
- migrating-graph-service-implementation
- restore-indices
- search
- ui-tabs-guide
- updating-datahub
- incidents/incidents
- introduction
- lineage
- airflow
- dagster
- links
- managed-datahub
- approval-workflows
- chrome-extension
- datahub-api
- entity-events-api
- graphql-api/getting-started
- integrations
- aws-privatelink
- oidc-sso-integration
- managed-datahub-overview
- metadata-ingestion-with-acryl/ingestion
- observe
- assertions
- column-assertions
- custom-sql-assertions
- data-contract
- freshness-assertions
- volume-assertions
- operator-guide
- setting-up-events-api-on-aws-eventbridge
- setting-up-remote-ingestion-executor-on-aws
- release-notes
- v_0_1_69
- v_0_1_70
- v_0_1_72
- v_0_1_73
- v_0_2_0
- v_0_2_1
- v_0_2_10
- v_0_2_11
- v_0_2_12
- v_0_2_13
- v_0_2_14
- v_0_2_15
- v_0_2_16
- v_0_2_2
- v_0_2_3
- v_0_2_4
- v_0_2_5
- v_0_2_6
- v_0_2_7
- v_0_2_8
- v_0_2_9
- v_0_3_1
- saas-slack-setup
- subscription-and-notification
- welcome-acryl
- metadata-ingestion
- adding-source
- as-a-library
- cli-ingestion
- developing
- docs
- dev_guides
- add_stateful_ingestion_to_source
- classification
- profiling_ingestions
- reporting_telemetry
- sql_profiles
- stateful
- transformer
- dataset_transformer
- intro
- examples
- structured_properties
- transforms
- integration_docs/great-expectations
- recipe_overview
- schedule_docs
- airflow
- cron
- datahub
- intro
- kubernetes
- sink_docs
- console
- datahub
- file
- sink_overview
- source-docs-template
- source_overview
- metadata-ingestion-modules
- airflow-plugin
- dagster-plugin
- metadata-integration/java
- as-a-library
- datahub-protobuf
- openlineage-converter
- spark-lineage
- spark-lineage-beta
- metadata-jobs
- mae-consumer-job
- mce-consumer-job
- metadata-modeling
- extending-the-metadata-model
- metadata-model
- metadata-models-custom
- metadata-service
- services
- ownership/ownership-types
- perf-test
- platform-instances
- plugins
- posts
- python-sdk
- builder
- clients
- models
- urns
- quick-ingestion-guides
- bigquery
- configuration
- overview
- setup
- looker
- configuration
- overview
- setup
- powerbi
- configuration
- overview
- setup
- redshift
- configuration
- overview
- setup
- snowflake
- configuration
- overview
- setup
- tableau
- configuration
- overview
- setup
- quickstart
- releases
- rfc
- roadmap
- schema-history
- security
- slack
- sync-status
- tags
- tests/metadata-tests
- townhall-history
- townhalls
- troubleshooting
- build
- general
- quickstart
- ui-ingestion
- what
- aspect
- delta
- entity
- gma
- gms
- graph
- mxe
- relationship
- search-document
- search-index
- snapshot
- urn
- what-is-datahub/datahub-concepts
- 0.14.0
- act-on-metadata
- impact-analysis
- actions
- actions
- executor
- hello_world
- slack
- teams
- concepts
- events
- entity-change-event
- metadata-change-log-event
- guides
- developing-a-transformer
- developing-an-action
- quickstart
- sources/kafka-event-source
- advanced
- aspect-versioning
- backfilling
- browse-paths-upgrade
- db-retention
- derived-aspects
- entity-hierarchy
- field-path-spec-v2
- high-cardinality
- mcp-mcl
- monitoring
- no-code-modeling
- no-code-upgrade
- partial-update
- patch
- pdl-best-practices
- api
- datahub-apis
- graphql
- getting-started
- graphql-endpoint-development
- how-to-set-up-graphql
- overview
- token-management
- openapi/openapi-usage-guide
- restli
- evaluate-tests
- get-elastic-task-status
- get-index-sizes
- restli-overview
- restore-indices
- truncate-time-series-aspect
- tutorials
- assertions
- custom-assertions
- custom-properties
- data-contracts
- datasets
- deprecation
- descriptions
- domains
- forms
- incidents
- lineage
- ml
- operations
- owners
- structured-properties
- tags
- terms
- architecture
- architecture
- docker-containers
- metadata-ingestion
- metadata-serving
- assertions
- open-assertions-spec
- snowflake/snowflake_dmfs
- authentication
- changing-default-credentials
- concepts
- guides
- add-users
- jaas
- sso
- configure-oidc-behind-proxy
- configure-oidc-react
- introducing-metadata-service-authentication
- personal-access-tokens
- authorization
- access-policies-guide
- groups
- policies
- roles
- browsev2/browse-paths-v2
- businessattributes
- category
- community
- deployment-guides
- features
- cli
- code_of_conduct
- components
- contributing
- datahub-frontend
- datahub-graphql-core
- datahub-web-react
- src/app/analytics
- datahub_lite
- dataproducts
- deploy
- aws
- azure
- confluent-cloud
- environment-vars
- gcp
- kubernetes
- telemetry
- dev-guides/timeline
- developers
- docker
- airflow/local_airflow
- datahub-upgrade
- development
- domains
- features
- dataset-usage-and-query-history
- feature-guides
- documentation-forms
- properties
- ui-lineage
- generated
- ingestion/sources
- abs
- athena
- azure-ad
- bigquery
- business-glossary
- clickhouse
- cockroachdb
- csv-enricher
- databricks
- datahub
- datahubgc
- dbt
- delta-lake
- demo-data
- druid
- dynamodb
- elasticsearch
- feast
- file-based-lineage
- fivetran
- gcs
- glue
- grafana
- hana
- hive
- hive-metastore
- iceberg
- json-schema
- kafka
- kafka-connect
- ldap
- looker
- mariadb
- metabase
- metadata-file
- mlflow
- mode
- mongodb
- mssql
- mysql
- nifi
- okta
- openapi
- oracle
- postgres
- powerbi
- presto
- pulsar
- qlik-sense
- redash
- redshift
- s3
- sagemaker
- salesforce
- sigma
- slack
- snowflake
- sql-queries
- sqlalchemy
- superset
- tableau
- teradata
- trino
- vertica
- lineage/lineage-feature-guide
- metamodel/entities
- assertion
- businessattribute
- chart
- container
- corpgroup
- corpuser
- dashboard
- datacontract
- dataflow
- datahubaccesstoken
- datahubconnection
- datahubexecutionrequest
- datahubingestionsource
- datahubpersona
- datahubpolicy
- datahubretention
- datahubrole
- datahubsecret
- datahubstepstate
- datahubupgrade
- datahubview
- datajob
- dataplatform
- dataplatforminstance
- dataprocess
- dataprocessinstance
- dataproduct
- dataset
- datatype
- domain
- entitytype
- ermodelrelationship
- form
- globalsettings
- glossarynode
- glossaryterm
- incident
- invitetoken
- mlfeature
- mlfeaturetable
- mlmodel
- mlmodeldeployment
- mlmodelgroup
- mlprimarykey
- notebook
- ownershiptype
- post
- query
- role
- schemafield
- structuredproperty
- tag
- telemetry
- test
- glossary/business-glossary
- graphql
- enums
- inputObjects
- interfaces
- mutations
- objects
- queries
- scalars
- unions
- how
- add-custom-data-platform
- add-custom-ingestion-source
- add-new-aspect
- add-user-data
- backup-datahub
- configuring-authorization-with-apache-ranger
- delete-metadata
- extract-container-logs
- jattach-guide
- kafka-config
- migrating-graph-service-implementation
- restore-indices
- search
- ui-tabs-guide
- updating-datahub
- incidents/incidents
- introduction
- lineage
- airflow
- dagster
- openlineage
- links
- managed-datahub
- approval-workflows
- chrome-extension
- configuring-identity-provisioning-with-ms-entra
- datahub-api
- entity-events-api
- graphql-api/getting-started
- integrations
- aws-privatelink
- oidc-sso-integration
- managed-datahub-overview
- observe
- assertions
- column-assertions
- custom-sql-assertions
- data-contract
- freshness-assertions
- schema-assertions
- volume-assertions
- operator-guide
- setting-up-events-api-on-aws-eventbridge
- setting-up-remote-ingestion-executor
- release-notes
- v_0_1_69
- v_0_1_70
- v_0_1_72
- v_0_1_73
- v_0_2_0
- v_0_2_1
- v_0_2_10
- v_0_2_11
- v_0_2_12
- v_0_2_13
- v_0_2_14
- v_0_2_15
- v_0_2_16
- v_0_2_2
- v_0_2_3
- v_0_2_4
- v_0_2_5
- v_0_2_6
- v_0_2_7
- v_0_2_8
- v_0_2_9
- v_0_3_1
- v_0_3_2
- v_0_3_3
- v_0_3_4
- slack
- saas-slack-app
- saas-slack-setup
- saas-slack-troubleshoot
- subscription-and-notification
- welcome-acryl
- metadata-ingestion
- adding-source
- as-a-library
- cli-ingestion
- developing
- docs
- dev_guides
- add_stateful_ingestion_to_source
- classification
- profiling_ingestions
- reporting_telemetry
- sql_profiles
- stateful
- transformer
- dataset_transformer
- intro
- examples
- structured_properties
- transforms
- integration_docs/great-expectations
- recipe_overview
- schedule_docs
- airflow
- cron
- datahub
- intro
- kubernetes
- sink_docs
- console
- datahub
- metadata-file
- sink_overview
- source-docs-template
- source_overview
- metadata-ingestion-modules
- airflow-plugin
- dagster-plugin
- metadata-integration/java
- acryl-spark-lineage
- as-a-library
- datahub-protobuf
- openlineage-converter
- spark-lineage-legacy
- metadata-jobs
- mae-consumer-job
- mce-consumer-job
- metadata-modeling
- extending-the-metadata-model
- metadata-model
- metadata-models-custom
- metadata-service
- services
- ownership/ownership-types
- perf-test
- platform-instances
- plugins
- posts
- python-sdk
- builder
- clients
- models
- urns
- quick-ingestion-guides
- bigquery
- configuration
- overview
- setup
- looker
- configuration
- overview
- setup
- powerbi
- configuration
- overview
- setup
- redshift
- configuration
- overview
- setup
- snowflake
- configuration
- overview
- setup
- tableau
- configuration
- overview
- setup
- quickstart
- releases
- rfc
- roadmap
- schema-history
- security
- slack
- smoke-test/tests/openapi
- sync-status
- tags
- tests/metadata-tests
- townhall-history
- townhalls
- troubleshooting
- build
- general
- quickstart
- ui-ingestion
- what
- aspect
- delta
- entity
- gma
- gms
- graph
- mxe
- relationship
- search-document
- search-index
- snapshot
- urn
- what-is-datahub/datahub-concepts
- act-on-metadata
- impact-analysis
- actions
- actions
- executor
- hello_world
- slack
- teams
- concepts
- events
- entity-change-event
- metadata-change-log-event
- guides
- developing-a-transformer
- developing-an-action
- quickstart
- sources/kafka-event-source
- advanced
- aspect-versioning
- backfilling
- bootstrap-mcps
- browse-paths-upgrade
- db-retention
- derived-aspects
- entity-hierarchy
- field-path-spec-v2
- high-cardinality
- mcp-mcl
- monitoring
- no-code-modeling
- no-code-upgrade
- partial-update
- patch
- pdl-best-practices
- api
- datahub-apis
- graphql
- getting-started
- graphql-endpoint-development
- how-to-set-up-graphql
- overview
- token-management
- openapi/openapi-usage-guide
- restli
- evaluate-tests
- get-elastic-task-status
- get-index-sizes
- restli-overview
- restore-indices
- truncate-time-series-aspect
- tutorials
- assertions
- custom-assertions
- custom-properties
- data-contracts
- datasets
- deprecation
- descriptions
- domains
- forms
- incidents
- lineage
- ml
- operations
- owners
- structured-properties
- tags
- terms
- architecture
- architecture
- docker-containers
- metadata-ingestion
- metadata-serving
- assertions
- open-assertions-spec
- snowflake/snowflake_dmfs
- authentication
- changing-default-credentials
- concepts
- guides
- add-users
- jaas
- sso
- configure-oidc-behind-proxy
- configure-oidc-react
- initialize-oidc
- introducing-metadata-service-authentication
- personal-access-tokens
- authorization
- access-policies-guide
- groups
- policies
- roles
- automations
- ai-docs
- ai-term-suggestion
- bigquery-metadata-sync
- docs-propagation
- glossary-term-propagation
- snowflake-tag-propagation
- browsev2/browse-paths-v2
- businessattributes
- category
- community
- deployment-guides
- features
- cli
- code_of_conduct
- components
- contributing
- datahub-frontend
- datahub-graphql-core
- datahub-web-react
- src/app/analytics
- datahub_lite
- dataproducts
- deploy
- aws
- azure
- confluent-cloud
- environment-vars
- gcp
- kubernetes
- telemetry
- dev-guides/timeline
- developers
- docker
- airflow/local_airflow
- datahub-upgrade
- development
- domains
- features
- dataset-usage-and-query-history
- feature-guides
- compliance-forms
- complete-a-form
- create-a-form
- overview
- properties
- ui-lineage
- generated
- ingestion/sources
- abs
- athena
- azure-ad
- bigquery
- business-glossary
- cassandra
- clickhouse
- cockroachdb
- csv-enricher
- databricks
- datahub
- datahubgc
- dbt
- delta-lake
- demo-data
- dremio
- druid
- dynamodb
- elasticsearch
- feast
- file-based-lineage
- fivetran
- gcs
- glue
- grafana
- hana
- hive
- hive-metastore
- iceberg
- json-schema
- kafka
- kafka-connect
- ldap
- looker
- mariadb
- metabase
- metadata-file
- mlflow
- mode
- mongodb
- mssql
- mysql
- neo4j
- nifi
- okta
- openapi
- oracle
- postgres
- powerbi
- preset
- presto
- pulsar
- qlik-sense
- redash
- redshift
- s3
- sac
- sagemaker
- salesforce
- sigma
- slack
- snowflake
- sql-queries
- sqlalchemy
- superset
- tableau
- teradata
- trino
- vertica
- lineage/lineage-feature-guide
- metamodel/entities
- assertion
- businessattribute
- chart
- container
- corpgroup
- corpuser
- dashboard
- datacontract
- dataflow
- datahubaccesstoken
- datahubconnection
- datahubexecutionrequest
- datahubingestionsource
- datahubpersona
- datahubpolicy
- datahubretention
- datahubrole
- datahubsecret
- datahubstepstate
- datahubupgrade
- datahubview
- datajob
- dataplatform
- dataplatforminstance
- dataprocess
- dataprocessinstance
- dataproduct
- dataset
- datatype
- domain
- entitytype
- ermodelrelationship
- form
- globalsettings
- glossarynode
- glossaryterm
- incident
- invitetoken
- mlfeature
- mlfeaturetable
- mlmodel
- mlmodeldeployment
- mlmodelgroup
- mlprimarykey
- notebook
- ownershiptype
- platformresource
- post
- query
- role
- schemafield
- structuredproperty
- tag
- telemetry
- test
- glossary/business-glossary
- graphql
- enums
- inputObjects
- interfaces
- mutations
- objects
- queries
- scalars
- unions
- how
- add-custom-data-platform
- add-custom-ingestion-source
- add-new-aspect
- add-user-data
- backup-datahub
- configuring-authorization-with-apache-ranger
- delete-metadata
- extract-container-logs
- jattach-guide
- kafka-config
- migrating-graph-service-implementation
- restore-indices
- search
- ui-tabs-guide
- updating-datahub
- incidents/incidents
- introduction
- lineage
- airflow
- dagster
- openlineage
- prefect
- links
- managed-datahub
- approval-workflows
- chrome-extension
- configuring-identity-provisioning-with-ms-entra
- configuring-identity-provisioning-with-okta
- datahub-api
- entity-events-api
- graphql-api/getting-started
- integrations
- aws-privatelink
- oidc-sso-integration
- managed-datahub-overview
- observe
- assertions
- column-assertions
- custom-sql-assertions
- data-contract
- freshness-assertions
- schema-assertions
- volume-assertions
- operator-guide
- setting-up-events-api-on-aws-eventbridge
- setting-up-remote-ingestion-executor
- release-notes
- v_0_1_69
- v_0_1_70
- v_0_1_72
- v_0_1_73
- v_0_2_0
- v_0_2_1
- v_0_2_10
- v_0_2_11
- v_0_2_12
- v_0_2_13
- v_0_2_14
- v_0_2_15
- v_0_2_16
- v_0_2_2
- v_0_2_3
- v_0_2_4
- v_0_2_5
- v_0_2_6
- v_0_2_7
- v_0_2_8
- v_0_2_9
- v_0_3_1
- v_0_3_2
- v_0_3_3
- v_0_3_4
- v_0_3_5
- v_0_3_6
- v_0_3_7
- slack
- saas-slack-app
- saas-slack-setup
- saas-slack-troubleshoot
- subscription-and-notification
- welcome-acryl
- metadata-ingestion
- adding-source
- as-a-library
- cli-ingestion
- developing
- docs
- dev_guides
- add_stateful_ingestion_to_source
- classification
- profiling_ingestions
- reporting_telemetry
- sql_profiles
- stateful
- transformer
- dataset_transformer
- intro
- examples
- structured_properties
- transforms
- integration_docs/great-expectations
- recipe_overview
- schedule_docs
- airflow
- cron
- datahub
- intro
- kubernetes
- sink_docs
- console
- datahub
- metadata-file
- sink_overview
- source-docs-template
- source_overview
- metadata-ingestion-modules
- airflow-plugin
- dagster-plugin
- gx-plugin
- prefect-plugin
- metadata-integration/java
- acryl-spark-lineage
- as-a-library
- datahub-protobuf
- datahub-schematron
- openlineage-converter
- spark-lineage-legacy
- metadata-jobs
- mae-consumer-job
- mce-consumer-job
- metadata-modeling
- extending-the-metadata-model
- metadata-model
- metadata-models-custom
- metadata-service
- services
- ownership/ownership-types
- perf-test
- platform-instances
- plugins
- posts
- python-sdk
- builder
- clients
- models
- urns
- quick-ingestion-guides
- bigquery
- configuration
- overview
- setup
- looker
- configuration
- overview
- setup
- powerbi
- configuration
- overview
- setup
- redshift
- configuration
- overview
- setup
- snowflake
- configuration
- overview
- setup
- tableau
- configuration
- overview
- setup
- quickstart
- releases
- rfc
- roadmap
- schema-history
- security
- security_stance
- slack
- smoke-test/tests/openapi
- sync-status
- tags
- tests/metadata-tests
- townhall-history
- townhalls
- troubleshooting
- build
- general
- quickstart
- ui-ingestion
- what
- aspect
- delta
- entity
- gma
- gms
- graph
- mxe
- relationship
- search-document
- search-index
- snapshot
- urn
- what-is-datahub/datahub-concepts
- events
- guild
- hack_display_image
- integrations
- learn
- archive
- business-glossary
- business-metric
- data-freshness
- data-mesh
- data-pipeline
- tags
- business-glossary
- business-metric
- data-freshness
- data-mesh
- data-pipeline
- for-data-analysts
- for-data-architects
- for-data-engineers
- for-data-governance-leads
- for-data-platform-leads
- use-case
- schemas
- search
- slack
- solutions
- discovery
- governance
- observability
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