The config is complete but still work in progress as I am new to lua and slowly learning vim stuffs. I'll keep adding new features like snippets etc and clean the config , make neovim (cli version) as functional as an IDE while being eyecandy. Pull requests are welcome.

This tiny plugin adds vscode-like pictograms to neovim built-in lsp completion items :
fast file tree :
A fuzzy file finder, picker, sorter, previewer and much more:
using indenLine plugin on left and blanklineNvim on right
fastest statusline plugin I've used so far:
Shows git signs of a repo on the signcolumn to indicate diffs/changes etc (needs plenary.nvim)
As a top bufferline like thing which lets me handle tabs like switching, closing tabs.
Lua fork of vim devicons which lets me change icons of filetypes
Better syntax highlighting for programming languages ( my config just has html,css,js support for now ).
contains a collection of all base16 themes for vim , plugin written in lua (comparison of base16-vim and nvim-base16):
nvim-base16 doesnt even take time to load unlike base16-vim which was eating half of the loadup time! ( the below screenshot was taken and tested on my old pentium laptop , so results might differ)
(neovim loads pretty fast on ssds)
- The init.lua is used instead of init.vim.
- The lua folder contains modules , in the example above "foo" could be considered as a module and it contains a lua.lua file in which you could write your config in lua , its like splitting the overall config into small bit . To load/source that "foo" module , you need to specify it in init.lua like this : require('foo.lua').
- File navigation with Nvimtree
- mouse works
- managing tabs with bufferline
- autosave
- icons on nvimtree , telescope , bufferline/statusline and almost everywhere! with nvim-web-devicons
- minimal status line ( galaxyline)
- gitsigns (colored bars in my config)
- using nvim-lsp
- nvim-lspconfig for nvim-lps configuration
- nvim-compe for autocompletion
- lspkind to show pictograms on autocompletion items
- telescope for file finding , picking , previewing (files and even images)
- nvim-treesitter for syntax highlighting
- nvim-autopairs , for autolosing braces and stuffs
- neoformat for prettifying / formatting code
- packer.nvim as package manager
- indent-blankline.Nvim for indentlines
- smooth scrolling
Install neovim-nightly , also use a nerdfont on your terminal.
run the (this might work only on nix systems) and open neovim , do :PackerInstall
or do it manually :
Install packer.nvim
git clone\
- copy lua folder and init.lua into ~/.config/nvim
- Open neovim and install all plugins , :PackerInstall (let treesitter install all its extensionsm
- Install language servers and prettier ( for autocompletion etc and code formatting , nodejs should be installed too!) , this usually depends on the language support you want to add in your neovim config.
sudo npm install -g vscode-html-languageserver-bin typescript typescript-language-server vscode-css-languageserver-bin prettier
To setup any language server , follow this guide and search up the needed LSP. For example if I needed clangd's lsp server :

I'd install it first and add its setup line : `` -- in /lua/nvim-lspconfig/lua.lua file
require'lspconfig'.clangd.setup{} ``
space is the leader key
- Ctrl l Open terminal vertically over right
- Ctrl x Open terminal horizontally below the current window
- Ctrl n toggle neovim tree
- Shift n toggle line number
- Ctrl a copies everything in the current file
- select any text + y copies the selected text
- leader + f b open all buffers , with telescope
- leader + f p search and preview images with telescope
- leader + f f find files in the current DIR , with telescope
- leader + f o open recently edited files , with telescope
- leader + f f find files in the current DIR , with telescope
- leader + f h opens up a manpage like thing but for all vim related things , with telescope
- leader + f m formats or beautifies the code in current window via neoformat (currently only html ,css , js can be formatted . To be able to use this keybind you need to install the formatter locally for your language , in my case prettier was required only so I installed it. check this
: Smooth scrolling for window movement commands.
- add snippets support
- show statusline in inactive windows
- My linux / unix related ricing community: (telegram)
- Me: @siduck (telegram)