File tree
3,498 files changed
lines changed- .github
- actions
- ci-optimization
- docker-custom-build-and-push
- scripts
- workflows
- buildSrc
- src/main/java
- com/linkedin
- metadata/aspect/plugins
- pegasus/gradle
- tasks
- io/datahubproject
- datahub-frontend
- app
- auth
- cookie
- sso
- oidc
- custom
- client
- config
- controllers
- security
- utils
- conf
- test
- app
- oidc
- resources/public/logos
- security
- utils
- datahub-graphql-core
- src
- main
- java/com/linkedin/datahub/graphql
- analytics
- resolver
- service
- authorization
- exception
- featureflags
- resolvers
- assertion
- auth
- browse
- chart
- config
- container
- dashboard
- dataproduct
- dataset
- deprecation
- domain
- embed
- entity
- form
- glossary
- group
- ingest
- execution
- secret
- source
- jobs
- lineage
- load
- mutate
- util
- operation
- ownership
- policy
- mappers
- post
- query
- recommendation
- role
- search
- settings
- user
- view
- step
- tag
- test
- timeline
- type
- user
- view
- scalar
- types
- aspect
- assertion
- auth
- mappers
- chart
- mappers
- common/mappers
- util
- container
- mappers
- corpgroup
- mappers
- corpuser
- mappers
- dashboard
- mappers
- dataflow
- mappers
- datajob
- mappers
- dataplatform
- mappers
- dataplatforminstance
- mappers
- dataprocessinst/mappers
- dataproduct
- mappers
- dataset
- mappers
- datatype
- domain
- entitytype
- form
- glossary
- mappers
- ingest/secret/mapper
- mappers
- mlmodel
- mappers
- notebook
- mappers
- ownership
- policy
- post
- query
- relationships/mappers
- role
- mappers
- rolemetadata
- mappers
- schemafield
- structuredproperty
- tag
- mappers
- test
- timeline
- mappers
- utils
- usage
- view
- util
- resources
- test
- java/com/linkedin/datahub/graphql
- resolvers
- assertion
- auth
- browse
- container
- dashboard
- dataset
- delete
- deprecation
- domain
- embed
- entity
- form
- glossary
- group
- ingest
- execution
- secret
- source
- load
- mutate
- operation
- owner
- ownership
- post
- query
- role
- search
- settings
- user
- view
- step
- tag
- term
- test
- user
- view
- types
- assertion
- container
- dataplatforminstance
- dataset/mappers
- domain
- notebook
- query
- view
- utils
- resources
- datahub-upgrade
- src
- main
- java/com/linkedin/datahub/upgrade
- common/steps
- config
- impl
- nocode
- nocodecleanup
- removeunknownaspects
- restorebackup
- backupreader
- restoreindices
- system
- elasticsearch
- steps
- util
- entity/steps
- via
- resources
- test/java/com/linkedin/datahub/upgrade
- datahub-web-react
- public
- assets
- icons
- logos
- src
- __mocks__
- app
- __tests__
- analytics
- analyticsDashboard/components
- domain
- nestedDomains
- embed
- entity
- chart
- preview
- container
- dataJob
- preview
- tabs
- dataProduct
- dataset
- profile
- __tests__
- schema
- schema/components
- stats/stats
- domain
- DataProductsTab
- preview
- glossaryNode/preview
- glossaryTerm
- preview
- profile
- group
- ownership
- table
- user
- __tests__
- view
- builder
- glossary
- GlossaryBrowser
- home
- identity
- group
- user
- ingest
- secret
- source
- builder
- RecipeForm
- SecretField
- TestConnection
- conf
- csv
- executions
- lineage
- __tests__
- utils
- __tests__
- onboarding/config
- permissions
- policy
- _tests_
- roles
- preview
- EntityPaths
- recommendations
- __tests__
- renderer/component
- search
- __tests__
- autoComplete
- context
- filters
- render/__tests__
- sidebar
- sorting
- utils
- __tests__
- settings
- posts
- conf
- theme
- graphql
- graphql-mock
- images
- utils
- focus
- test-utils
- docker
- airflow
- broker/env
- datahub-frontend
- datahub-gms
- datahub-ingestion
- datahub-ingestion-base
- datahub-mae-consumer
- datahub-mce-consumer
- datahub-upgrade
- env
- elasticsearch/env
- elasticsearch-setup
- ingestion
- kafka-setup
- mariadb
- mysql
- mysql-setup
- neo4j/env
- postgres
- postgres-setup
- profiles
- quickstart
- docs
- act-on-metadata
- actions
- advanced
- api
- graphql
- openapi
- tutorials
- architecture
- authentication
- guides
- sso
- authorization
- deploy
- dev-guides
- features/feature-guides
- how
- lineage
- managed-datahub
- datahub-api
- observe
- release-notes
- modeling
- ownership
- quick-ingestion-guides/looker
- troubleshooting
- what
- what-is-datahub
- docs-website
- genJsonSchema
- graphql
- sphinx
- apidocs
- src
- components
- Feedback
- MarkpromptHelp
- pages
- _components
- CardCTAs
- Hero
- Section
- TownhallButton
- champions
- _components
- ChampionQualityCardsSection
- ChampionSection
- docs
- _components
- DropDownFilter
- FeatureCard
- FeatureCardSection
- GuideList
- QuickLinkCard
- QuickstartCard
- QuickstartCards
- SearchBar
- guild
- slack
- styles
- static/img
- champions
- entity-registry
- custom-test-model
- src
- main/java/com/linkedin/metadata
- aspect
- batch
- patch
- builder
- subtypesupport
- template
- chart
- common
- dashboard
- dataflow
- datajob
- dataproduct
- dataset
- plugins
- config
- hooks
- validation
- validation
- models
- annotation
- extractor
- registry
- config
- template
- dataset
- util
- test
- java/com/linkedin/metadata
- aspect
- patch/template
- plugins
- hooks
- validation
- validators
- models
- registry
- resources
- gradle
- checkstyle
- versioning
- wrapper
- ingestion-scheduler
- src
- main/java/com/datahub/metadata/ingestion
- test/java/com/datahub/metadata/ingestion
- li-utils
- src
- main
- java/com
- datahub/util
- exception
- validator
- linkedin
- metadata
- util
- javaPegasus/com/linkedin
- common
- uri
- url
- urn
- util
- test/java/com/linkedin/common
- urn
- util
- metadata-auth/auth-api
- src/main/java/com/datahub
- authentication
- authorization
- plugins
- auth
- authentication
- authorization
- metadata-dao-impl/kafka-producer
- src/main/java/com
- datahub/metadata/dao/producer
- linkedin/metadata/dao/producer
- metadata-events
- mxe-avro
- mxe-registration
- src/main/java/com/linkedin/mxe
- mxe-schemas
- mxe-utils-avro
- src
- main/java/com/linkedin/metadata
- test
- java/com/linkedin/metadata
- resources
- metadata-ingestion
- docs
- dev_guides
- sources
- athena
- databricks
- datahub
- dbt
- dynamodb
- fivetran
- gcs
- kafka
- kafka-connect
- looker
- metabase
- mlflow
- mssql
- postgres
- powerbi
- redshift
- s3
- sql-queries
- teradata
- transformer
- examples
- bootstrap_data
- data_contract
- forms
- library
- mce_files
- ownership
- recipes
- structured_properties
- transforms
- scripts
- src/datahub
- _codegen
- api
- circuit_breaker
- entities
- corpgroup
- corpuser
- datacontract
- datajob
- dataprocess
- dataproduct
- dataset
- forms
- structuredproperties
- cli
- specific
- configuration
- emitter
- ingestion
- api
- extractor
- glossary
- graph
- run
- sink
- source
- aws
- bigquery_v2
- common
- data_lake_common
- datahub
- dbt
- delta_lake
- dynamodb
- fivetran
- git
- iceberg
- identity
- looker
- metadata
- powerbi
- m_query
- rest_api_wrapper
- powerbi_report_server
- redshift
- s3
- schema
- schema_inference
- snowflake
- sql
- mssql
- state
- state_provider
- unity
- usage
- source_config
- sql
- usage
- transformer
- integrations/great_expectations
- secret
- specific
- telemetry
- testing
- upgrade
- utilities
- urns
- tests
- integration
- bigquery_v2
- business-glossary
- dbt
- delta_lake
- golden_files/local
- dynamodb
- feast
- fivetran
- git
- hana
- hive
- iceberg
- kafka
- kafka-connect
- looker
- lookml
- lkml_manifest_samples
- lkml_same_name_views_different_file_path_samples
- path1
- path2
- metabase
- setup
- mlflow
- mongodb
- mysql
- nifi
- postgres
- powerbi
- presto-on-hive
- redshift-usage
- remote
- content
- golden
- snowflake
- sql_server
- golden_files
- setup
- source_files
- starburst-trino-usage
- superset
- tableau
- setup
- trino
- unity
- vertica
- performance
- bigquery
- databricks
- test_helpers
- unit
- api
- entities
- datacontract
- dataproducts
- source_helpers
- cli
- config
- data_lake
- patch
- schema
- serde
- sql_parsing
- goldens
- stateful_ingestion
- provider
- state
- urns
- utilities
- metadata-ingestion-modules/airflow-plugin
- scripts
- src/datahub_airflow_plugin
- client
- example_dags
- hooks
- lineage
- operators
- tests
- integration
- dags
- goldens
- unit
- metadata-integration/java
- datahub-client
- scripts
- src
- main
- java/datahub
- client
- file
- kafka
- patch
- datajob
- dataset
- rest
- event
- resources
- test/java/datahub
- client
- file
- kafka
- containers
- patch
- rest
- event
- server
- datahub-protobuf
- scripts
- src
- main/java
- com/google/protobuf
- datahub/protobuf
- model
- visitors
- dataset
- field
- tags
- test
- java/datahub/protobuf
- model
- visitors
- dataset
- field
- tag
- resources/extended_protobuf
- datahub-protobuf-example
- examples
- src/main/java/io/datahubproject/examples
- spark-lineage
- scripts
- spark-smoke-test
- docker
- python-spark-lineage-test
- test-spark-lineage
- src/main/java/test/spark/lineage
- src
- main/java/datahub/spark
- consumer/impl
- model
- dataset
- test/java/datahub/spark
- metadata-io
- src
- main/java/com/linkedin/metadata
- aspect/utils
- client
- dao
- entity
- cassandra
- ebean
- batch
- transactions
- validation
- event
- graph
- dgraph
- elastic
- neo4j
- recommendation/candidatesource
- search
- cache
- client
- elasticsearch
- indexbuilder
- query
- request
- update
- features
- ranker
- transformer
- utils
- service
- systemmetadata
- timeline
- data
- dataset
- schema
- entity
- eventgenerator
- timeseries
- elastic
- indexbuilder
- query
- transformer
- version
- test
- java
- com/linkedin/metadata
- client
- elasticsearch/update
- entity
- extractor
- graph
- dgraph
- elastic
- neo4j
- search
- elasticsearch
- opensearch
- sibling
- recommendation
- candidatesource
- search
- cache
- elasticsearch
- fixtures
- indexbuilder
- query
- request
- fixtures
- indexbuilder
- opensearch
- query
- request
- transformer
- utils
- systemmetadata
- timeline
- eventgenerator
- timeseries
- elastic
- search
- io
- datahub/test
- fixtures/elasticsearch
- models
- datahubproject/test
- fixtures/search
- models
- search
- config
- resources
- elasticsearch
- long_tail
- sample_filters
- forms
- metadata-jobs
- common
- src/main/java/io/datahubproject/metadata/jobs/common/health/kafka
- mae-consumer
- src
- main/java/com/linkedin/metadata/kafka
- boot
- config
- elasticsearch
- hook
- event
- form
- ingestion
- siblings
- hydrator
- transformer
- test
- java/com/linkedin/metadata/kafka/hook
- event
- ingestion
- siblings
- spring
- resources
- mae-consumer-job
- src
- main
- java/com/linkedin/metadata/kafka
- resources
- test/java/com/linkedin/metadata/kafka
- mce-consumer
- src/main/java/com/linkedin/metadata/kafka
- boot
- config
- mce-consumer-job
- src
- main/java/com/linkedin/metadata
- kafka
- restli
- test/java/com/linkedin/metadata/kafka
- pe-consumer
- src/main/java/com/datahub/event
- hook
- metadata-models
- docs/entities
- src
- main
- pegasus/com/linkedin
- assertion
- common
- datacontract
- datahub
- dataset
- datatype
- domain
- entitytype
- form
- glossary
- identity
- ingestion
- metadata
- graph
- key
- query
- search
- query
- schema
- settings/global
- structured
- timeseries
- resources
- test/java/com/linkedin/metadata
- metadata-models-custom
- registry
- src/main
- java/com/linkedin/metadata/aspect/plugins
- hooks
- validation
- pegasus/com/mycompany/dq
- metadata-models-validator
- src/main/java/com/linkedin/metadata/model/validation
- metadata-service
- auth-config
- src/main/java/com/datahub
- authentication
- authorization
- auth-filter
- src
- main/java/com/datahub/auth/authentication/filter
- test/java/com/datahub/auth/authentication
- auth-impl
- src
- main/java/com/datahub
- authentication
- authenticator
- group
- invite
- post
- token
- user
- authorization
- fieldresolverprovider
- role
- telemetry
- test/java/com/datahub
- authentication
- authenticator
- group
- invite
- post
- token
- user
- authorization
- fieldresolverprovider
- telemetry
- auth-servlet-impl
- src
- main/java/com/datahub/auth/authentication
- test/java/com/datahub/auth/authentication
- configuration
- src/main
- java/com/linkedin/metadata
- config
- cache
- client
- kafka
- search
- custom
- telemetry
- spring
- timeseries
- resources
- factories
- src/main/java/com/linkedin/gms/factory
- auth
- common
- config
- dataproduct
- entity
- update/indices
- entityclient
- entityregistry
- form
- graphql
- ingestion
- kafka
- schemaregistry
Some content is hidden
Large Commits have some content hidden by default. Use the searchbox below for content that may be hidden.
3,498 files changed
lines changed+3-2
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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1 | 1 |
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2 |
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3 |
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4 | 5 |
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5 | 6 |
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6 | 7 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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70 | 70 |
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71 | 71 |
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72 | 72 |
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73 | 82 |
| |
74 | 83 |
| |
75 | 84 |
| |
76 | 85 |
| |
77 |
| - | |
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78 | 87 |
| |
79 | 88 |
| |
80 | 89 |
| |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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20 | 20 |
| |
21 | 21 |
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22 | 22 |
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23 |
| - | |
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24 | 24 |
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25 | 25 |
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26 | 26 |
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54 | 54 |
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55 | 55 |
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56 | 56 |
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57 |
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63 |
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Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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12 | 12 |
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13 | 13 |
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14 | 14 |
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15 |
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16 | 24 |
| |
17 | 25 |
| |
18 | 26 |
| |
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21 | 29 |
| |
22 | 30 |
| |
23 | 31 |
| |
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24 | 40 |
Original file line number | Diff line number | Diff line change | |
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10 | 10 |
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11 | 11 |
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12 | 12 |
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13 |
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14 | 14 |
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15 |
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16 | 16 |
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17 | 17 |
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18 | 18 |
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32 | 32 |
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33 | 33 |
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34 | 34 |
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35 |
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36 |
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37 |
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38 |
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39 | 42 |
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40 |
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41 | 45 |
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42 |
| - | |
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43 | 48 |
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44 |
| - | |
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45 | 54 |
| |
46 | 55 |
| |
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47 | 62 |
| |
48 | 63 |
| |
49 | 64 |
| |
50 | 65 |
| |
51 | 66 |
| |
52 | 67 |
| |
53 | 68 |
| |
54 |
| - | |
55 |
| - | |
| 69 | + | |
| 70 | + | |
56 | 71 |
| |
57 | 72 |
| |
58 | 73 |
| |
59 | 74 |
| |
60 |
| - | |
| 75 | + | |
61 | 76 |
| |
62 | 77 |
| |
63 | 78 |
| |
64 | 79 |
| |
65 | 80 |
| |
66 | 81 |
| |
| 82 | + | |
67 | 83 |
| |
68 | 84 |
| |
69 | 85 |
| |
70 | 86 |
| |
71 | 87 |
| |
72 | 88 |
| |
73 | 89 |
| |
74 |
| - | |
75 |
| - | |
| 90 | + | |
| 91 | + | |
76 | 92 |
| |
77 | 93 |
| |
78 | 94 |
| |
0 commit comments