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This is the Decidim strategy for OmniAuth. It should be used when using a Decidim application as an OAuth provider.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'omniauth-decidim'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Version compatiblity

Depending in which Decidim version it's being used in the application is necessary to use differents versions of omniauth-decidim for compatibility reasons.

omniauth-decidim version decidim version
0.1.0 < 0.25.2
0.2.1 >= 0.25.2


Configure the Decidim application which acts as the OAuth provider

You need to create an OAuth application at your Decidim provider installation in order to get the Client ID, Client Secret and Site parameters. Check Decidim's related documentation in how to configure the Decidim social provider.

Configure the Decidim OAuth clients

Enable :decidim as an OmniAuth strategy in the client application. To do it, set the omniauth/decidim/enabled key to true in config/secrets.yml . Optionally, the strategy can be further configured by also adding the client_id, client_secret and site_url keys with the values you got from your Decidim provider installation. This setting will be shared amongst all organizations in the instance, but can be selectively overriden in each organization's system administration panel.

This is an example config/secrets.yml:

      enabled: true
      client_id: <%= ENV["DECIDIM_CLIENT_ID"] %>
      client_secret: <%= ENV["DECIDIM_CLIENT_SECRET"] %>
      site_url: <%= ENV["DECIDIM_SITE_URL"] %>

Since Decidim v0.22.0, once enabled, the :decidim omniauth client strategy will be automatically loaded at boot time. Thus, there's no need to tell Devise about the omniauth strategy.

Authentication Hash

An example auth hash available in request.env['omniauth.auth']:

  :provider => "decidim",
  :uid => "123456",
  :info => {
    :nickname => "foobar",
    :name => "Foo Bar",
    :email => "",
    :image => "",
  :credentials => {
    :token => "a1b2c3d4...", # The OAuth 2.0 access token
    :secret => "abcdef1234"

Following our license

If you plan to release your application you'll need to publish it using the same license: GPL Affero 3. We recommend doing that on GitHub before publishing, you can read more on "Being Open Source From Day One is Especially Important for Government Projects". If you have any trouble you can contact us on Gitter.